Sunday, November 11, 2012

Dumpling Weeks 34/35

OMG it's been an uber long weekend.  My brother-in-law got married yesterday and the wedding was at 10am, who does that, so to say it was a long day is an understatement.  Then since there was so much family in town we got together again today oh and on Friday nite to.  I'm pooped.  But it's time for an update and I can do that from my bed so here ya go.  It's hard for me to believe that in about 3-5 weeks I could have a new little bundle.  Too bad it won't have anywhere to sleep, hoping we'll be there by the end of the week.

How far along? 35 weeks, 1 day

Total weight gain/loss: After my appointment last Friday I'd lost another pound so that pound I had gained, yeah it meant nothing.  So I'm back to total loss of 10 pounds to the dr's and 15 by my count
Maternity clothes? ummm...heck yes and I have been since about 9 weeks, but I'm still also wearing a lot of non-maternity too, mostly in tops. Of course I'm not sure what I"m going to do now that it's starting to get cold but I do know that I'm not planning on buying anything new, if I can help it.
Stretch marks? no new ones.

Sleep: I wouldn't say I'm suffering from insomnia but I will say I'm sleep deprived.  I'm up multiple times either because I can't breath or too pee. It's exhausting but I just keep telling my self the end is near.
Best moment this week: The wedding just because the Bean had so much fun and I love a reason to celebrate with family.

Food cravings: Back to nothing being appetizing.  I eat because I have to most days not because I want to.
Gender: no idea and we won't know until December when Dumpling makes his or her appearance.  I feel like it might be a girl but what do I know really, it's just a feeling which means nothing really. We'll no in a few weeks.
Labor Signs: The Braxton Hicks are a little intense sometimes but other than that nothing although I did lose my mucus plug last week but that doesn't really mean anything in the big picture of things.
Belly Button in or out? flat, with a little flap.  it's kind of weird and I don't remember it being like that with the Bean.
What I miss: Wine or really any adult libations. I just need a good stiff drink. <~still this... oh and coffee and milk shakes.

What I am looking forward to: starting to get stuff out of storage and washed, okay not really the washing part but at least getting it out of storage.  Also, hopefully getting the nursery together by this weekend.  Oh and the Sprinkle my sisters-in-laws planned for me.

Weekly Wisdom: I got nothing.

Milestones: nada

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

3 weeks

Today as I was sitting at work it hit me that if Dumpling is like his/her big brother it's possible I could have a new baby in about 3 weeks.  The bean was born at exactly 38 weeks, I'll 35 weeks on Saturday!  Hubz thought it was funny that once again I was surprised at how close the impending arrivals arrival actually was.

3 weeks!  It that time we have a wedding, maternity pictures, birthday party and Thanksgiving.  Oh and let's not forget we're still working and Hubz has school and the step-son has his numerous things that he needs to be taken to or we need to attend, but well I'm not all that worried.  I've set a goal to accomplish one or two little things a day.  Today I took out the infant car seat and their bases and put the cover back on, of course it now looks like we're missing a piece to the car seat so we'll have to find the piece or get a new car seat, I'm hoping we can just find the piece but I'm not optimistic since Hubz didn't even know what I was talking about when I said it was missing.  I'm also FINALLY going to get our suitcase unpacked from our Anniversary trip back the beginning of October.  While really it should be Hubz doing this since it's mostly his crap if I wait on him the baby will be here and I have tons of mess on that side of the room that needs to be taken care of so we can bring in the bassinet and swing, which are both next on the list to come out of storage so their respective covers and stuff can be cleaned and they can be brought to our room.

3 weeks isn't a ton of time but it's enough to get done what needs to be done and continue with life as normal, or as normal as it can be when the Momma's 35 weeks pregnant and taking care of a lot of things solo.  I figure is something doesn't get done before Dumpling's arrival then it'll get done after.  As long as my breast pump has all it's necessary parts and pieces and the bassinet, swing and car seat are good to go we're golden and that'll all be taken care of in the next week or so.  Oh I should probably pack my hospital bag sometime during that 3 weeks too, just to be on the safe side, huh.  Although last time I didn't get a bag packed until the day my water broke and I went into labor so....

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

I Voted

I got my vote on.  This is the fourth election I've voted in but the first that I was the most nervous about. I knew it was going to be close but in the end my guy prevailed!  Sure there are people that aren't happy, but hey that was a given.  Me I'm ecstatic.  I'm happy to know that we have 4 more years to continue to move forward and make this country better.  That we have 4 more years that women are safe from extremists trying to force us back to the 1950s.

I don't talk to politics, with anyone..EVER!  Simply because in college I had someone tell me I deserve to die because I was pro-choice and pro-gay rights.  What always makes me chuckle is that 4 years later, just before we graduated, that same person had "come-out" and eventually even apologized.  However, that one person turned me off from EVER wanting to discuss my views.  i get it that people are passionate about where they stand on issues and I respect that but I also realize that not everyone is that way, just look at Facebook. 

I will say that I'm glad that this political season is over.  I'd grown weary of the TV/radio ads, numerous phone calls, ignorant and down right ridiculous Facebook and Twitter posts and the constant barking of my dogs because of the people at my door.  Mostly I'm glad I can "like" some of my friends again. Because of my rule not to discuss politics I never knew where some of them stood and was sad to find out they were some of the ignorant and ridiculous but that's okay I'm still happy to call them friends because we have so many other things to talk about besides politics, otherwise we wouldn't be friends.

Monday, November 5, 2012

New Phone

I'm so excited I'm getting a new cell phone.  I know it's not a big deal to most people but my poor dinosaur of a phone needs a serious upgrade and Hubz has said he'll pay for my upgrade as my birthday present.  So I'm upgrading to the iPhone 4S.  I went back and forth about getting the 5, the newest edition available, but I can't really justify the extra $100 it costs over the 4S all for a bigger screen and faster processor.  2 things that don't really matter to me, especially considering anything is better then the 3S that my MIL so graciously passed on to me about a year ago when she upgraded and I was desperately in need of a new phone after the Bean threw my BlackBerry in a cup of hot chocolate.

With the new phone comes tons of apps I can download now, there are so many that my poor 3S wasn't compatible with.  Not to mention better pictures of my boy and Dumpling, when he/she gets here.  Also, it'll give Hubz some stocking stuffer ideas come Christmas time, since I know he tends to have issues coming up with stocking stuffers.

Now I just have to wait for it to get ordered and delivered ....  SO EXCITED!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Crafting Bug

I spend a lot of time just me and my Bean.  Which means when he goes to bed I spend a lot time just me.  Lately I'm tired but can't fall asleep so I've been crafting, thanks to Pinterst I've got a board full of stuff I want to make. So what better time then now, especially with so much free, alone time on my hands.  Right now I'm working on this guy, thanks to one of my favorite bloggers, Baby Rabies.

I'm also working on something for the Bean's Big Boy room.  Which I'm hoping comes out as good as I have it pictured in my head, but only time will tell.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Momma Friends

Most of my friends are family, I like it that way because for the most part you trust family to always be there.  I have a handful of friends that I'm not related to by marriage or blood and I've known them for years so to me they're like family because I'd trust them with my life, I'd trust them with my children and that's saying a lot.  However, sometimes I wish I had some Momma friends.  Some ladies that know what it's like to work and juggle this Momma job with a husband that works crazy hours, with no sign of that ever changing.  Maybe it wouldn't feel so lonely all the time.

Thursday, November 1, 2012


Yesterday was my birthday and really 31 doesn't feel that much different that 30, well ya know except the fact that this year I'm growing this little Dumpling and last year I celebrated by drinking tons of champagne and other grown-up libations. 
Birthdays are definitely different when you're an adult and a Momma to boot.  Other than birthday wishes on Facebook and through text and a card from my mom and bestie there was really any celebrating.  No presents, well except the gift I gave myself of trying to cut my finger's a long story,  or cake.  And while I might be a little bummed about it my birthday is on Halloween which really is more about the kids than me so, what can you do.  My boy was the cutest little Bob-omb:

And these memories are ones that I'll gladly take even if it means that my birthday kind of gets pushed to the back burner.

So now we're in November and the count down is on for the arrival of Dumpling and the holidays.  Every year I say it but, where did the year go?  We've got things to get done and maybe they'll get done and maybe they won't be all I know is that in about 45 days or so I'll be bringing home a new babe to start new memories and who this time next year will be one more reason why my birthday is pushed to the back burner.