Holy guacamole! In 7 weeks, give or take, I could be a momma! I went to a breastfeeding class last Sunday, but didn't get much out of it. However, a friend delievered at the same hospital that I'm delivering at and she assures me that there will be plenty of people there ready and will to help me so here's hoping. The nursery is just about done..the crib is up, all we need is the mattress, and the dresser should be here next week. Then I can get the wall hangings and decals up and we'll be all set, at least in the nursery.
My work is throwing me a shower the end of this month so while there's still things we need I don't want to wind up with tons of extras so we're holding off until after that shower before we buy any last minute stuff. By the time that shower rolls around I'll be full term, 37 weeks, and really Burrito could make an apperance anytime. We're not missing too much...still need the ever important car seat and then the pack-n-play and swing. My mom and hubz' step-mom already have a plan to get this stuff taken care of for us so we'll just have to worry about any little stuff like diapers, wipes and probably some newborn clothes.
Everyone keeps asking me if I'm "ready". The truth is yeah I am I look at having this baby just like anything else new I take on. I'm only going to do the best I can and count on God to guide me. Hubz and I we make a good team and I have no doubt that we'll be great parents, well he already is, but I'm going to AWESOME! I know most women are scared and I'm not saying I'm not but I've said it before...God doesn't give us what we can't handle. If He didn't think I was ready for this then it wouldn't be happening. So as this pregnancy slowly but surely starts to wind up I feel myself getting excited for this next page in mine and hubz' lives.
With that I leave with the Survey:
How far along: 33 weeks, 1 day
Total weigh gain/loss: -9.6, I've gained back about 4 from original 14 I lost but really it's not me it's the baby so...but the doc's not worried so neither am I.
Maternity clothes: oh heck yeah and lots of dresses they're loose and flowy and comfy
Stretch marks? no new ones
Sleep: More bad than good, but no insomnia that I've heard happens in 3rd tri so I'll take it
Best moment this week: The little goodies that step mother-in-law suprised us with just
Food Cravings: Nothing really, most days I have to force myself to eat because food just doesn't intrest me.
Gender: no clue for a few weeks there I thought maybe boy, but now I'm thinking maybe girl...well I have a 50/50 chance of getting it right, we'll see in September.
Labor signs: not unless you count BH
Belly button in or out: neither it's just flat but hubz things it may pop before all is said and done which would be weird since it's a very deep innie normally
What I miss: Coffee, wine & Sushi in that order...oh and sleeping on my stomach
What I'm looking forward to: Seeing my bestie again in a couple of weeks
Weekly wisdom: something I said in the beginning of this adventure, "take it all in". I especially feel this way now that the end is gettting closer.
Milestones: does have a foot or something in my ribs count? Oh hubz heard Burrito's heartbeat just by laying his head on my belly and sometimes he scares the baby when he does rasberries on my belly and thinks it's the funniest thing! I love that man!
Until next time, which I'm sure means 2 weeks. I really have to get my shower pics up!
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