This was probably the most relaxed Thanksgiving weekend we've had in a while. We did dinner with my family this year, which we haven't done since we've been together I don't think, and it was nice. I wish my little sister had been there but she had just had a baby a week ago so I understood her need to stay home. Hubby and I started of the day laying in bed with the Bean watching the Macy's Day Parade, I use to watch the parade every year and hadn't since hubby and I had been together since we were normally at his mom's and it wasn't something everyone else did. We didn't have to be at my mom's until 4 so after the parade we just lounged around. We got to Mom's about 415 and laughed and had a good time with her roommate and my little brother while she was finishing up cooking and we waited on my middle sister and her family. Dinner was great and the company was fantastic and I'm so glad we got to enjoy so a low key meal with my family.
Friday my sister-in-law and I hit the stores at 7am ready to shop till we dropped. Suprisingly the stores were "dead" for a Black Friday and the deals weren't that great. None the less I got all the nieces and nephews done as well as my step-son and the Bean. So now all I have left to shop for are the parents and Hubz. My bedroom is now full of presents so I better get started wrapping because it never fails Christmas always sneaks up on me.
Saturday was spent doing nothing but staying in PJs until 5pm when we headed to my little sister's house to celebrater her fiance's birthday and visit with my dad.
Sunday I went to see my beloved Redskins play and they didn't let me down, the lost AGAIN! I'm a fan through thick and thin but I wish they could get their act together. I doesn't really help that we have one of the oldest teams in the league! But some how we still might have a shot at the wild card playoff spot if we can pull it together for these last few games, we shall see.
So now that Thanksgiving has come and gone it's time to get ready for Christmas and our Annual New Year's Party! This year we have plenty to celebrate. We welcomed 3 new babies into the crazyness that is our family/friends, all little boys. We had a marriage and started planning for another. My little brother became a teenager and a niece and nephew both started school. This time of year is my most favorite, after Halloween for obvious reasons, and I love celebrating and being surrounded by the people I love the most in the world!
Monday, November 29, 2010
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Thankful on Thursday
Happy Thanksgiving! I always look forward to Thanksgiving because there's nothing I love more then a reason to eat an abundance of food and then vegging out on the couch watching football, I really am every man's dream wife. Also, it marks the beginning of the holiday season. Today we should all take a minute to think about those things we are most thankful for in our life, although I think we should take a minute to do this everyday.
I'm most thankful for a family that loves me and that I love. Sure they're loud and crazy but I couldn't imagine life without any of them, this includes the in-laws too. We are all a product of our families they shape who we are and while there are days when I'd love to get them all in a room and say WTF ... that's family.
I'm thankful for the blessing that is my little Bean. That little guy has changed my life, for the good. While his first days on this earth were a little rough, I knew that God wouldn't have given me something I couldn't handle and that he gave me a husband that would be beside me every step of the way.
I'm so thankful for my husband. He's endured my lack of sex drive during 9 months of pregnancy and now me trying to find my way back afterwards. It's bumpy right now but I know we'll find our way.
I'm thankful for the chance to wake-up everyday and look for the good in my life. I may not be quite where I expected to be at this point but I've got quite a few things I never expected to have at this point as well. I know God has a plan and I'm just going to let him guide me down the right path.
On this day when we're most thankful what are you thankful for?
I'm most thankful for a family that loves me and that I love. Sure they're loud and crazy but I couldn't imagine life without any of them, this includes the in-laws too. We are all a product of our families they shape who we are and while there are days when I'd love to get them all in a room and say WTF ... that's family.
I'm thankful for the blessing that is my little Bean. That little guy has changed my life, for the good. While his first days on this earth were a little rough, I knew that God wouldn't have given me something I couldn't handle and that he gave me a husband that would be beside me every step of the way.
I'm so thankful for my husband. He's endured my lack of sex drive during 9 months of pregnancy and now me trying to find my way back afterwards. It's bumpy right now but I know we'll find our way.
I'm thankful for the chance to wake-up everyday and look for the good in my life. I may not be quite where I expected to be at this point but I've got quite a few things I never expected to have at this point as well. I know God has a plan and I'm just going to let him guide me down the right path.
On this day when we're most thankful what are you thankful for?
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Thankful on Thursday
With only 7 days till Thanksgiving I find myself reflecting on the past year. This time last year I was once again in a funk because another month had passed that I wasn't pregnant. Little did I know that we'd be celebrating this holiday season with a little Bean or that following right behind the entrance of the Bean would be another of God's little gifts joining our crazy family.
-I'm thankful that my little sister had a healthy pregnancy and that she'll be meeting her third and final little boy this afternoon.
-I'm also thankful that this little gift and my little Bean will be so close in age and get to grow-up together, something my sisters and I didn't have.
-I'm thankful that my sister has found a man that loves her unconditionally and is a good father and step-father to my nephews.
-I'm thankful that after a rough few years my dad and I have a relationship again.
-I'm especially thankful for a husband that loves me unconditionally.
-I'm thankful that though the Bean had a rough start to life it appears things are turning around and he's going to be okay!
-I'm thankful that I wake-up everyday, by the Grace of God, and get to live my life the way I see fit.
Mostly I'm thankful for the way my life has ended up. It may not have been what I planned but it was all part of His plan and that's the only person with any control.
-I'm thankful that my little sister had a healthy pregnancy and that she'll be meeting her third and final little boy this afternoon.
-I'm also thankful that this little gift and my little Bean will be so close in age and get to grow-up together, something my sisters and I didn't have.
-I'm thankful that my sister has found a man that loves her unconditionally and is a good father and step-father to my nephews.
-I'm thankful that after a rough few years my dad and I have a relationship again.
-I'm especially thankful for a husband that loves me unconditionally.
-I'm thankful that though the Bean had a rough start to life it appears things are turning around and he's going to be okay!
-I'm thankful that I wake-up everyday, by the Grace of God, and get to live my life the way I see fit.
Mostly I'm thankful for the way my life has ended up. It may not have been what I planned but it was all part of His plan and that's the only person with any control.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
The Bean
It occurs to me that I never posted about the Bean's first 2 weeks of life. I've got the post all typed up so I'll have to post it tonite when I get home from work. Those first two weeks were probably the longest, most draining days of my life and yet we survived, thank God, and came out on the other side. The Bean is 10 weeks today and I can't believe how different he looks and acts. He's smiling and cooing and, as my SIL said last nite, changing from the new infant look to the baby look. We're getting professional pictures of him taken Saturday and I can't wait to see what Angela from A.V. Smith Photography does. She's a friend of a friend and from what I've seen on her website and blog she's great!
The Bean got his two month shots last Friday and did great. We both cried but once I could pick him up he settled down and didn't have any reactions. He slept tons over the weekend but if it means I get to sleep in too then I'll take it.
The Bean got his two month shots last Friday and did great. We both cried but once I could pick him up he settled down and didn't have any reactions. He slept tons over the weekend but if it means I get to sleep in too then I'll take it.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Thankful on Thursday
One of my favorite bloggers, Blair at The Heir to Blair, sometimes does a post on Thursday where she talks about some of the things she's thankful for that week. I thought I'd start doing this, on the weeks I can remember, especially since lately all I can think about is things I don't have. When I know that focusing on the negative does nothing but bring you down. So:
1. THE BEAN!!! I'm most thankful for this handsome little boy that God blessed me with. We had a rough start together. First with the unplanned c-section then with his 10 day unplanned hospital stay, but now I think we're hitting our stride and I can't wait to see what God brings us next.
2. I'm thankful for my friends. They're the family I got to pick, not that there's anything wrong with the family God gave me. They give me perspective when I've lost the big picture and they pick me up when I'm hard on myself.
3. My family, as dysfunctional as we maybe, have shaped - good or bad - into the person I am.They've taught me patience and that we all take different paths to get to the things we want and while we might not always agree we're always family.
4. At a time when I'm not getting much sleep I'm also thankful for COFFEE! Having a newborn and working 9-hour days is hard but as long as I get my cup of coffee I some how make it through. Thank goodness this newborn phase doesn't last forever.
What are you thankful for?
1. THE BEAN!!! I'm most thankful for this handsome little boy that God blessed me with. We had a rough start together. First with the unplanned c-section then with his 10 day unplanned hospital stay, but now I think we're hitting our stride and I can't wait to see what God brings us next.

3. My family, as dysfunctional as we maybe, have shaped - good or bad - into the person I am.They've taught me patience and that we all take different paths to get to the things we want and while we might not always agree we're always family.
4. At a time when I'm not getting much sleep I'm also thankful for COFFEE! Having a newborn and working 9-hour days is hard but as long as I get my cup of coffee I some how make it through. Thank goodness this newborn phase doesn't last forever.
What are you thankful for?
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Who Knew
Who knew that having a baby was so hard on a marriage. I mean people don't hesitate to give you all kinds of advice and "words of wisdom" about pregnancy, labor and raising a baby. However, they never bother to tell you the toll that having a baby can take on your marriage.
I just finished reading Babyproofing your Marriage. It gave me a lot insight on what's going on in my marriage right now and helped me to see that we're not alone. I took away a lot from reading it but mostly that the only way to ensure your marriage survives having kids is by communication and ensuring that you and your husband are a partnership. To bad this seems to be where we're falling short. I feel like I'm doing everything. Hubz has been working late a lot lately and it wouldn't be so bad if it was also bringing in tons of extra money but it's not. So he's working late, I'm stuck doing all baby duties on 5 hours of sleep after a 9-hour day, and he shows no appreciation. I wish he could find a job with set hours. Unfortunately, he doesn't have much job experience, outside of what he's currently doing, so finding a different job has proved difficult. My hope is that once he's finished his second year of school he'll be able to find something, but only time will tell.
Who knew that I would adjust to motherhood so easily. I was expecting to be overwhelmed but I'm not and haven't been. Well okay I was when he was admitted to the hospital but that's to be expected when your three day old is in the PICU, hooked up to machines and nobody can seem to figure out what's wrong. Actually to this day they still don't know what happened but he's doing 100% better and that's all I care about.
There's a lot of things I didn't know when I got pregnant. But these two are the biggest things I was surprised about. Hubz and I will get through this rough patch, which I'm sure he doesn't even realize we're having, and be stronger for it I'm sure.
I just finished reading Babyproofing your Marriage. It gave me a lot insight on what's going on in my marriage right now and helped me to see that we're not alone. I took away a lot from reading it but mostly that the only way to ensure your marriage survives having kids is by communication and ensuring that you and your husband are a partnership. To bad this seems to be where we're falling short. I feel like I'm doing everything. Hubz has been working late a lot lately and it wouldn't be so bad if it was also bringing in tons of extra money but it's not. So he's working late, I'm stuck doing all baby duties on 5 hours of sleep after a 9-hour day, and he shows no appreciation. I wish he could find a job with set hours. Unfortunately, he doesn't have much job experience, outside of what he's currently doing, so finding a different job has proved difficult. My hope is that once he's finished his second year of school he'll be able to find something, but only time will tell.
Who knew that I would adjust to motherhood so easily. I was expecting to be overwhelmed but I'm not and haven't been. Well okay I was when he was admitted to the hospital but that's to be expected when your three day old is in the PICU, hooked up to machines and nobody can seem to figure out what's wrong. Actually to this day they still don't know what happened but he's doing 100% better and that's all I care about.
There's a lot of things I didn't know when I got pregnant. But these two are the biggest things I was surprised about. Hubz and I will get through this rough patch, which I'm sure he doesn't even realize we're having, and be stronger for it I'm sure.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
I can't believe you're already two months. Where has the time gone? I feel like just yesterday we were bringing you home from the hospital, for the second time, and now your smiling at us and almost double your birth weight. Your health has done a complete 180 and hopefully by the time you celebrate your first Christmas you'll be in the clear and off of one of your three meds as well as off of the yucky formula.
After only 2-months you've given my life new meaning. I use to consider graduating from college and then getting my Master's my greatest accomplishment, but after 7 September 2010 that all changed and I now count you as my greatest accomplishment. I never expected to adapt to motherhood so well, especially considering I never wanted kids, but you my handsome little man make it easy. Sure we had a little hiccup in the beginning and that reflux is no fun but these all things we're dealing with and surviving.
There are no words to explain how much Momma loves you. I thank God for you every day and hope that I'm able to be the Momma you deserve. I can't wait to see what the next month and years bring.
Momma loves you Bean!
I can't believe you're already two months. Where has the time gone? I feel like just yesterday we were bringing you home from the hospital, for the second time, and now your smiling at us and almost double your birth weight. Your health has done a complete 180 and hopefully by the time you celebrate your first Christmas you'll be in the clear and off of one of your three meds as well as off of the yucky formula.
After only 2-months you've given my life new meaning. I use to consider graduating from college and then getting my Master's my greatest accomplishment, but after 7 September 2010 that all changed and I now count you as my greatest accomplishment. I never expected to adapt to motherhood so well, especially considering I never wanted kids, but you my handsome little man make it easy. Sure we had a little hiccup in the beginning and that reflux is no fun but these all things we're dealing with and surviving.
There are no words to explain how much Momma loves you. I thank God for you every day and hope that I'm able to be the Momma you deserve. I can't wait to see what the next month and years bring.
Momma loves you Bean!
Monday, November 1, 2010
It's Been a While's been a while since I touched base. Let's see since the last time I posted, with the arrival of Burrito, we've been settling in. After eight glorious weeks with my little man I started back to work today. I was happy to get back to the working world and have some adult interaction but I miss him and look forward to the end of the day more than I ever have. I've just about finished my post about his birth and subsequent health issues after his birth. These first two months have been a roller coaster but now we're getting to a good place. I didn't get to write a one month letter but I definately have one in the works for Sunday when he turns 2-month. I can't believe how quickly time has gone by and that he's already going to be two months! Time is precious these days, especially now that I'm back at work but I'm going to try and update at least 3 times a week and hopefully on Sundays. Hopefully I can figure out how to add pictures to so everyone can see my handsome little man. Of course there's always facebook.
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