Thursday, December 18, 2008

Oh Baby

This cutie is the reason for my extreme baby fever. And we're hoping that in the next year we can give him a little girlfriend. I just ordered my last set of BC and I must say I'm a little anxious. As I've mentioned before I have this extreme need to have complete control of my life and a plan for everything but as my wonderful hubz pointed out not long ago that whole planning my life thing hasn't worked out so great the past couple of years. So after I finish the last pack of Pills we're putting it in God's hands.
Sure I'm in school but I'm on track to finish in Spring of 2010 and we're on track to pay off two credit cards by the beginning of 2010, if not sooner, and we're not getting any younger. Hubz and I don't really want to have kids much after about 35ish so we gotta get started, especially since he just informed me that he wants 5 or 6 as compared to the 4 we had talked about. Apparently he's not aware that I'm human and I don't birth litters. He says once I have the first one I'm going to like it so much I'm going to just want to be pregnant again, some how I doubt it.
Let the count down two months we're gonna start the babymaking. Stay tuned!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

This, that and the Other

My best guy friend is in the Army. He joined straight out of high school, unbeknownest to me, and really hasn't looked back. No matter what he says he loves it and like his dad and my dad he's destined to be a lifer. In the eight years that he's been in he's been deployed five or six times I think and everytime he goes I don't breathe fully until I know he's back on American soil. I just found out he's due to deploy again in February. While I admire him for what he's doing and I appreciate the sacrafice he's made I still can't help but think that every time he goes back he's tempting fate. He and my bestest, the one moving to Cali, are my constants. To think of life without either of them is unbearable. So in February when he leaves I'll be holding my breath once again until he returns. Pray for him.

I finished my first graduate course last nite. I got an A! Of course as the Professor pointed out this course is a cake walk compared to what's to come, but an A is an A. I'll take it. Now it's a little relaxing, a little party planning, some reading and painting and before I know it I'll be back in school this time with two classes. I can't wait!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Thoughts and Ramblings

With only 14 days until Christmas I'm feeling uncharacteristically relaxed. My shopping's just about finished. Saturday we're getting our tree and decorating the outside of the house. I've got a to-do list, of course, with things I need to get finished before Sunday, but I'm doing good. I love Christmas almost as much as I love Halloween, but this year's is bittersweet because next year my best friend will be on the other side of the country. I try not to think about the fact that in five months she'll be gone because it makes me sad instead I focus on our weekly dinners and the time that we do have. Our relationship has never been very complicated. We met in 4th grade and have been best friends ever since. We were inseperable through elementary school, went to different middle schools but were always in touch, reunited in high school where we were once again inseperable and then went to different colleges but again always in touch. She was there the day I got engaged and the day I got married. To know that we're going to have to work harder at maintaining our friendship is both scary and exciting. I refuse to let her not be a part of my life.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Family...Lost but not Forgotten

My mom's an orphan. Her dad passed when she was still a kid, her mom passed April 10, 2000, and her brother, unbeknowst to her until almost a year later, passed in February of 2003. Relations with her brother were strained after the passing of her mother and they just were never to work things out. I don't know really what happened but I do know whatever it was caused for the relationship I could have had with my three cousins to be non-existent. For years this has saddened me. I've sent Christmas cards to their mother and invited them all to my wedding but they all declined. To say I was hurt is an understatement I was really more sad. I mean they were the only family I had left on that side and the fact that we couldn't have a relationship because of something that happene with our parents just didn't make sense to me. Enter facebook... I was on facebook yesterday and just thought "what the heck" so I looked up the girls, their brother wasn't listed, and added them as my friends. Never thinking they'd actually accept but low and behold. Now I find out the youngest just graduated from college and is engaged. They're both more beautiful then ever and I'm just so sad that I've missed out on so much of thier life just because our parents coudn't realize how important family is.

My sisters, God love them, sometimes just need a good shake. However, I would NEVER cut off communication. I need them in my life, though I have my friends, without my sisters I'm nothing. They make me who I am. They share my DNA, my experiences and my shit brown eyes and nappy hair. Sure the two of them are closer because they're twins, but no matter what we are sisters. And there's no bond stronger. I could say the same of my little brother. Sure we're 16 years apart but he's a part of me, we may not share all of our DNA but share enough. I would do anything for these three people that are the most important part of who I am, my family. Sure hubz and the step-son are my new family and now they're my most important responsibility but it's in a different way. I could never and would never turn my back on my sisters or my brother. And to know that my mom and her brother did that to each other baffles me. And it's because of their inability to communicate that I have lost precious time and memories with these cousins that I have longed to know for a while now.

So here's hoping, that with the help of facebook we can have some sort of relationship. Even if it is just through the internet.

Monday, December 8, 2008

The newest addition

No I'm not having a baby, but my baby sister just found out that she's having another boy. He's due in April, 4 days before her birthday. My nephew is very excited as he was quite worried about sharing his toys with a girl, they're boring. So now I have yet another little boy to spoil and it's on me to provide the first granddaughter.

Last Week

So last week turned out to be a lot slower than expected. Lil bro got in BIG trouble in school on Tuesday so our scheduled events for him were all cancelled...yup it was that bad. The nephews still spent the nite Friday and we still went to see Bolt, but there was no party on Saturday. So other than a team meeting for school and a party later that nite it was a quite day. Thursday I didn't have to play chauffer b/c hubz meeting with the potential client got moved to this week and the cub scouts are coming to the house this week as well. So the busy week looks like it's this week instead. However, eye on the prize...Saturday we go to the Christmas Tree farm in Ticonderoga to get our tree! Can't wait.

Christams is 17 days away and we are just about done. We finished up the step-son yesterday so now it's just a few stragglers. I can't believe that we're going to be done with shopping before the week of Christams. This is the first time ever. Hopefully next year we can be done at the beginning of December like I'd planned.

So that's the update from last week. I'll be better about this week.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Back to the Grinde

So we got home Sunday just in time for the Redskins game, not that it was worth my time...WHAT THE HELL!!!! I wonder what happened to the team that was playing like they deserved to make it to the playoffs and not through the back door but the front...grrrr not happy. After the game we headed over to my BFF's house for our weekly dinner. Then it was to bed for some R&R before sleep of course Gozer was full of it last nite b/c he hadn't seen us all weekend...he's so cute.

Now it's back to work. This morning I realized that I've temporarily misplaced by cell phone....hmmmmm sure wish I knew where the hell it was. This week's pretty slow compared to what our schedule use to be but busy compared to the last few weeks. Bowling tonite, school tomorros, den meeting tomorrow (i'm leaving b/c the boys are coming to our house for woodwork), RCIC thursday and I'm on driving duty b/c hubz has a meeting with a potential client. Plus Thursday my lil bro is coming to stay the weekend while my mom goes and picks up his birthday present...a shiba inu puppy, friday we have all the boys (4 including the step-son and bro) and we're making mini-pizzas and going to see bolt. Saturday is my lil bro's birthday party at my house. Few I'm exhausted just thinking about it....we'll be relaxing after the party and definately all day Sunday when we have nothing to do, except for dinner with the BFF and Christmas decorating.

Sure hope this week goes by quick....I can't believe there's only 24 days until Christmas. Where has the time gone? Only 5 months until we're actively TTC. This time next year we'll hopfully be preparing for a baby!