Thursday, November 11, 2010

Thankful on Thursday

One of my favorite bloggers, Blair at The Heir to Blair, sometimes does a post on Thursday where she talks about some of the things she's thankful for that week. I thought I'd start doing this, on the weeks I can remember, especially since lately all I can think about is things I don't have. When I know that focusing on the negative does nothing but bring you down. So:

1. THE BEAN!!! I'm most thankful for this handsome little boy that God blessed me with. We had a rough start together. First with the unplanned c-section then with his 10 day unplanned hospital stay, but now I think we're hitting our stride and I can't wait to see what God brings us next.

2. I'm thankful for my friends. They're the family I got to pick, not that there's anything wrong with the family God gave me. They give me perspective when I've lost the big picture and they pick me up when I'm hard on myself.
3. My family, as dysfunctional as we maybe, have shaped - good or bad - into the person I am.They've taught me patience and that we all take different paths to get to the things we want and while we might not always agree we're always family.
4. At a time when I'm not getting much sleep I'm also thankful for COFFEE! Having a newborn and working 9-hour days is hard but as long as I get my cup of coffee I some how make it through. Thank goodness this newborn phase doesn't last forever.

What are you thankful for?

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