Well, crap! So much for those plans I had to be better about posting. Here we are a month and half later and nothing! That's my life and I'm done dwelling, so onward we go.
At this point baby girl is actually 13 months but I don't want to have missed out on the last two months before she turned 1 so...
My sweet, sweet girl. I can't believe how close we were to you turning 1. Your 10th and 11th months weren't full of anything BIG but still lots that was big for you. You started vocalizing so much more than you had been. You knew exactly who I was, Momma, and I don't mind saying I LOVE that Momma was your first word, since brother's was Daddy.
As you turned 10 months you still have no teeth and I wasconvinced that you'd be like your brother and cut teeth just before your first birthday, but by the end of the month you had two little teeth ont on the bottom! You didn't let your lack of teeth you from eating anything and everything we'd let you have. You really started to show your personality and oh boy are we going to have our hands full! Even at just 10 months you were not taking nothing from nobody. While you're obviously not talking yet you still yell at anyone that may try to take stuff from and let your voice be heard.
Month 11 bought your first Halloween and Momma's birthday! You were the cutest little Strawberry. As I expected you didn't make it to Trick-or-Treating but that's okay you couldn't eat the candy anyway. You still only had those two bottom teeth but your eating had completely moved to whatever we were eating, you were eating. This made things so much easier for Momma.
As I prepared for your 1st birthday I was nostalgic and excited for what was to come. Your fill our life with joy and a little frustration, since for whatever reason you find sleep overrated, and we love you to pieces! We can't wait to see what you story becomes.