Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Baby ... maybe ... NOT

Sigh ... my dear sweet girl is almost 9 months. Since she was born at 8 months she's been outside of me longer then she was in and while I want nothing more than for her to remain little and squishy for ever that's just not the way things work.  The world keeps spinning which means my babies keep growing and before I know it they're not babies anymore (tear).  Of course thinking about how fast their growing leads me to thinking about another, even though realistically we just can't afford another at this point but oh how I want one.  It's crazy really since little lady is the WORSE sleeper in the history of sleepers and did I mention I'm currently furloughed two days a week?  Yeah as the primary earner in our household that hurts a little and don't even get me started on the state of my marriage, we're in an unsettled place right now... all that to say it's just NOT a good time.  And yet I find myself daydreaming about another little babe growing inside of me and making his/her appearance, hopefully not to early like big sister.  I picture the toddler and baby girl loving a new little baby, a sibling, a new little someone to grow our family but it's just not the time.  I'll know when it's time, just like I did with the first two. 

The plan at this point is for it to be sometime next year, late summer/early fall, so we can plan for 2015 summer baby which puts me on maternity leave for summer (hello summer vacation!) and plenty of time to prepare myself for my sweet, sweet boy to start school but who knows!  Things just don't seem to be working out the way we want lately so ... as always it's in God's hands but oh how I hope he's on the same page as me.

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