Saturday, August 25, 2012

Dumpling 24 Weeks

Well, I've been back from vacation for a week and missed 2 weeks of updates on Dumpling.  I'm okay with it though because first there was nothing new to report and second I was on vacation enjoying my family and relaxing.

I had an appointment yesterday and with only one more 4 week appointment before we move to every 2 weeks I'd be lying if I said I wasn't feeling a little stressed, but I've started my to-do lists and I know I can count on Hubz to pick up the slack once he realizes how overwhelmed I'm feeling so I'm not gonna lose it...yet.

So without further ado, this week's stats.

How far along? 24 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: After my appointment yesterday I'm down yet another pound which brings  me down  9 pounds to the doctor but if I include the 5 pounds I'd lost before I started my appointments at 9 weeks it's really 14 pounds.
Maternity clothes? ummm...heck yes and I have been since about 9 weeks, but I'm still also wearing a lot of non-maternity too. I'm only comfortable with the pants that have the secret belly so my clothing choices have started to dwindle so I've started looking at eBay.

Stretch marks? no new ones.

Sleep:'s not to bad but Hubz is out of town and I don't sleep well whenever he's gone so it'll be Labor Day before I start sleeping better...maybe.

Best moment this week: Dumpling kicking the Bean when he was laying on my stomach.  He was very confused.

Food cravings: nothing really, I'm just happy to be able to eat I'm about at the point I was with the Bean where I started being able to eat more so that's good.  Of course I still have days where food and I aren't friends but such is life.

Gender: no idea and we won't know until December when Dumpling makes his/her appearance

Labor Signs: I started with Braxton Hicks  and some of them are a little intense but nothing sitting with my feet up and drinking some water can't take care of.  I didn't think I started with BH this early last time but Hubz says it was about the same time.  Other than that no real labor signs and it better stay like the for a least 3 more months.

Belly Button in or out? getting flatter as the days progress

What I miss: A good glass of red wine and some pasta with red sauce
What I am looking forward to: starting to make progress on getting the Bean moved and getting the nursery ready for Dumpling's arrival. 

Weekly Wisdom: It's true that the second pregnancy seems to move faster, probably because you're chasing after a toddler and can't sit around thinking as much about the impending arrival.

Milestones: The Bean feeling Dumpling kick and The Bean kind of starting to understand Momma has a baby in her belly.  Now if he'd stop using me as a jungle gym.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Wordless Wednesday - Wedding-Beach Vacation

Saturday we leave for the beach for 5 glorious days, no nearly long enough but I'll take what I can get.  But we're not just going for vacation we're going to celebrate my Bestie's sister and her partner's wedding and you know how I love a wedding!  I'm sure there'll be tears and tons of laughs and lot of pictures, that I'm sure I'll never get posted, but mostly they'll be promises made to love one another no matter and reminder to those of us who've already taken those vows what we promised on our special day. I.CAN'T.WAIT. 

I'll leave you of just a little of what we'll be enjoying while we're away.
What we'll see when we first drive up.

The room I'm hoping to snag because it's so cheerful and has a balcony!

Really, does this need a caption.
 Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

23 Months

Oh Bean!  How did we get here so quickly.  In one short month you'll be 2. No longer my baby, although you haven't really been my baby for a while, and most definietly a toddler.  The dreaded terrible twos have yet to hit us, although you have your moments, and I'm praying they never do...especially since I hear three is B.A.D! 

While it's only been a month you've changed so much just in those 30 days.  Your vocabulary is ever changing and I can't even keep up with the new words you're saying.  Daddy and I really have to watch what we say around you now because you repeat everything your hear.  It's cute, until you say something not so cute! You're also now sitting at the table with us at dinner time and for all your meals and you love it.  And speaking of meals sometimes you amaze us with the amount of food you can put away, for such a little guy you sure can eat.  I tell Daddy all the time how you'd probably eat from the time you woke up until you went to bed if we let you.  I don't mind though because I know it means you're getting big and strong.

My sweet, sweet boy, in one short month we'll celebrate your 2nd Birthday.  It's like I blinked and you became this little boy.  If only I could keep my eyes only always maybe you just stop growing and changing but I know that's not option.  Instead I cherish these moments where I'm still the center of your world because I know soon enought, although not to soon I hope, I won't be.  You'll  go off to school and make friends and eventually have girlfriends and fall in love but that's way, WAY in the future and until that day comes and even after I hope you know and remember always that I love you forever and always.  You always been my squishy little Bean that I brought home 23 months ago and stole my heart the first time I laid eyes on you.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Dumpling 21 weeks, 1 Day

We're cruising right along.  It was a quite week and not much to talk about so here's the survey.
How far along? 21 weeks, 1 day

Total weight gain/loss: I'm still at appointments every 4 weeks so since my next appointment isn't until the end of the month I'll just assume I'm holding steady at 8 lbs (according to the dr) and 13 lbs by my count.

Maternity clothes? ummm...heck yes and I have been since about 9 weeks, but I'm still also wearing a lot of non-maternity too. I'm sure this will start change in the next couple of weeks.

Stretch marks? no new ones.

Sleep:'s not to bad when Hubz isn't snoring or flipping around like a dead fish moaning because of the neck/back problems he's had for the last two weeks--STILL!

Best moment this week: The Bean reading Good Night Moon while I was cleaning his room and putting away laundry...CUTEST thing EVER!

Food cravings: nothing really, I'm just happy to be able to eat more than rice, although it's not much more and it's definitely not rice anymore.

Gender: no idea and we won't know until December when Dumpling makes his/her appearance

Labor Signs: goodness NO and it better stay that way for a while

Belly Button in or out? getting flatter as the days progress

What I miss: food and not having heart burn

What I am looking forward to: getting the Bean's big boy room painted and him moved over.  Right now that's what's weighing heaviest on my mind.  He generally does well with change so I'm hoping it'goes smoothly.

Weekly Wisdom: the new TUMS Smoothies are so much better than those originally chalky ones.

Milestones: more frequent movement and being able to see it on the outside.