Sunday, November 11, 2012

Dumpling Weeks 34/35

OMG it's been an uber long weekend.  My brother-in-law got married yesterday and the wedding was at 10am, who does that, so to say it was a long day is an understatement.  Then since there was so much family in town we got together again today oh and on Friday nite to.  I'm pooped.  But it's time for an update and I can do that from my bed so here ya go.  It's hard for me to believe that in about 3-5 weeks I could have a new little bundle.  Too bad it won't have anywhere to sleep, hoping we'll be there by the end of the week.

How far along? 35 weeks, 1 day

Total weight gain/loss: After my appointment last Friday I'd lost another pound so that pound I had gained, yeah it meant nothing.  So I'm back to total loss of 10 pounds to the dr's and 15 by my count
Maternity clothes? ummm...heck yes and I have been since about 9 weeks, but I'm still also wearing a lot of non-maternity too, mostly in tops. Of course I'm not sure what I"m going to do now that it's starting to get cold but I do know that I'm not planning on buying anything new, if I can help it.
Stretch marks? no new ones.

Sleep: I wouldn't say I'm suffering from insomnia but I will say I'm sleep deprived.  I'm up multiple times either because I can't breath or too pee. It's exhausting but I just keep telling my self the end is near.
Best moment this week: The wedding just because the Bean had so much fun and I love a reason to celebrate with family.

Food cravings: Back to nothing being appetizing.  I eat because I have to most days not because I want to.
Gender: no idea and we won't know until December when Dumpling makes his or her appearance.  I feel like it might be a girl but what do I know really, it's just a feeling which means nothing really. We'll no in a few weeks.
Labor Signs: The Braxton Hicks are a little intense sometimes but other than that nothing although I did lose my mucus plug last week but that doesn't really mean anything in the big picture of things.
Belly Button in or out? flat, with a little flap.  it's kind of weird and I don't remember it being like that with the Bean.
What I miss: Wine or really any adult libations. I just need a good stiff drink. <~still this... oh and coffee and milk shakes.

What I am looking forward to: starting to get stuff out of storage and washed, okay not really the washing part but at least getting it out of storage.  Also, hopefully getting the nursery together by this weekend.  Oh and the Sprinkle my sisters-in-laws planned for me.

Weekly Wisdom: I got nothing.

Milestones: nada

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

3 weeks

Today as I was sitting at work it hit me that if Dumpling is like his/her big brother it's possible I could have a new baby in about 3 weeks.  The bean was born at exactly 38 weeks, I'll 35 weeks on Saturday!  Hubz thought it was funny that once again I was surprised at how close the impending arrivals arrival actually was.

3 weeks!  It that time we have a wedding, maternity pictures, birthday party and Thanksgiving.  Oh and let's not forget we're still working and Hubz has school and the step-son has his numerous things that he needs to be taken to or we need to attend, but well I'm not all that worried.  I've set a goal to accomplish one or two little things a day.  Today I took out the infant car seat and their bases and put the cover back on, of course it now looks like we're missing a piece to the car seat so we'll have to find the piece or get a new car seat, I'm hoping we can just find the piece but I'm not optimistic since Hubz didn't even know what I was talking about when I said it was missing.  I'm also FINALLY going to get our suitcase unpacked from our Anniversary trip back the beginning of October.  While really it should be Hubz doing this since it's mostly his crap if I wait on him the baby will be here and I have tons of mess on that side of the room that needs to be taken care of so we can bring in the bassinet and swing, which are both next on the list to come out of storage so their respective covers and stuff can be cleaned and they can be brought to our room.

3 weeks isn't a ton of time but it's enough to get done what needs to be done and continue with life as normal, or as normal as it can be when the Momma's 35 weeks pregnant and taking care of a lot of things solo.  I figure is something doesn't get done before Dumpling's arrival then it'll get done after.  As long as my breast pump has all it's necessary parts and pieces and the bassinet, swing and car seat are good to go we're golden and that'll all be taken care of in the next week or so.  Oh I should probably pack my hospital bag sometime during that 3 weeks too, just to be on the safe side, huh.  Although last time I didn't get a bag packed until the day my water broke and I went into labor so....

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

I Voted

I got my vote on.  This is the fourth election I've voted in but the first that I was the most nervous about. I knew it was going to be close but in the end my guy prevailed!  Sure there are people that aren't happy, but hey that was a given.  Me I'm ecstatic.  I'm happy to know that we have 4 more years to continue to move forward and make this country better.  That we have 4 more years that women are safe from extremists trying to force us back to the 1950s.

I don't talk to politics, with anyone..EVER!  Simply because in college I had someone tell me I deserve to die because I was pro-choice and pro-gay rights.  What always makes me chuckle is that 4 years later, just before we graduated, that same person had "come-out" and eventually even apologized.  However, that one person turned me off from EVER wanting to discuss my views.  i get it that people are passionate about where they stand on issues and I respect that but I also realize that not everyone is that way, just look at Facebook. 

I will say that I'm glad that this political season is over.  I'd grown weary of the TV/radio ads, numerous phone calls, ignorant and down right ridiculous Facebook and Twitter posts and the constant barking of my dogs because of the people at my door.  Mostly I'm glad I can "like" some of my friends again. Because of my rule not to discuss politics I never knew where some of them stood and was sad to find out they were some of the ignorant and ridiculous but that's okay I'm still happy to call them friends because we have so many other things to talk about besides politics, otherwise we wouldn't be friends.

Monday, November 5, 2012

New Phone

I'm so excited I'm getting a new cell phone.  I know it's not a big deal to most people but my poor dinosaur of a phone needs a serious upgrade and Hubz has said he'll pay for my upgrade as my birthday present.  So I'm upgrading to the iPhone 4S.  I went back and forth about getting the 5, the newest edition available, but I can't really justify the extra $100 it costs over the 4S all for a bigger screen and faster processor.  2 things that don't really matter to me, especially considering anything is better then the 3S that my MIL so graciously passed on to me about a year ago when she upgraded and I was desperately in need of a new phone after the Bean threw my BlackBerry in a cup of hot chocolate.

With the new phone comes tons of apps I can download now, there are so many that my poor 3S wasn't compatible with.  Not to mention better pictures of my boy and Dumpling, when he/she gets here.  Also, it'll give Hubz some stocking stuffer ideas come Christmas time, since I know he tends to have issues coming up with stocking stuffers.

Now I just have to wait for it to get ordered and delivered ....  SO EXCITED!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Crafting Bug

I spend a lot of time just me and my Bean.  Which means when he goes to bed I spend a lot time just me.  Lately I'm tired but can't fall asleep so I've been crafting, thanks to Pinterst I've got a board full of stuff I want to make. So what better time then now, especially with so much free, alone time on my hands.  Right now I'm working on this guy, thanks to one of my favorite bloggers, Baby Rabies.

I'm also working on something for the Bean's Big Boy room.  Which I'm hoping comes out as good as I have it pictured in my head, but only time will tell.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Momma Friends

Most of my friends are family, I like it that way because for the most part you trust family to always be there.  I have a handful of friends that I'm not related to by marriage or blood and I've known them for years so to me they're like family because I'd trust them with my life, I'd trust them with my children and that's saying a lot.  However, sometimes I wish I had some Momma friends.  Some ladies that know what it's like to work and juggle this Momma job with a husband that works crazy hours, with no sign of that ever changing.  Maybe it wouldn't feel so lonely all the time.

Thursday, November 1, 2012


Yesterday was my birthday and really 31 doesn't feel that much different that 30, well ya know except the fact that this year I'm growing this little Dumpling and last year I celebrated by drinking tons of champagne and other grown-up libations. 
Birthdays are definitely different when you're an adult and a Momma to boot.  Other than birthday wishes on Facebook and through text and a card from my mom and bestie there was really any celebrating.  No presents, well except the gift I gave myself of trying to cut my finger's a long story,  or cake.  And while I might be a little bummed about it my birthday is on Halloween which really is more about the kids than me so, what can you do.  My boy was the cutest little Bob-omb:

And these memories are ones that I'll gladly take even if it means that my birthday kind of gets pushed to the back burner.

So now we're in November and the count down is on for the arrival of Dumpling and the holidays.  Every year I say it but, where did the year go?  We've got things to get done and maybe they'll get done and maybe they won't be all I know is that in about 45 days or so I'll be bringing home a new babe to start new memories and who this time next year will be one more reason why my birthday is pushed to the back burner.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Dumpling Weeks 32/33

How far along? 33 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Gained a pound last week! Still at a loss though with 9 according to the dr and 14 if you count the five I lost before I started appointments

Maternity clothes? ummm...heck yes and I have been since about 9 weeks, but I'm still also wearing a lot of non-maternity too, mostly in tops.  Of course I'm not sure what I"m going to do now that it's starting to get cold. 
Stretch marks? no new ones.

Sleep: I'm sleeping just not great, partially because I have to get up to pee multiple times a nite and partially because I'm almost 33 weeks pregnant
Best moment this week: Moving the Bean into his big boy room!  He did great.  We've had a rough week this week but I'm not sure if it's the new surroundings or teething/growth spurt. Either way it's exhausting and I'll be happy for it to be over.

Food cravings: This week it was the turkey cranberry panini from Panera, I had it for dinner last nite.  DELISH!  Overall though nothing that I just have to have every day.

Gender: no idea and we won't know until December when Dumpling makes his or her appearance. 
Labor Signs: The Braxton Hicks are a little intense sometimes but other than that nothing and I'd like it to stay that way at least through for at least 4-5 more weeks.  We still have to get the bassinet and car seat out and cleaned and then Dumpling's welcome to come.
Belly Button in or out? I just call it my gully now. Although I don't even think that's the best way to describe it either since it's really just completely flat and Bean still insists on trying to shove his finger in it...OUCH!

What I miss: Wine or really any adult libations. I just need a good stiff drink.  <~still this...

What I am looking forward to: Getting the nursery set up, now that we've gotten the Bean moved into his big boy room it's time to get things set up for Dumpling and the Sprinkle that my sisters-in-law planned for me in a few weeks.  It's really just a reason for us to get together.

Weekly Wisdom: Things will fall into place when they need to and just like last time there's really nothing I can do about it.

Milestones: I got to sleep past 7am's the little things.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Dumpling - 30/31 Weeks

How far along? 31 weeks, 1 day

Total weight gain/loss: Gained a pound last week!  Still at a loss though with 10 according to the dr and 15 if you count the five I lost before I started appointments

Maternity clothes? ummm...heck yes and I have been since about 9 weeks, but I'm still also wearing a lot of non-maternity too, mostly in tops.

Stretch marks? no new ones.

Sleep: I'm sleeping just not great, partially because I have to get up to pee at least once a nite and partially because I'm almost 32 weeks pregnant

Best moment this week: It was actually last weekend when Hubz and I went away to celebrate our 5 year wedding anniversary in Atlantic City.  We slept and relaxed and just hung out and enjoyed each other's company.  We haven't had even a weekend away just the two of us since our Honeymoon.

Food cravings: nothing really, food still isn't my FAVORITE thing ever but at least I can eat now.  Although Melting Pot last weekend for our Anniversary was quite delicious.!
Gender: no idea and we won't know until December when Dumpling makes his/her appearance
Labor Signs: The Braxton Hicks are a little intense sometimes but other than that nothing and I'd like it to stay that way at least through Thanksgiving.

Belly Button in or out? I just call it my gully now.  Although I don't even think that's the best way to describe it either since it's really just completely flat.

What I miss: Wine or really any adult libations.  I just need a good stiff drink.

What I am looking forward to: Getting the nursery set up, now that we've gotten the Bean moved into his big boy room it's time to get things set up for Dumpling.

Weekly Wisdom: Am at that point where I have to start reminding myself that everything that needs to get done will get done and before Dumpling gets here.

Milestones: Not really baby related but the Bean is in a toddler bed as of this weekend and doing great!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

5 Years

5 years ago today the Hubz and I stood before family, friends and God and promised to love each other in good times and bad, until death do us part.  There were other things said, most I don't remember but these words they stick with me always.  It definitely hasn't been an easy 5 years between home buying, job loss, the Bean's birth and subsequent hospital stay and follow-ups and oh so many other things that are just part of life.  However, through it all we've always had each other.

When both of my sisters and my sister-in-law got married I told them that marriage wasn't easy, true story, and that it was something you had to work at everyday.  And work we do, some days are easier than others but always at the end of the day I wouldn't chose anyone else to share this adventure with.

Looking at pictures from that day I smile, laugh and cry (EVERY TIME)  at the memories and the love that surrounded.  We have a big ROWDY group of family and friends and they were all there to celebrate with us and we wouldn't have had it any other way.

So on this our 5 year wedding anniversary I hope the Hubz knows that I love him more today then I did that day five years ago and I'll love him more tomorrow then I did today.  And while some days I want to shake him, and I'm sure the feeling is mutual on his end about me, I'll always thank God that he brought him into my life just when I least expected it.  He teaches me to go with the flow and enjoy life and I teach him to be a grown-up :).  We may not have it all together (we really don't) but together we have it all.

I will

Mr & Mrs

First dance

Good Times

 Our Happily Ever after
 Happy Anniversary Hubz! I love you forever and always!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Dumpling - 29 Weeks (2 days)

Somewhere, along the way of this pregnancy, I lost control of my life. It's slowly starting to drive me insane, like REALLY crazy, so I'm working on gaining back some of that.  However, I think the out of control is still winning.  What's even worse is I know that it's not going to get any better, what with adding a new baby and all.
Le sigh.
So that's why it's taken me 5 weeks to write an update on Dumpling.  Although I was only doing every 4 weeks anyway since that's when my appointments were but now where at 2 week appointments.  SAY WHAT!?  Yup I'll be visiting with fantastic OB every two weeks now, starting next Monday when I'll be 30 weeks, 2 days.  I'm not sure how this happened, this being almost 10 weeks from my due date with barely anything accomplished but alas it did and now I feel like I'm in hyper drive to get things done while still working and maintaining a home (although not very well) and maintaining my sanity (again not very well). 
Oh well, ready or not Dumplings coming so I better get it together and soon because I think chances are good that this babe will be making an early appearance like big brother did 2 years ago.  Oh yeah that's right I have a two year and pictures to share from his birthday, ya know when I have time.

How far along? 29 weeks, 2 days
Total weight gain/loss: After my appointment a week and half ago I'm down two more pounds which brings  me down  11 pounds to the doctor but if I include the 5 pounds I'd lost before I started my appointments at 9 weeks it's really 16pounds. I now weigh less than I did when I got pregnant with the Bean.
Maternity clothes? ummm...heck yes and I have been since about 9 weeks, but I'm still also wearing a lot of non-maternity too. I'm only comfortable with the pants that have the secret belly so my clothing choices have started to dwindle so I've started looking at eBay and discovered that Motherhood Maternity sells leggings and petite pants so I've added a couple pairs of each to my wardrobe to get me through the next few months.

Stretch marks? no new ones.

Sleep: Some nites are better than others. I'm up at least once a nite to go to the bathroom and can only really sleep on my left side or sitting up so lots of rearranging but every once in a while I find the perfect position and can sleep through most of the nite.

Best moment this week: I haven't throw n up in a couple of weeks, and since some days I'm still uber nauseous I'll take it.
Food cravings: nothing really, I'm just happy to be able to eat most things.  Still can't do anything super sweet or soda or coffee or tea but I can eat most meat now without wanting to hurl so that's something
Gender: no idea and we won't know until December when Dumpling makes his/her appearance

Labor Signs: I started with Braxton Hicks  and some of them are a little intense but nothing sitting with my feet up and drinking some water can't take care of.  I didn't think I started with BH this early last time but Hubz says it was about the same time.  Other than that no real labor signs and it better stay like the for a least 8 more weeks.

Belly Button in or out? my poor belly button.  it looks like a little ledge it's so flat
What I miss: A good glass of red wine and some pasta with red sauce oh and sushi I REALLY miss sushi and wine.
What I am looking forward to: since our 5 year wedding anniversary is this weekend I'm looking forward to time for just me and the hubz, but when we get back it's nothing but baby prep

Weekly Wisdom: It's true that the second pregnancy seems to move faster, probably because you're chasing after a toddler and can't sit around thinking as much about the impending arrival.

Milestones: The Bean understanding Momma has a baby in her belly.  Now if he'd stop using me as a jungle gym.

Friday, September 7, 2012

2 Years - 24 Months - 731 Days

2 weeks before your 2nd birthday. What a difference 2 years makes!

My Sweet Boy
I'm not sure how we got to this point so quickly.  It seems like we were just finding out about your existence and then before we knew it you were here.  Making you appearance into our life and making sure we knew that your were here to keep us on our toes.  I know time at all you were crawling and smiling and eating food and then before we knew you were 1 and walking.  Once you started walking it was all over and you were in to everything.  Then you were talking and and putting sounds and words together so that you could actually communicate with us.

Now today on this your 2nd Birthday I'm still not sure how we got here so quickly.  24 months, 731 days it just doesn't seem possible.  I know I've said this every month since you were born but really it just doesn't seem possible.  I see you changing and becoming a little boy and I wonder what from this time in your life will you carry with you into boyhood and beyond.  Will you remember how you always had some kind of ball in your hand including when you went to bed?  Or how about how just about everything and anything was a guitar or a drum.  You love to dance and music is the first thing you normally ask for when we walk through the door in the afternoon, you get that from Daddy and I and we get it from our parents music is part of us.  Unless your sick your an eater and you LOVE your fruits and veggies, which makes Momma very happy.

This next year will bring big changes for you. Moving to a toddler bed, potty training and getting a new brother/sister.  You'll continue to grow and change and I'll continue to be amazed at the little man you're becoming.  Each year as you get older you'll learn that Momma is a big sap when it comes to you and your brothers/sisters because you are each the most precious gift God could have ever given me.  To be made your Momma has probably been the single biggest accomplishment in my life, and I've done a lot of great things, and I will forever be grateful for the chance to shape you, love you and watch you grow into a man.

Welcome to the world!
Momma meeting her boy for the first time.

Daddy and his boy in recovery, waiting on Momma.

Happy 2nd Birthday my Sweet Boy!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Dumpling 24 Weeks

Well, I've been back from vacation for a week and missed 2 weeks of updates on Dumpling.  I'm okay with it though because first there was nothing new to report and second I was on vacation enjoying my family and relaxing.

I had an appointment yesterday and with only one more 4 week appointment before we move to every 2 weeks I'd be lying if I said I wasn't feeling a little stressed, but I've started my to-do lists and I know I can count on Hubz to pick up the slack once he realizes how overwhelmed I'm feeling so I'm not gonna lose it...yet.

So without further ado, this week's stats.

How far along? 24 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: After my appointment yesterday I'm down yet another pound which brings  me down  9 pounds to the doctor but if I include the 5 pounds I'd lost before I started my appointments at 9 weeks it's really 14 pounds.
Maternity clothes? ummm...heck yes and I have been since about 9 weeks, but I'm still also wearing a lot of non-maternity too. I'm only comfortable with the pants that have the secret belly so my clothing choices have started to dwindle so I've started looking at eBay.

Stretch marks? no new ones.

Sleep:'s not to bad but Hubz is out of town and I don't sleep well whenever he's gone so it'll be Labor Day before I start sleeping better...maybe.

Best moment this week: Dumpling kicking the Bean when he was laying on my stomach.  He was very confused.

Food cravings: nothing really, I'm just happy to be able to eat I'm about at the point I was with the Bean where I started being able to eat more so that's good.  Of course I still have days where food and I aren't friends but such is life.

Gender: no idea and we won't know until December when Dumpling makes his/her appearance

Labor Signs: I started with Braxton Hicks  and some of them are a little intense but nothing sitting with my feet up and drinking some water can't take care of.  I didn't think I started with BH this early last time but Hubz says it was about the same time.  Other than that no real labor signs and it better stay like the for a least 3 more months.

Belly Button in or out? getting flatter as the days progress

What I miss: A good glass of red wine and some pasta with red sauce
What I am looking forward to: starting to make progress on getting the Bean moved and getting the nursery ready for Dumpling's arrival. 

Weekly Wisdom: It's true that the second pregnancy seems to move faster, probably because you're chasing after a toddler and can't sit around thinking as much about the impending arrival.

Milestones: The Bean feeling Dumpling kick and The Bean kind of starting to understand Momma has a baby in her belly.  Now if he'd stop using me as a jungle gym.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Wordless Wednesday - Wedding-Beach Vacation

Saturday we leave for the beach for 5 glorious days, no nearly long enough but I'll take what I can get.  But we're not just going for vacation we're going to celebrate my Bestie's sister and her partner's wedding and you know how I love a wedding!  I'm sure there'll be tears and tons of laughs and lot of pictures, that I'm sure I'll never get posted, but mostly they'll be promises made to love one another no matter and reminder to those of us who've already taken those vows what we promised on our special day. I.CAN'T.WAIT. 

I'll leave you of just a little of what we'll be enjoying while we're away.
What we'll see when we first drive up.

The room I'm hoping to snag because it's so cheerful and has a balcony!

Really, does this need a caption.
 Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

23 Months

Oh Bean!  How did we get here so quickly.  In one short month you'll be 2. No longer my baby, although you haven't really been my baby for a while, and most definietly a toddler.  The dreaded terrible twos have yet to hit us, although you have your moments, and I'm praying they never do...especially since I hear three is B.A.D! 

While it's only been a month you've changed so much just in those 30 days.  Your vocabulary is ever changing and I can't even keep up with the new words you're saying.  Daddy and I really have to watch what we say around you now because you repeat everything your hear.  It's cute, until you say something not so cute! You're also now sitting at the table with us at dinner time and for all your meals and you love it.  And speaking of meals sometimes you amaze us with the amount of food you can put away, for such a little guy you sure can eat.  I tell Daddy all the time how you'd probably eat from the time you woke up until you went to bed if we let you.  I don't mind though because I know it means you're getting big and strong.

My sweet, sweet boy, in one short month we'll celebrate your 2nd Birthday.  It's like I blinked and you became this little boy.  If only I could keep my eyes only always maybe you just stop growing and changing but I know that's not option.  Instead I cherish these moments where I'm still the center of your world because I know soon enought, although not to soon I hope, I won't be.  You'll  go off to school and make friends and eventually have girlfriends and fall in love but that's way, WAY in the future and until that day comes and even after I hope you know and remember always that I love you forever and always.  You always been my squishy little Bean that I brought home 23 months ago and stole my heart the first time I laid eyes on you.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Dumpling 21 weeks, 1 Day

We're cruising right along.  It was a quite week and not much to talk about so here's the survey.
How far along? 21 weeks, 1 day

Total weight gain/loss: I'm still at appointments every 4 weeks so since my next appointment isn't until the end of the month I'll just assume I'm holding steady at 8 lbs (according to the dr) and 13 lbs by my count.

Maternity clothes? ummm...heck yes and I have been since about 9 weeks, but I'm still also wearing a lot of non-maternity too. I'm sure this will start change in the next couple of weeks.

Stretch marks? no new ones.

Sleep:'s not to bad when Hubz isn't snoring or flipping around like a dead fish moaning because of the neck/back problems he's had for the last two weeks--STILL!

Best moment this week: The Bean reading Good Night Moon while I was cleaning his room and putting away laundry...CUTEST thing EVER!

Food cravings: nothing really, I'm just happy to be able to eat more than rice, although it's not much more and it's definitely not rice anymore.

Gender: no idea and we won't know until December when Dumpling makes his/her appearance

Labor Signs: goodness NO and it better stay that way for a while

Belly Button in or out? getting flatter as the days progress

What I miss: food and not having heart burn

What I am looking forward to: getting the Bean's big boy room painted and him moved over.  Right now that's what's weighing heaviest on my mind.  He generally does well with change so I'm hoping it'goes smoothly.

Weekly Wisdom: the new TUMS Smoothies are so much better than those originally chalky ones.

Milestones: more frequent movement and being able to see it on the outside.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Dumpling 20 weeks (1 day)

Holy heck we're halfway there!  And really if my dr's right more than halfway since I delivered the Bean two weeks early.  We're uber busy until October but after that it's on like Donkey Kong to get things ready for Dumpling's arrival.

Besides hitting the halfway point this week we also had out big ultrasound.  While normally it would be where we'd have also found out the sex  we didn't, ya know since we're Team Green and all. So without further delay my stats for this week.

How far along? 20 weeks, 1 day

Total weight gain/loss: after my appointment this past Friday I'm down another 4, which brings my total loss to 8, according to the dr but really I'm at like 13 if I count what I weighed at home before I started seeing the dr.
Maternity clothes? ummm...heck yes and I have been since about 9 weeks, but I'm still also wearing a lot of non-maternity too.  I'm sure this will start change in the next couple of weeks.

Stretch marks? no new ones.

Sleep:'s not to bad when Hubz isn't snoring or flipping around like a dead fish moaning because of the neck/back problems he's had for the last two weeks

Best moment this week: our big ultrasound....even though we didn't find out the sex it was still nice to see Dumpling and how big he/she's gotten since the last time.

Food cravings: nothing really, I'm just happy to be able to eat more than rice, although it's not much more and it's definitely not rice anymore.

Gender: no idea and we won't know until December when Dumpling makes his/her appearance

Labor Signs: goodness NO and it better stay that way for a while

Belly Button in or out? getting flatter as the days progress

What I miss: food and not having heart burn

What I am looking forward to: figuring out when and whose going to take my maternity pictures.  I know I want them to be fally, so it'll be sometime in October but that's all I got.  My normal photog moved 2 hours away so I'm not sure if she's even an option but I'm going to talk to her and see.

Weekly Wisdom: do whatever you have to in order to get sleep, even if it means moving to another room where your Hubz isn't trying to win a Gold medal for snoring.

Milestones: got to eat steak and cheese the other nite and it was sooooo delicious...did I mention how much I miss food?

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