Tuesday, August 7, 2012

23 Months

Oh Bean!  How did we get here so quickly.  In one short month you'll be 2. No longer my baby, although you haven't really been my baby for a while, and most definietly a toddler.  The dreaded terrible twos have yet to hit us, although you have your moments, and I'm praying they never do...especially since I hear three is B.A.D! 

While it's only been a month you've changed so much just in those 30 days.  Your vocabulary is ever changing and I can't even keep up with the new words you're saying.  Daddy and I really have to watch what we say around you now because you repeat everything your hear.  It's cute, until you say something not so cute! You're also now sitting at the table with us at dinner time and for all your meals and you love it.  And speaking of meals sometimes you amaze us with the amount of food you can put away, for such a little guy you sure can eat.  I tell Daddy all the time how you'd probably eat from the time you woke up until you went to bed if we let you.  I don't mind though because I know it means you're getting big and strong.

My sweet, sweet boy, in one short month we'll celebrate your 2nd Birthday.  It's like I blinked and you became this little boy.  If only I could keep my eyes only always maybe you just stop growing and changing but I know that's not option.  Instead I cherish these moments where I'm still the center of your world because I know soon enought, although not to soon I hope, I won't be.  You'll  go off to school and make friends and eventually have girlfriends and fall in love but that's way, WAY in the future and until that day comes and even after I hope you know and remember always that I love you forever and always.  You always been my squishy little Bean that I brought home 23 months ago and stole my heart the first time I laid eyes on you.

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