Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Well after a fantastic trip to Florida. I'm back and not happy about it at all, but what can you do.

April was a beautiful bride and who knew Adam cleaned up so well? They were both glowing and I'm so happy that I was asked to be a part of their day. The ceremony was wonderful and the reception was a party, with many UT Alums in attendance. I drank waaaaaaaaaaayyy to much and paid for it the whole plane ride home. I'll upload pictures soon, that's assuming I can figure it out.

So now I'm back and still NO HOUSE!!! Everyone keeps saying that we'll find something and I know but WHEN?! I'm sick on this crap whole that oh by the way now has small mold problem in the basement bathroom/laundry room. And the AC still isn't working great and fat bastard hasn't sent anyone out to charge it like he said he would. BIG suprise, right?

In better news, I had my mid-year review yesterday and my boss had glowing words for me. She does want me to do more analysis then I currently do, although it's not normally necessary since most of what I do is no brainer, but okay. And she wants me to take on some supervisory stuff when we have people helping, not that that happens often. My mom says she maybe forming me to take over when she leaves but she's not retirement age for a while still and I don't plan on being here till then. We'll see what happens though. Seems life is nothing like I expected it to be at almost 27 so ya never know.

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