Thursday, October 30, 2008

Strike...Day 4 and Birthday Preperations

So I have know been on strike for 4 days and I wonder if hubz and the step-son even notice. I haven't cooked or cleaned anything, except for those things I've used. Guess it will be continuing the strike. Oh in regard to that stuff sitting on the stairs that he ignored except for the razors...he has now picked up the magazine but the shampoo and stuff that needs to shredded and go in the office, STILL ON THE STAIRS!!!! SERIOUSLY!!! I'm not touching it...hell will freeze over. Then yesterday I was going to decorate for Halloween, yes I realize it's tomorrow but hubz was suppose to do some of it while I was gone, but I could decorate b/c he had both ladders and he didn't get home until 830. So now we're decorating and carving pumpkins today, the day before Halloween, and we also have to make sure that the step-son gets everything done for school tomorrow as well. So glad my life isn't completely dysfunctional b/c of the lack of help I receive, oh wait that's right he does help!

In more exciting birthday's tomorrow! Have I mentioned how much I love birthdays? Not just mine but everyones. So all the neices and nephews are coming over to trick-or-treat with the step-son, the husbands are taking the kids and the wives and my mom are staying to drink and have a good time. Then MIL is going to take the neices home later so BIL and SIL can stay and hang out. She drives me nuts most of the time but she has her moments. So I'll recap the birthday shennanigans on Monday, not that they'll be many seeing as tomorrow is the only thing that's really going on. I guess at least hubz did a good job for th anniversary I can't expect too much for the birthday.

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