Sunday, June 27, 2010
So now that I'm done with school, FOREVER, it's time to focus on Burrito's impending less than 90 days! Hubz is suppose to finish up with prepping the nursery this week so I can get in next weekend during my 4-day weekend painting. My shower's in 2 1/2 weeks and I really would like to have the nursery done before then so that I any gifts we get can go straight to their home. We'll see how my plan works out though.
Today I'm relaxing. No plans to do anything but bum around and maybe buy a new ceiling fan for our room. I imagine with such a long day yesterday there'll also be tons of naps on my part, but hey that's what you do on a day of relaxation.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
27 Weeks - 3rd Tri - 3 Months Left..oh my
I graduate on Saturday and then I can focus on getting the house ready for Burrito. Hubz has a job, we think, and while it's not the best schedule (tues - sat) it's a job and with his unemployment exhausted, whatever the hell that means, we don't have much of a choice but to adapt to the craptastic schedule, for now. So things are coming together, slowly, and starting to work out, kinda. We'll adapt and move forward as always.
And now my survey:
How far along? 27 weeks!
Total weight gain/loss: still no gain down about 14 lbs
Maternity clothes: Hell yes and I wouldn't have it any other way
Stretch Marks: not other than the ones that were already there
Sleep: eh...some nites are better than others
Best Moment this week: actually seeing my stomach move as Burrito did gymnastics
Food Cravings: Good Humor Strawberry Shortcake Ice Cream
Gender: that's a good question..I still don't have a feeling one way or another
Labor Signs: some braxton hicks but that better be it for at least another 10 weeks
Belly Button in or out: it's still in but very shallow
What I miss: Wine and sushi
What I'm looking forward to: totally unbaby related...graduation on Saturday
Weekly wisdom: ignore any advice you get, some people are just flakes.
Milestones: HELLO 3rd Tri!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
6 Months..WTH!
Work has been really busy lately, which I can't really complain about since it makes the day go faster but it also leaves me no time to make to-do list and think about the millions of things we still have to do before baby gets here. However, hubz assures me that everything will be done and ready by the time September rolls around. Ideally I'd like everything to be done and ready by August but if he can gurantee me the beginning of September I'm good with that. What would really help is if he could fine a job. After 8 months of being unemployed it's really starting to take a toll on our bank account. He's had a couple of prospects but unfortunately none of them have panned out. I'm still optomistic because really what choice do I have.
And lastly without further ado my pregnancy survey:
How far along? 24 weeks...v-day (the baby could possibly live it he/she was born today)
Total weight gain/loss: appt tomorrow, but if the scales at home are right I'm down another 5 so that brings the total loss to 17!
Maternity clothes: definately. I'm carrying low so I need high panels.
Stretch Marks: no new ones
Sleep: pretty good, I sleep through the nites most nites and don't really require a mid-day nap anymore
Best moment this week: hiccups!
Food Cravings: Strawberries and waffles, but not together
Gender: we'll find out in September
Labor Signs: ABSOLUTELY NOT and I'd like to keep it that way for a least 13 more weeks
Belly button, in or out? still in but starting to get very shallow
What I miss: A nice glass of wine on the deck after work.
What I'm looking forward to: Getting started on the nursery
Weekly wisdom: everyone's got an opinion on something. Use what you want and disregard the rest
Milstones: V-day!!!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Memorial Day...a tad late
On any holiday meant to honor those soliders that protect our freedom and give the ulitmate sacrafice I'm always happy to spend them doing nothing. I feel in a way that that's why these men and woman do what they do so that we can enjoy our holidays and the rights we have as Americans. As the child of an retired solider I'm aware of the sacrafices that not only the soliders make but also their families.
So I give this late Thank You to those men and women who've lost thier lives to keep us free and I Thank their families for the price they've paid as well.