So without further ado I give you my 2010 in Reveiw:
January: We found out we were expecting a wee babe, FINALLY, and I took my yearly trip to SC to visit Ms. Sarah for her birthday. It was tough keeping such a big secret from a friend but I did and she wasn't even the wiser, I don't think.
February: The dreaded morning, really all day, sickness kicked in and I would spend the next four months vomitting more than anyone should ever vomit. The sickness made it difficult getting through my second to last quarter of school but I pushed through and some how managed to get an 'A' in both my classes.
March: Mr. Magoo turned 1!!!! And little did we know his momma and daddy were expecting another wee babe of their own who'd be making an appearance by year's end, giving my baby sister a grand total of three boys and giving my impending little bundle a playmate!
April: My sisters, dad and youngest niece all celebrated birthdays. And the impending nuptials of my middle sister drew closer. We showered her and partook in some debauchary, well I was the sober mom, for her bachelorette party in DC.
May: My sister got married. The wedding was definately an event to remember. My momma celebrated her 50th birthday and my sister-in-law turned 30. I grew even bigger with the impending arrival of my little burrito and reflected on the fact that this time next year I'll be a momma celebrating Mother's Day.
June: Hubz entered his last year of his 20s and celebrated his last father's day as a father of 1.Goodies for Burrito slowly started to trickle in as the Momma and sisters began plans for my baby shower in July. I graduated with my MBA in Finance.
July: The bestie and her fam came home for 2 weeks. Sadly they were so busy with their families we didn't get much time together, but she'd be back with the babies in September and we'd have a little more time together. Burrito's baby shower was more than I could have imagined and I was overwhelmed by the love and generousity of everyone. The momma suprised me with an old high school girlfriend also making an appearance and it was by far one of the best moments of my shower.
August: The mother-in-law became a PA and we were all so proud. Hubz made the drive to Philly to see her get pinned, but I couldn't travel so I stayed home with the dogs. It was a slow month as I entered my last month of pregnancy and didn't have the motivation to do much but lay around in the AC or the pool.
September: The Bean made his arrival, 2 1/2 weeks early, with no warning for his Momma. He came into this world via unplanned c-section and shares a birthday with his daddy's oldest brother. We brought him home after 36 hours in the hospital and 24 hours later he was admitted to the PICU with super low blood sugar and various other issues. For 10 days we were in the hospital praying that everything would work itself out, it eventually would but not until the end of the year.
October: I entered the last year of my 20s suprisingly optomistic, it must be because of my little Bean. The Bean had his first Halloween, or slept through it anyway and I started to notice the changes is myself and him. The step-son was accepted to the People to People program and will hopefully be traveling abroad this summer, assuming we raise the money and he starts doing his school work.
November: Back to work I went and while I wasn't sad to leave the Bean, I knew he was in capable hands, I was sad to lose all the time that we'd had together for the last 8 weeks. But now he's so happy to see me every afternoon that it makes up for the lost time we don't have during the day. The Bean had his first Thanksgiving, although if you can't eat solid food does it really count? The Bean started smiling and cooing
December: We recieved great news from the doctor at Children's hospital, the Bean was completely removed from the special formula and became a only breastfed baby! He was smiling and cooing even more than before and started to hate tummy time less. In preparing for his first Christmas I reflected on the fact that my life was exactly where I wanted it, even if I did get here unexpectedly.
So now we start 2011. I don't really have any resolutions because I never stick to them, but I do have some hopes for the coming year. I hope that:
- The Bean's final test at Children's is normal and we never have to go back
- My baby sister's wedding is everything she wants it to be
- The step-son gets his act together so he can take this amazing trip that is sure to change his life
- Hubz and I figure out this parenting thing while keeping our relationship solid at the same time
- By the time the Bean's 1st birthday extravaganza rolls around that he is off all the meds he's currently taking