My Sweet Bean
Today you're 10 months and I kind of have to stop and breathe when I think about how close you are to being 1. I wonder if it'll always be like this? If I'll always feel like I've missed so much just because I blinked.
You're constantly on the move now, crawling so fast that sometimes I can't believe how quick you are. You're pulling up on everything and I can tell you want so bad to be able to walk. Nana says you're a lot like I was at the age, always wanting to be a part of everything and so afraid you're going to miss something. I often look at you and wonder how I got so lucky to be your Momma. My heart swells with pride with each new milestone you reach and there's nothing like seeing that big smile I get from you whenever you walk into a room.
You're second tooth is just about broken through. And you eat everything and anything I put in front of you, and even whatever you find on the ground. At your 9 month dr's appointment you were 18 lbs, 7 oz and 28 inches long. Not yet big enough to come out of your bucket seat but still so big compared to the tiny 6 lbs you were at birth!
My sweet, sweet boy my love for you grows by leaps and bounds and every day and I can't imagine loving you any more than I do right now, but I know I will.
Momma loves you Bean!
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