Saturday, July 28, 2012

Dumpling 20 weeks (1 day)

Holy heck we're halfway there!  And really if my dr's right more than halfway since I delivered the Bean two weeks early.  We're uber busy until October but after that it's on like Donkey Kong to get things ready for Dumpling's arrival.

Besides hitting the halfway point this week we also had out big ultrasound.  While normally it would be where we'd have also found out the sex  we didn't, ya know since we're Team Green and all. So without further delay my stats for this week.

How far along? 20 weeks, 1 day

Total weight gain/loss: after my appointment this past Friday I'm down another 4, which brings my total loss to 8, according to the dr but really I'm at like 13 if I count what I weighed at home before I started seeing the dr.
Maternity clothes? ummm...heck yes and I have been since about 9 weeks, but I'm still also wearing a lot of non-maternity too.  I'm sure this will start change in the next couple of weeks.

Stretch marks? no new ones.

Sleep:'s not to bad when Hubz isn't snoring or flipping around like a dead fish moaning because of the neck/back problems he's had for the last two weeks

Best moment this week: our big ultrasound....even though we didn't find out the sex it was still nice to see Dumpling and how big he/she's gotten since the last time.

Food cravings: nothing really, I'm just happy to be able to eat more than rice, although it's not much more and it's definitely not rice anymore.

Gender: no idea and we won't know until December when Dumpling makes his/her appearance

Labor Signs: goodness NO and it better stay that way for a while

Belly Button in or out? getting flatter as the days progress

What I miss: food and not having heart burn

What I am looking forward to: figuring out when and whose going to take my maternity pictures.  I know I want them to be fally, so it'll be sometime in October but that's all I got.  My normal photog moved 2 hours away so I'm not sure if she's even an option but I'm going to talk to her and see.

Weekly Wisdom: do whatever you have to in order to get sleep, even if it means moving to another room where your Hubz isn't trying to win a Gold medal for snoring.

Milestones: got to eat steak and cheese the other nite and it was sooooo delicious...did I mention how much I miss food?

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Dumpling 19 Weeks (1 day)

Well, here I am another week closer to d-day and I tell ya some days are better than others.  Last week I was totally exhausted, thanks to Hubz taking up snoring as an Olympic sport, which in turn made my all day sickness rear its ugly head with a vengeance.  The past two days I've gotten a decent amount of sleep and feel human and can eat so I know it's sleep that makes all the difference.  Which is why I made it a point to get our sofa in the spare room/the Bean's big boy room cleaned off finally so I can go somewhere when the snoring is just unbearable.

So 19 weeks and the last week before I hit the halfway point...wait, WHAT?! I still have so much to do and I know these next 20 weeks are going to go by quick!  Guess I better get the to-do lists for my to-do lists started.

How far along? 19 weeks, 1 day

Total weight gain/loss: after my appointment this past Friday I'm down another 4, which brings my total loss to 8.

Maternity clothes? ummm...heck yes and I have been since about 9 weeks, but I'm still also wearing a lot of non-maternity too.

Stretch marks? no new ones.
Sleep: eh

Best moment this week: getting to sleep in until 815 this morning.

Food cravings: seafood

Gender: no idea and we won't know until December when Dumpling makes his/her appearance

Labor Signs: goodness NO and it better stay that way for a while

Belly Button in or out? getting flatter as the days progress

What I miss: food and not having heart burn

What I am looking forward to: big u/s next Friday oh and a very good college friend is coming to visit from SC for the first time this weekend too!

Weekly Wisdom: do whatever you have to in order to get sleep, even if it means moving to another room where your Hubz isn't trying to win a Gold medal for snoring. 

Milestones: got an unexpected peek at Dumpling at my appointment on Friday because the dr couldn't find the HB.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Dumpling 18 weeks (4 days)

I was doing so well but I missed last week, hey I'm growing a small human and I was tired, but I'm making up with just barely making this week.  We're slowly making progress on the Bean's big boy room.  By progress I mean that it's just about empty of all the crap...did I mention I'm just about half-way through this pregnancy and the next 4.5 months are always uber hectic for us?  Hey, I love a challenge.  So here we are for this week:

How far along? 18 weeks, 4 days
Total weight gain/loss: for now 4 lbs but we'll see what the change is come Friday
 Maternity clothes? ummm...heck yes and I have been since about 9 weeks, but I'm still also wearing a lot of non-maternity too.
Stretch marks? no new ones.
Sleep: eh
Best moment this week: the delicious taco salad I had for dinner on Sunday
Food cravings: seafood
Gender: no idea and we won't know until December when Dumpling makes his/her appearance
Labor Signs: goodness NO and it better stay that way for a while
Belly Button in or out? getting flatter as the days progress
What I miss: food and not having heart burn
What I am looking forward to: OB appt on Friday and big u/s next Friday oh and a very good college friend is coming to visit from SC for the first time next weekend too!
Weekly Wisdom: don't throw-up on yourself or at least if you do be glad all that was in your stomach was water
Milestones: more baby kicks and hubz has felt a few too!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

22 Months (because Momma's a Slacker)

Sweet Bean
Well, here we are at 22 months, 2 short months from your 2nd birthday.  Sorry I missed the 21 month post but growing your new sibling has taken a toll on me.  I can't believe that in 2months you'll be turning 2.  Where has the time gone?  As I watch as you've changed from my sweet baby boy to my crazy, silly big boy I can't help but smile in amazement. People tell you all the time that becoming a parent will change you, truer words have never been spoken. Being your Momma has made me a better, more patient, caring person. 

After 22  months on this Earth you've changed so much.  You're talking up a storm and I'm sure you'll be speaking in sentences before we know it.  You're so independent and what to do everything by yourself and when you can't you know to ask for hep (help).  You're an eating machine, you really love your fruit and veggies which Momma loves but you'll eat most anything...although you're still funny about meat. Like Momma you HATE to be woken up but you're sleeping longer at nite and still napping fantastic once a day, which is good since Momma needs that middle of day nap on weekends too!

In a few months you'll become a big brother and I know you'll adapt with no problems, you're just that easy going.  I can't wait to see how you are with your new sibling and how becoming a big brother shapes you.

My sweet, sweet boy.  The last 22 months have been the most fulfilling of my life and I can't wait to see what else life has in store for us.  No matter what Momma loves you.

Forever and Always,

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Dumpling - 16 Weeks

Look at me getting with the program, 2 weeks in a  row!  This pregnancy has definietly been different than my first but I guess that's to be expected.  They (whoever "they" are) do say every pregnancy is different.  Anyways here's the skinny on week 16.

How far along? 16 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: still down 4 lbs
Maternity clothes? ummm...heck yes and I have been since about 9 weeks

Stretch marks? no new ones.
Sleep: pretty good

Best moment this week: feeling a little more frequent movement.
Food cravings: pizza, unfortunately tomatoe sauce makes me sick EVERY time I eat it so I have put in my request for pizza upon removal of the wee babe from my body.

Gender: no idea and we won't know until December when Dumpling makes his/her appearance

Labor Signs: goodness NO and it better stay that way for a while

Belly Button in or out? still in, but hubz says it's starting to get shallow

What I miss: being able to eat anything

What I am looking forward to: big ultrasound at the end of July, we might not be finding out the sex but at least we'll get some better pictures

Weekly Wisdom: napping when the toddler naps in the best thing EVER!

Milestones: nothing really but I can't believe I'm already 4 months.