Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Well it's Thanksgiving Eve and as I anticipate a very looooong weekend I can't help but be thankful that I at least get to spend it with family even if parts of the family make me want to jump headfirst into a bottle of wine! We're spending Thanksgiving in Pennsylvania with hubz mom and while I'd rather be with my family, I realize that marriage is about compromise, so it's off to PA I go with my happy face on. My MIL is not my most favorite person (it's a long story with issues of respect and boundaries tied in) but she did make my hubz so for that I'm thankful. Normally around the holidays I tend to get reflective. Reflective about the year that's past and the year to come. When I was younger I never understood that Thanksgiving was not only about the food, oh how I love the food, but also about counting our blessings. So this year, after celebrating and surviving my first year of marriage, I'm thankful that God has blessed me with this man who loves me in spite of my flaws, and I know I have many, whose my perfect fit and balances me out. I'm thankful that those men in my family/friends that were deployed this time last year are home safe and with their friends and family this year. I'm thankful that my nieces and nephews are all healthy and growing strong and that this time next year my sister will have added another to this crazy family. Mostly though, I'm thankful that I'm blessed enough to be surrounded by friends and family that I love and cherish and who help me grow and make me stronger. So as we sit down to that yummy turkey, ham or whatever you have for dinner take it all in and thank God for the blessings for which he has bestowed up on us.


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