Friday, November 4, 2011

Y3W -- Finally a Boy

 If you pay attention my blog at all, or even look at the pictures I post then you know this post has nothing to do with me.  Instead it's about my brother and sister-in-law.  She's pregnant with their third and final baby and after three tries they're finally getting their much awaited boy and tomorrow we're going to shower my SIL and her much anticiapted little boy with tons of love and presents.

I love a party and  there's something about a baby shower that makes me almost as happy as a birthday party.  A baby owner gives us a chance to show our love and excitement for this new little life that is about to grace us with his perfection.  All the hopes and dreams that his parents and we as his family have for him.

 I'm excited that we'll have another little boy to add to the growing brood of boys that have been born into the family in the last three years, and I'm sure they're bond to cause a lot of trouble in the years to come.  I'm excited for the bond that my sister-in-law is about to experience as a mom of a little boy.  She's already a mom twice over but there's just something about a boy and his mom.

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