I know it's Tuesday but it's not too far removed from the weekend from me to talk about it. Friday nite I broke out in hives with swollen lips from a reaction to I don't know what. By Saturday the hives were EVERY where (use your imagination) and I though I was going to scratch my skin off. I woke up Sunday and thought I was getting better WRONG! Those damn hives returned in force. By yesterday I wanted to rip my skin off, so I called for an appointment and wound up with a shot in my butt and 12 days worth of oral steroids to hopefully get rid of the damn hives. Today, day 5, they're still here but definitely not as bad.
Oh but wait it gets better. The step-son had a Robotics competition Saturday, and I was all set to go out look ally hivey (<~ yup totally a word). I dropped him off at 7, getting up at 630 on a Saturday when the Bean was actually sleeping in did not make me happy but alas hubby had to hang at home due to our busted water heater (that's a whole other story), and went back home. Just as we're getting ready to leave the house to go up to the competition his coach calls and says he's throwing up. I was kind of disappointed for him because he'd been so looking forward to this day but well I guess the frown on vomitting kids at Robotics competition. Really, what a little vomit amongst competitors. Also, the wee babe was uber fussy with a super snot nose and whining at naseum...yup we're teething, still...again...either way it's HELL!
By Sunday the big kid was on the mend and the Bean was in better spirits, I was still itchy. Now we're into a new week and hoping for less sickness and more normal. Well, as close to normal as we get around here.