Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Trip's 1st Birthday Party Planning - Take 1

In the last month I've had my fair share of parties, sounds crazy even to me since I LOVE a good party, but in 2 months, and one week I'll be partying the day, or at least a couple of hours, away in celebration of the Bean's 1st Birthday.  I'm pretty sure I've already mentioned my LOVE of birthdays.  It's the one day out of the year that's all about you, I secretly feel bad for multiples because they have to share that day with other siblings, when you get to enjoy having everyone focus on you -- I of course love to have this happen everyday but that's just me.  So you can best believe I've been bouncing around thoughts for Trip's birthday for quite awhile, not since he's been born but at least since he was 6 months. 

Before we found out we were having a little boy, which didn't happen until they pulled him out of my stomach, I fell in love with this cute Turtle bedding and that's what is currently in his room.  I also have a LOVE polka dots and well since really the 1st Birthday is more about the parents surviving the first year and the baby surviving the parents survivng the first year I used those two thinks, Turtles and polka dots, for the theme of Trip's birthday.  I found the cutest invite that incorprates the two and so I'm pulling the colors from it:

Mod Turtle First Birthday Party Invitation
See SO cute!
 I spent some time on Pintrest, my newest obsession because I need another social time suck, finding a few cute ideas like this cake:

Google Image Result for http://www.abccakeshop.com/uploads/first_birthday_turtl
Nothing like a turtle with a bithday hat!
 and this little 1st year time line:
The Macs: one year old in a flash {party details}

We're also going to get a bounce house, I'm hoping I can find a Turtle one, so that there's stuff for the kids to do beside swim.  And I'm thinking about games but may not do any since Trip's still kind of small for them but there most definitely will be a pinata, what's a kids birthday without a pinata?

So with only two months, and a week to go, I'm in party planning mode.  I can't wait and at the same time I can.  I'm sad that my little guy is already going to be 1, where'd the time go?  But I know we have many and adventure left!  Did I mention that exactly 2 weeks after this party I'll be having another birthday party, this time for the step-son.  September is just TOO busy with birthdays and that's why there will be no serious baby talk until at least February.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Horrible Neighbors

That's apparently what our neightbor thinks we are.  Since we moved into our house almost 3 years ago, in August, we've had the county called  on us about one thing or another.  Everything pretty much came to a head on Friday when I found out that our neighbor, we have several but this is our only next door neighbor the others live across the street or are seperated by many trees and a creek, decided to talk to my 11 year old step-son about things she would like us to do at our house.  Okay now I'm the first to admit that in my marriage hubz is the more reasonable, reserved of us but I especially lose all reasonableness when you involve my child!  Had my sister-in-law and a friend been at our house I probably would have marched right over to this woman's house and let her know what I thought of her, this could have ended badly, but instead I kept my wits about me -- barely -- called hubz and ranted and raved then called the Momma and ranted some more.  Saturday Hubz tried, you just can't reason with bitchiness, to talk to her about talking to our child and about her harrassment, since at this point that's what it is, and she pretty much told him that we're horrible neighbors and that it's been painful living next door to us. WTF!!!  We've been in the house 3 years, we bought it as a foreclosure and hubz lost his job for 6 months so we were just happy to keep the lights on, water running and a roof over our head!  But she doesn't care because as she kept telling Hubz, owning a house is a responsiblity -- YA THINK!!! -- sure our backyard doesn't look as well kept as hers but we also don't have the money to pay yard people and we have jobs and kids to take care of.

Sufice it to say -- it's now war and this woman has no idea who she's messing with!  Oh and did I mention we have no HOA so anything and everything we do, or don't do, to our house is because we want to and not because we have to.  She reminds me why I HATE people.

Catch Up

Holy heck it's been a busy 3 weeks.  And while I managed to get a few posts scheduled during my absence I didn't get as many done as I would like so this post is going to serve as a catch up to what's been going on.

The 3 week madness, and thus my hiatus, started when my baby sister got married. 

Right after they kissed!  I think she's happy.

The wedding was beautiful, as was she, but it was a long weekend and  I barely had time breath because the following weekend was Father's Day and the hubz 30th birthday. 

Hubz is the one on the left.
I threw him a suprise party and while it didn't turn out quite as I had hoped he was suprised and enjoyed it so that's all that matters.  Sunday the Bean and I did some grocery shopping while Hubz and the Step-son went golfing with FIL (Father-In-Law) and a friend.  Then we ended the nite with dinner out. 

However, once again there was no time to breathe because this past weekend we celebrated MIL (mother-in-law's) 50th birthday with yet another suprise party, this time at my house.  She too was suprised but after this weekend I'll be happy not to attend another party until September, when my sweet Bean turns 1 (I can hardly believe it's only 2 months away!) 

So now here I sit finally with a minute to breathe, but not for too long because work's in the busy season so it's go, go, go from the time I get in until I leave.  But once I get home it's time to relax, as much as I can chasing around a super mobile almost 10 month old!

Happy Monday!

Thursday, June 9, 2011


I love weddings.  It my dream life I'm a great wedding planner that has to turn clients away, I said it was a dream life.  I've always had a love of weddings but my obsession for the planning started almost 5 years ago with the planning of my own wedding.  Since then I've had the honor of helping many important ladies in my life plan their special days but after this weekend that honor will likely come to an end with the marriage of my youngest sister.  Sure I have my little brother, who with any luck will not be getting married for a very long time (since he is only 13) but he's a boy which mens when the time comes it'll be his future wife doing the bulk of the planning with her family. 

There's something about a wedding that just makes me all happy and giddy.  It's the bride and groom promising to love each other through all of life's ups and downs.  It's the party that follows afterwards with the mediocre food and the free booze.  It's the pictures that come from the after party of the bride still smiling and showing off her ring to her girls.  There's just something about a wedding.

In the movie 27 Dresses the two main characters describe their favoirte part of the wedding being when the groom sees the bride coming down the aisle while everyone else is paying attention to the bride.  That moment when it's like they're the only two people in the world, it's like time stop -- really I think it might.

On Saturday as my Dad walks my little sister down the aisle, to the man that I'm convinced God made just for her, I'll be watching for that one moment when they lock eyes and it becomes just the two of them.  I'll try not to cry, although chances are good I will, as I give my speech.  All the while I'll be remembering my special day almost 4 years ago when a ruggishly handsome boy promised to love me always and I'll smile as my baby sister joins the married lady club and embarks on an adventure that's just as fun as being a Momma is.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

9 Months

Sir Trip
Well, today you've been in the outside world longer than you were in Momma's belly, actually you hit this mark about 2 weeks ago since you didn't actually make it to 9 months in the belly.  What a difference a month makes!  Last month you were doing the army crawl on your belly and now you're a full on crawler.  You still didn't have any teeth and as of today you've fully cut one bottom tooth and the second one should be coming through any day now.  You're trying to pull up on everything, which scares Momma since the house is definitely not ready to have a completely mobile baby but I guess it's about to get ready.  We lowered your crib mattress to almost the lowest setting Memorial Day weekend and changing you diaper on the changing table is next to impossible anyone because you're so squirmy!  You're back to sleeping through the nite and you've started clapping your hands which is just about the cutest thing I've ever seen!

This month you'll attend your first wedding when Auntie Destiny and "Uncle" Chop (soon to be Uncle) get married this coming Saturday.  The following weekend we'll celebrate your first Father's Day and daddy's 30th birthday all in one weekend and then Noni's 50th birthday the following weekend.  Needless to say it's going to be a very busy June! 

I can hardly believe in 3 short months you'll be one!  This year has gone by WAY to fast and I wish I could just stop the clock but it's not possible.  So I soak in every minute we have together knowing that soon you'll start becoming more independent.  The last nine months have been the most fulfilling and I can't wait to see what new things you learn next.

Momma loves you sweet boy!

Monday, June 6, 2011


It always happens, whenever I try to get healthy I start off strong then frustration kicks in. After last week, when I put on the almost four pounds that I'd lost in the previous two weeks, I'm still at the exact same weight!  Even though I worked out at least 30 minutes everyday and stayed pretty close to my calorie goal!  WTF!  How is it I managed to lose 3.6 lbs no problem four weeks ago but now it's like pulling teeth!  What's even more frustrating is that my bathroom scale says I've had no change but the Wii says I've lost 1.6 lbs, what gives?!  Right about now would be the point I'd quit but I trudge on. I've moved my ulitmate goal, 130, time frame to a little further out.  I'm hoping I can reach it by the time we start trying for baby #2.  This allows me to hopefully get back on track and to be finished breastfeeding, which is part of the reason the weight isn't coming off as fast as I would like -- at least that's what I've heard but really who knows.

Once again I'm not posting my stats because I don't want to see my failure in writing.  I've said that I don't really care about the number on the scale I just want to be happy about how I look but when I feel like I'm working so hard with no change then that number really starts to weigh, no pun intnded, on me.  Here's to a better week.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

My Summer To-Do

Last summer I was oh so KU with Bean and about the only thing I could make my self do was float around our pool.  This year though I've got big plans, if they get accomplished is yet to be seen, to take care of somethings around the house.  Since I have the worse time holding on to a extended to-do list I figured I'd just put it here, this way I'll know where it is.

Repaint kitchen cabinets
Paint MB and cabinets
Regrout the kids bathroom
Front room curtains
T-shirt quilt

Really I'll probably be lucky to accomplish even one of these projects.  Simply because I have this super cool, squishy little dude I'd rather be hanging out with.  But I'm going to try really hard, REALLY, REALLY hard to at least get two done.  However, before I can even think of accomplishing anything I have to get through two very important days.

First, there's baby sister's wedding next weekend.  I can't believe it's finally here and I can't wait to see how beautiful she is and I hope her day is everything she wants it be.  Second, Hubz is turning 30 the weekend after the wedding and I have to see what he wants to do.  So far we haven't discussed it but I'm sure we'll do something I'm mean it's 30!  That means he's a REAL grown-up and not just playing one!

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