Sunday, August 5, 2012

Dumpling 21 weeks, 1 Day

We're cruising right along.  It was a quite week and not much to talk about so here's the survey.
How far along? 21 weeks, 1 day

Total weight gain/loss: I'm still at appointments every 4 weeks so since my next appointment isn't until the end of the month I'll just assume I'm holding steady at 8 lbs (according to the dr) and 13 lbs by my count.

Maternity clothes? ummm...heck yes and I have been since about 9 weeks, but I'm still also wearing a lot of non-maternity too. I'm sure this will start change in the next couple of weeks.

Stretch marks? no new ones.

Sleep:'s not to bad when Hubz isn't snoring or flipping around like a dead fish moaning because of the neck/back problems he's had for the last two weeks--STILL!

Best moment this week: The Bean reading Good Night Moon while I was cleaning his room and putting away laundry...CUTEST thing EVER!

Food cravings: nothing really, I'm just happy to be able to eat more than rice, although it's not much more and it's definitely not rice anymore.

Gender: no idea and we won't know until December when Dumpling makes his/her appearance

Labor Signs: goodness NO and it better stay that way for a while

Belly Button in or out? getting flatter as the days progress

What I miss: food and not having heart burn

What I am looking forward to: getting the Bean's big boy room painted and him moved over.  Right now that's what's weighing heaviest on my mind.  He generally does well with change so I'm hoping it'goes smoothly.

Weekly Wisdom: the new TUMS Smoothies are so much better than those originally chalky ones.

Milestones: more frequent movement and being able to see it on the outside.

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