Thursday, January 2, 2014


This year I'm not doing resolutions that I'll break within a week into the new year.  Instead I'm picking a word to make my theme of the year.  This seems a little more doable for me.  It'll be a word that I can work into most aspects of my life and hopefully by the end of the year I'll be a better person for trying it.

When I was younger and I wanted things to happen RIGHT now my Mom would always tell me, "Patience is a virtue," but she was my Mom and I thought she was crazy.  However, now that I'm a grown-up, or pretend to be one, I wish that patience was a virtue that I more easily embraced.   For this reason I've decided that I'm embracing patience as my theme for 2014.

My kids are only going to be so little for a short time.  Before I know it they won't need me to help them get dressed or snuggle them.  I want to cherish this time and not feel like I'm always trying to just get through something.  This goes for other aspects of my life too.  In my marriage where I want my husband to do everything on my time.  In my weight loss journey where I just want this damn weight to melt off, I mean really it took it longer than 30 minutes to gain why can't I be patient in taking it off? 

I won't promise to be prefect in practicing patience every day but I can promise to try my best each day.  I don't want spend 2014 wishing that I'd done better so I'm going to live my own advice and remember that everyday is a day to do better than the day before.