Well, crap! So much for those plans I had to be better about posting. Here we are a month and half later and nothing! That's my life and I'm done dwelling, so onward we go.
At this point baby girl is actually 13 months but I don't want to have missed out on the last two months before she turned 1 so...
My sweet, sweet girl. I can't believe how close we were to you turning 1. Your 10th and 11th months weren't full of anything BIG but still lots that was big for you. You started vocalizing so much more than you had been. You knew exactly who I was, Momma, and I don't mind saying I LOVE that Momma was your first word, since brother's was Daddy.
As you turned 10 months you still have no teeth and I wasconvinced that you'd be like your brother and cut teeth just before your first birthday, but by the end of the month you had two little teeth ont on the bottom! You didn't let your lack of teeth you from eating anything and everything we'd let you have. You really started to show your personality and oh boy are we going to have our hands full! Even at just 10 months you were not taking nothing from nobody. While you're obviously not talking yet you still yell at anyone that may try to take stuff from and let your voice be heard.
Month 11 bought your first Halloween and Momma's birthday! You were the cutest little Strawberry. As I expected you didn't make it to Trick-or-Treating but that's okay you couldn't eat the candy anyway. You still only had those two bottom teeth but your eating had completely moved to whatever we were eating, you were eating. This made things so much easier for Momma.
As I prepared for your 1st birthday I was nostalgic and excited for what was to come. Your fill our life with joy and a little frustration, since for whatever reason you find sleep overrated, and we love you to pieces! We can't wait to see what you story becomes.
Monday, December 23, 2013
Thursday, November 14, 2013
One - 365 days - Baby Girl
Baby girl
For the sake of full disclosure, I'm actually writing this first birthday a year late. Being the Momma of two littles is nothing short of EXHAUSTING and some how I forgot to post my sweet girl's first birthday letter, so I'm doing it now!
How'd we get here so quick? Just yesterday you were days old and finally coming home from the NICU and now your 1! That went much faster than I wanted. With your barely there hair and 6 little teeth you are the my reason for being most days, you and your brother. I hardly remember life before you and for Bubba it's like you've always been here.
You're walking and jabbering, not really talking just yet, and getting into EVERYTHING but that not of that will change from here on out. You LOVE food, LOVE IT and sometimes can out eat the boys, even your biggest brother! I wonder if you'll always be like that or if eventually you'll become a picky eater. You'll play for hours by yourself at the little kitchen we recently bought and it's the cutest thing, EVER! Bubba would prefer you play with him but sometimes a girl just needs alone time.
It was the fastest year and I'm sure the rest will go just as quickly, so I'll try not to blink. Know that no matter what Momma & Daddy love you always. Make the next year be as memorable as this first year.
Forever and Always.
For the sake of full disclosure, I'm actually writing this first birthday a year late. Being the Momma of two littles is nothing short of EXHAUSTING and some how I forgot to post my sweet girl's first birthday letter, so I'm doing it now!
How'd we get here so quick? Just yesterday you were days old and finally coming home from the NICU and now your 1! That went much faster than I wanted. With your barely there hair and 6 little teeth you are the my reason for being most days, you and your brother. I hardly remember life before you and for Bubba it's like you've always been here.
You're walking and jabbering, not really talking just yet, and getting into EVERYTHING but that not of that will change from here on out. You LOVE food, LOVE IT and sometimes can out eat the boys, even your biggest brother! I wonder if you'll always be like that or if eventually you'll become a picky eater. You'll play for hours by yourself at the little kitchen we recently bought and it's the cutest thing, EVER! Bubba would prefer you play with him but sometimes a girl just needs alone time.
It was the fastest year and I'm sure the rest will go just as quickly, so I'll try not to blink. Know that no matter what Momma & Daddy love you always. Make the next year be as memorable as this first year.
Forever and Always.
birthday letter,
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Seriously! 2 months since I last touched this page and while I know it's because life is crazy, although it's slowed down some, it still makes me sad. This is my place to decompress a little. So I'm vowing to get back to it. NaBloPoMo (National Blog Post Month) started on the 1st, I'm behind which is really the story of my life anymore, so I'm going to start today. Last year I did pretty well getting one post a day and this is a big month for the Swiftly Growing house, Baby Girl turns 1 next week! That means I have a least a weeks worth or posts and not to mention I still need to get her 10/11 months posts up...sigh, I really am overwhelmed by life! I'm vowing to take the next two months 1 day at a time, otherwise I may completly have a melt down, and just in case the wine rack is stocked!
So I'm back, hopefully full time at least for this month. And I'm hoping at least 2-3 times a week after that but hey I'm a Momma and Wife and a million other things and sometimes life just gets crazy.
Happy Thursday, ya'll! Oh here's a little cuteness!
So I'm back, hopefully full time at least for this month. And I'm hoping at least 2-3 times a week after that but hey I'm a Momma and Wife and a million other things and sometimes life just gets crazy.
Happy Thursday, ya'll! Oh here's a little cuteness!
Saturday, September 7, 2013
3 Years Old - The Bean
3 years ago a tiny little bundle made his appearance after 18 hours of labor and an unplanned C-section. My first thought upon seeing you was that I was glad you were here but sad your head was pointy, what can I say I'm a little vain. But once I got out of the operating room and into recovery, where you and your daddy had already spent an hour bonding, I felt my heart overflow with a love I'd never felt. It was true that becoming a Momma, your Momma, changed me in ways that I can never explain. Of course after 3 days at home you spent the next 10 in the PICU, where for about 5 days you literally fought for your life. Eventually you came home and being your Momma has been one of my biggest joys.
Your first year seemed to speed by and before I knew we were celebrating your second birthday. Between then and now you've become a big brother and such a big boy. Everyday is a new day and I never know what that day is going to be like. And oh what a big brother you are. I know that forever and always your little sister will always have you in her corner. There are people that will say that only children are just as happy as siblings but they'll never make me believe it. Siblings teach us how to love someone other than our self, unconditionally. And unconditionally is exactly how you love your sister. Of course I know in about 10 years you two will "hate" each other but that's all part of the circle of life because 10 years after that you'll have a whole new relationship, as adult siblings, and that's something even I can't explain.
Now here we are celebrating your third year and I can't help but tear up a little, I cry a lot more since you made me a Momma. My tears are happy tears though. I'm happy to know that you're a well adjusted, happy loving little boy. I know that the next year will probably be full of ups and downs but that's just life. I can already tell it maybe our most challenging yet but that's only because you're starting to assert your independence, which is too be expected, and considering who your parents are I expect it to be a little bumpy from here on out but at the end of the year when I'm writing about this third year we're embarking on I know the only thing I'll remember are the good things.
My dear sweet boy I hope this next year brings you such growth and memories. But mostly I hope that you know and always remember that no matter how big you get you'll always be my sweet little Bean. My first born.
I love you forever and always.
Your first year seemed to speed by and before I knew we were celebrating your second birthday. Between then and now you've become a big brother and such a big boy. Everyday is a new day and I never know what that day is going to be like. And oh what a big brother you are. I know that forever and always your little sister will always have you in her corner. There are people that will say that only children are just as happy as siblings but they'll never make me believe it. Siblings teach us how to love someone other than our self, unconditionally. And unconditionally is exactly how you love your sister. Of course I know in about 10 years you two will "hate" each other but that's all part of the circle of life because 10 years after that you'll have a whole new relationship, as adult siblings, and that's something even I can't explain.
Now here we are celebrating your third year and I can't help but tear up a little, I cry a lot more since you made me a Momma. My tears are happy tears though. I'm happy to know that you're a well adjusted, happy loving little boy. I know that the next year will probably be full of ups and downs but that's just life. I can already tell it maybe our most challenging yet but that's only because you're starting to assert your independence, which is too be expected, and considering who your parents are I expect it to be a little bumpy from here on out but at the end of the year when I'm writing about this third year we're embarking on I know the only thing I'll remember are the good things.
My dear sweet boy I hope this next year brings you such growth and memories. But mostly I hope that you know and always remember that no matter how big you get you'll always be my sweet little Bean. My first born.
I love you forever and always.
birthday letter,
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
9 Months - Baby Girl
9 months old means you've been out longer than you were in. That fact is still hard for me to wrap my head around. I mean 9 months ago we welcomed you into the world and after 10 long days in the NICU we welcomed you home. Home ...Where you have continued to make us smile and keep us on our toes, even more than your brother did or does.
You're pulling up on everything and anything these days and just recently you've started letting go and trying to balance. I imagine you'll be walking before your first birthday, that should be fun. You also have really found your voice and not just for crying, you found it for that not long after you entered the world. You're always babbling and cooing and laughing. You LOVE to laugh, sometimes at nothing at all. I hope you keep that quality about you. The ability to laugh at life will make your disappointments easier to handle and your successes that much sweeter.
As I look forward to the next 3 months before you turn 1 I can't help but wonder about the little girl that you're sure to become. Will you be as laid back as your brother was at 1? I somehow doubt it but that's okay. How will your relationship with your brothers develop. I worried that the Bean wouldn't adjust to you being here and in his space but oh how he adores you and your older brother feels the same.
9 months doesn't seem long enough for me to love you the way I do but really I've loved you since you we're conceived. The baby girl I prayed and wished for. I love you forever and always sweet girl.
You're pulling up on everything and anything these days and just recently you've started letting go and trying to balance. I imagine you'll be walking before your first birthday, that should be fun. You also have really found your voice and not just for crying, you found it for that not long after you entered the world. You're always babbling and cooing and laughing. You LOVE to laugh, sometimes at nothing at all. I hope you keep that quality about you. The ability to laugh at life will make your disappointments easier to handle and your successes that much sweeter.
As I look forward to the next 3 months before you turn 1 I can't help but wonder about the little girl that you're sure to become. Will you be as laid back as your brother was at 1? I somehow doubt it but that's okay. How will your relationship with your brothers develop. I worried that the Bean wouldn't adjust to you being here and in his space but oh how he adores you and your older brother feels the same.
9 months doesn't seem long enough for me to love you the way I do but really I've loved you since you we're conceived. The baby girl I prayed and wished for. I love you forever and always sweet girl.
birthday letter,
Thursday, August 1, 2013
How in the world is it August already?! I feel like we were just celebrating Memorial Day down in Corolla and now it's almost back-to-school time. This year is a big year in the Swiftly Growing house, the teenager starts high school! The Hubz is more I denial than I am but it's still hard for me to wrap my brain around the almost 14 year old we have and the 3 year old he was when I first started dating his Dad.
The start of high school means so many things for him and us. Before we know it he'll be off to college which means we have 4 years left to get him ready to be a psuedo adult. For him the next four years will start to really mold him into he man he will become. High school is a time of making memories and choices that will, in one way or another, impact your life more than anything before this ever has.
I'm excited and nervous for him and us. He's our test subject for how we'll likely handle the others. Although as I'm learning every kid really is different so his experiences will likely be his and only his and the others will all be handle in their own ways, when this chapter comes for them.
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Baby ... maybe ... NOT
Sigh ... my dear sweet girl is almost 9 months. Since she was born at 8 months she's been outside of me longer then she was in and while I want nothing more than for her to remain little and squishy for ever that's just not the way things work. The world keeps spinning which means my babies keep growing and before I know it they're not babies anymore (tear). Of course thinking about how fast their growing leads me to thinking about another, even though realistically we just can't afford another at this point but oh how I want one. It's crazy really since little lady is the WORSE sleeper in the history of sleepers and did I mention I'm currently furloughed two days a week? Yeah as the primary earner in our household that hurts a little and don't even get me started on the state of my marriage, we're in an unsettled place right now... all that to say it's just NOT a good time. And yet I find myself daydreaming about another little babe growing inside of me and making his/her appearance, hopefully not to early like big sister. I picture the toddler and baby girl loving a new little baby, a sibling, a new little someone to grow our family but it's just not the time. I'll know when it's time, just like I did with the first two.
The plan at this point is for it to be sometime next year, late summer/early fall, so we can plan for 2015 summer baby which puts me on maternity leave for summer (hello summer vacation!) and plenty of time to prepare myself for my sweet, sweet boy to start school but who knows! Things just don't seem to be working out the way we want lately so ... as always it's in God's hands but oh how I hope he's on the same page as me.
The plan at this point is for it to be sometime next year, late summer/early fall, so we can plan for 2015 summer baby which puts me on maternity leave for summer (hello summer vacation!) and plenty of time to prepare myself for my sweet, sweet boy to start school but who knows! Things just don't seem to be working out the way we want lately so ... as always it's in God's hands but oh how I hope he's on the same page as me.
Sunday, July 14, 2013
8 Months - Baby Girl
Shut the front door! Wasn't I just writing your 7 month post, OK I was but that's because I was a slacker, but how did we zoom past another month so fast? Speaking of zooming ... you're crawling faster than I ever remember your brother crawling and two days after you started crawling you decided it was over rated and started pulling your self up on everything and anything that would hold you up. I imagine you'll be walking before your first birthday or not to long after it. Your brother doesn't know what he's in for once you're up and running!
You're so babbly lately too. You've just got things to tell us, I guess. It looks like you're cutting a tooth but it's been looking like you were cutting a tooth for several weeks now so really I'm only guessing, that's what most of parenting is guessing, that it's a tooth. You're such a great eater but have decided that you'd like to forgo bottles, which is giving your daycare a little frustration but we've decided that you'll eat what you eat and as long as your eating your food then we're happy. Since you're still nursing like a champ we're not too worried about it.
You celebrated your first 4th of July with our annual parade and a party at your grandparents. No fireworks for you though, you were out before the sun was completely down and you slept through everything going on outside of the window of the room you were sleeping in. While we're on the topic of your sleeping the last week has seen you only waking once in the middle of the nite and I'm so thankful, I hope I don't jinx it. It's nice getting about 5 hours of continuous sleep. I forgot how much I missed it.
The next few months you'll be getting tons of Momma time, since I'm being furloughed. We're gonna hit up the Beach with Nana, enjoy some pool time and just enjoy some lazy summer fun. I'm hoping to make the best of a bad situation and not lose my mind at the same time.
In 4 months you'll be 1. I'm not even sure how that's possible. The last 8 months have just flown by. As I watch your personality and your relationship with your brother develop my heart is full. Your whole life is a head of us and I can't wait to see what it brings.
Forever & Always,
You're so babbly lately too. You've just got things to tell us, I guess. It looks like you're cutting a tooth but it's been looking like you were cutting a tooth for several weeks now so really I'm only guessing, that's what most of parenting is guessing, that it's a tooth. You're such a great eater but have decided that you'd like to forgo bottles, which is giving your daycare a little frustration but we've decided that you'll eat what you eat and as long as your eating your food then we're happy. Since you're still nursing like a champ we're not too worried about it.
You celebrated your first 4th of July with our annual parade and a party at your grandparents. No fireworks for you though, you were out before the sun was completely down and you slept through everything going on outside of the window of the room you were sleeping in. While we're on the topic of your sleeping the last week has seen you only waking once in the middle of the nite and I'm so thankful, I hope I don't jinx it. It's nice getting about 5 hours of continuous sleep. I forgot how much I missed it.
The next few months you'll be getting tons of Momma time, since I'm being furloughed. We're gonna hit up the Beach with Nana, enjoy some pool time and just enjoy some lazy summer fun. I'm hoping to make the best of a bad situation and not lose my mind at the same time.
In 4 months you'll be 1. I'm not even sure how that's possible. The last 8 months have just flown by. As I watch your personality and your relationship with your brother develop my heart is full. Your whole life is a head of us and I can't wait to see what it brings.
Forever & Always,
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
7 Months (1 week, 2 days) - Baby Girl
Momma's been quite the slacker in getting this post done but I finally got my act together.
Holy Moly! Where did the last month go?! Sometimes I feel like so much of these last seven months have passed without me really taking them all in, really being aware and in the moment. Then I realize that I'm there for the important moments and remember the important things, those little things that make me smile and get me through a rough day of work or a rough nite of multiple feedings and soothings.
You're really on the move these days. I knew it was coming but it's still hard to believe. Before I know it you'll be running after your brother trying to keep up with him. Not only have you started crawling but you've taken to solids like you've always been eating them. I can't feed you fast enough at dinner, too bad the extra food isn't helping with your sleep.
In other big news you FINALLY got your ears pierced this month too! Momma and Auntie Bissa did them, thanks to our jobs at Claire's we're professionals, and you did such a great job. I can't wait for your ears to heal so I can buy you all kinds of cute little earrings.
With a little more than 4.5 months until your first birthday I guess it's time for Momma to really start thinking and planning. I've already found someone to take your pictures but that's about it. Good thing I still have those 4.5 months, I think I might need them.
Baby girl I love you more than you can ever know. I thank God for blessing me with that squishy little baby girl that I knew I wanted but never thought I'd get. You and your brother are the light of my life and I can't imagine what I'd be without you.
Forever and Always,
Holy Moly! Where did the last month go?! Sometimes I feel like so much of these last seven months have passed without me really taking them all in, really being aware and in the moment. Then I realize that I'm there for the important moments and remember the important things, those little things that make me smile and get me through a rough day of work or a rough nite of multiple feedings and soothings.
You're really on the move these days. I knew it was coming but it's still hard to believe. Before I know it you'll be running after your brother trying to keep up with him. Not only have you started crawling but you've taken to solids like you've always been eating them. I can't feed you fast enough at dinner, too bad the extra food isn't helping with your sleep.
In other big news you FINALLY got your ears pierced this month too! Momma and Auntie Bissa did them, thanks to our jobs at Claire's we're professionals, and you did such a great job. I can't wait for your ears to heal so I can buy you all kinds of cute little earrings.
With a little more than 4.5 months until your first birthday I guess it's time for Momma to really start thinking and planning. I've already found someone to take your pictures but that's about it. Good thing I still have those 4.5 months, I think I might need them.
Baby girl I love you more than you can ever know. I thank God for blessing me with that squishy little baby girl that I knew I wanted but never thought I'd get. You and your brother are the light of my life and I can't imagine what I'd be without you.
Forever and Always,
Friday, May 24, 2013
Beach Bound
It's Memorial Day Weekend which means we're headed to the beach! It's our annual trip that is normally just for the long weekend but has been extended to almost a week. Unfortunately, we don't get the whole week we planned because the step-son's got testing on the Friday, but hey I'll take all the time I can get out of Northern Virginia. We haven't had a vacation since last August when we headed to the beach for a friend's wedding. First, though, I have to get through the work day and then go home and pack, pack, pack.
We never go with any set plans, that's the best thing about vacation. I plan to do a lot of picture taking and laughing and reading. The Bean is excited to build sand castles, at least that's what he says, and Baby girl ... well she's only 6 months so she's just happy to be alive. The weather's supposed to be mid-70's to low-80's all week, so ya know perfect beach weather! I CAN'T WAIT!
I never let the significance of this weekend slip my mind though. While it's nice to get the time with family to unwind and relax I still realize that this weekend is to celebrate those that have served. As the daughter of two retired soldiers I fully aware of the sacrifices made every day by our soldiers. I'm thankful for those men and women that felt the calling of serving this great country so that I can enjoy the freedom I have. I'm even more grateful for those that served and made the ultimate sacrifice. I've never known the heartache of losing a loved one whose served but that doesn't mean I don't say a prayer for those that do. On Monday I'll offer a moment of silence to those who fought and died because if not for them and their brothers and sisters at arms I wouldn't be be where I am.
Happy Friday!
We never go with any set plans, that's the best thing about vacation. I plan to do a lot of picture taking and laughing and reading. The Bean is excited to build sand castles, at least that's what he says, and Baby girl ... well she's only 6 months so she's just happy to be alive. The weather's supposed to be mid-70's to low-80's all week, so ya know perfect beach weather! I CAN'T WAIT!
I never let the significance of this weekend slip my mind though. While it's nice to get the time with family to unwind and relax I still realize that this weekend is to celebrate those that have served. As the daughter of two retired soldiers I fully aware of the sacrifices made every day by our soldiers. I'm thankful for those men and women that felt the calling of serving this great country so that I can enjoy the freedom I have. I'm even more grateful for those that served and made the ultimate sacrifice. I've never known the heartache of losing a loved one whose served but that doesn't mean I don't say a prayer for those that do. On Monday I'll offer a moment of silence to those who fought and died because if not for them and their brothers and sisters at arms I wouldn't be be where I am.
Happy Friday!
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
6 Months - Baby Girl
Baby Girl,
TOO FAST! This time last year we were just telling everyone about your impending arrival and now you're 6 months. It's your half-birthday and I can't even wrap my brain around it. This last month you've changed so much. You're rolling all over the place and laughing and cooing like you've always done it. You're such a happy girl unless you're hungry or sleepy. You, however, are not the best sleeper AT ALL! Oh sweet girl why won't you sleep? Sometimes I'm overwhelmed by the lack of sleeping you do and then I remember that just like everything this is simply a stage and will eventually pass, although to be honest I wish we'd get through it already.
You haven't cut any teeth yet and you're right on track with your clothing sizes, unlike your brother who was always a size ahead of his actual age. I'm learning quickly that what other parents say is so very true, every baby is different. You and your brother while you have many similarities there are so many ways you are different, besides the obvious.
The next month won't see too much excitement, at least not compared to what you've had in the last couple of months. We're headed to the beach for Memorial Day, I can't wait to see how you react to the sand and how your brother interacts with you at the Beach. Speaking of your brother he ADORES you sometimes a little too much. While I hope to give you a sister one day, there's nothing like the bond of sisters, the two of you will always have a special relationship as the oldest sister and brother. I love just watching the two of you interact and look forward to the day when you'll be able to actually play together.
Baby girl while your lack of sleep exhausts me, I'm continuously amazed at how quickly you're changing. It makes me smile and sad at the same time to know you'll be one so soon but I know it's just the circle of life. These moments are just a sprinkle in your book of life and I'm so honored that God chose me to guide you and be a part of it.
I love you always and forever sweet girl
TOO FAST! This time last year we were just telling everyone about your impending arrival and now you're 6 months. It's your half-birthday and I can't even wrap my brain around it. This last month you've changed so much. You're rolling all over the place and laughing and cooing like you've always done it. You're such a happy girl unless you're hungry or sleepy. You, however, are not the best sleeper AT ALL! Oh sweet girl why won't you sleep? Sometimes I'm overwhelmed by the lack of sleeping you do and then I remember that just like everything this is simply a stage and will eventually pass, although to be honest I wish we'd get through it already.
You haven't cut any teeth yet and you're right on track with your clothing sizes, unlike your brother who was always a size ahead of his actual age. I'm learning quickly that what other parents say is so very true, every baby is different. You and your brother while you have many similarities there are so many ways you are different, besides the obvious.
The next month won't see too much excitement, at least not compared to what you've had in the last couple of months. We're headed to the beach for Memorial Day, I can't wait to see how you react to the sand and how your brother interacts with you at the Beach. Speaking of your brother he ADORES you sometimes a little too much. While I hope to give you a sister one day, there's nothing like the bond of sisters, the two of you will always have a special relationship as the oldest sister and brother. I love just watching the two of you interact and look forward to the day when you'll be able to actually play together.
Baby girl while your lack of sleep exhausts me, I'm continuously amazed at how quickly you're changing. It makes me smile and sad at the same time to know you'll be one so soon but I know it's just the circle of life. These moments are just a sprinkle in your book of life and I'm so honored that God chose me to guide you and be a part of it.
I love you always and forever sweet girl
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Mother's Day
I'm not sure how it's already halfway through May, especially since I feel like we were just celebrating the New Year. Of course I'm sure the crazy weather we've been having here in Virginia isn't helping. But alas halfway through May it is which means this weekend is Mother's Day. I don't really go into Mother's Day with high hopes of relaxation and nothingness because that's just not my life. Like my birthday I like to think of it as a day that's supposed to be all about me but in reality I'll still be up at least twice with baby girl for feedings and up by 730 or 8 watching Disney Junior with the toddler. By 9 I'll be running around trying to get the teenager and Hubz up so we can get everyone ready for Church and out of the door on time. It's just my life and I've resigned my self to the fact that days all about me are in the past, at least until all my littles are had and not so little anymore. I'm mostly okay with it.
A few years ago we (I) started an annual Mother's Day Brunch at our house. It's a chance for us as a family to get together and celebrate all the Moms of the family at once and then let everyone go off and do their own thing. It's worked out great because it leaves the afternoon free for us all to spend the day with our individual families to do whatever we want, for me I'm hoping for a whole lot of nothing. Every one brings something and then I'm not stuck with all the prep, just with all the clean-up. Unfortunately, not everyone embraces this time to spend with family for the Moms in our lives but most of them do and that's good enough for me.
This time of year always makes me nostalgic. I mean how is it that I've been out of college for 8 years? and yet it feels like just yesterday I was off to on ELITE leadership retreat in Tampa to begin my freshman year. but then I blinked and I was a momma and a wife. I'll tell anyone that will listen that college was 4 of the best years of my life but these last 3 years as a momma & before that a step-mom, they're quickly surpassing those 4 years. My college self would never believe who we've become but oh to be a momma to these kids. These kids make me a better person, even when they're driving me nuts.
It's true we don't realize the strength of a Mother's love until you are one.
Happy Mother's Day!
A few years ago we (I) started an annual Mother's Day Brunch at our house. It's a chance for us as a family to get together and celebrate all the Moms of the family at once and then let everyone go off and do their own thing. It's worked out great because it leaves the afternoon free for us all to spend the day with our individual families to do whatever we want, for me I'm hoping for a whole lot of nothing. Every one brings something and then I'm not stuck with all the prep, just with all the clean-up. Unfortunately, not everyone embraces this time to spend with family for the Moms in our lives but most of them do and that's good enough for me.
This time of year always makes me nostalgic. I mean how is it that I've been out of college for 8 years? and yet it feels like just yesterday I was off to on ELITE leadership retreat in Tampa to begin my freshman year. but then I blinked and I was a momma and a wife. I'll tell anyone that will listen that college was 4 of the best years of my life but these last 3 years as a momma & before that a step-mom, they're quickly surpassing those 4 years. My college self would never believe who we've become but oh to be a momma to these kids. These kids make me a better person, even when they're driving me nuts.
It's true we don't realize the strength of a Mother's love until you are one.
Happy Mother's Day!
Friday, April 26, 2013
Ramblings ...Again
Once again I've left my blog without words for far too long, at least for my liking, so now to get things caught up. It's been a busy couple of weeks in the Swiftly Growing house and things don't look to be slowing down.
The step-son has kept us especially busy with band performances and Boy Scout duties. He'll finish up middle school in the next couple of weeks and then be starting high school in the fall so I know this is only the beginning of the crazy schedule he'll be keeping. While it's sometimes equal parts exhausting and exhausting I wouldn't change it. I remember this time in my life and before we know it he'll be headed off to college and we'll miss the pace of our lives with constantly running him around. Of course the slow pace will be short lived before our wee ones are requiring the Momma/Daddy taxi service.
My niece, and Hubz's, Goddaughter, celebrated her 1st Communion last weekend. It made me smile with nostalgia and look forward to when I'm celebrating the same milestone with my wee ones. It's funny how as a parent we start to look forward to things that we barely remember as kids but becoming a parent makes it all so much clearer.
It's a big weekend for Baby Girl. Tomorrow she'll be getting Baptized. It's a little later than I would have liked but still earlier than her brother. Maybe with the next baby I'll get it within that 3 month window. Of course as is the case with big gatherings I'm not even close to ready. Baby Girl has a chest cold or allergies or something so she's been a little clingy this week making it very difficult to get anything done. Luckily today's my early day so I'll be running errands after work before picking up the kids and then doing tons of prep and cleaning tonite. Tomorrow my day will start at 6 since I have to pick-up bagels and donuts and then get back to the house in time to get everyone up and dressed and out the door by 930. I'll be ready for a nap with the lady of the hour by the time everyone leaves.
Next weekend should be a nice slow weekend with nothing but yard work, my husband is a slave driver. It'll all be worth it when our yard finally looks nice but just thinking about it makes me groan. I wish we could just pay someone to do it, not that that would ever happen since Hubz has a love/hate relationship with yard work. He hates it but doesn't want anyone else to do it because they won't do it right...I don't understand this.
Make it a great weekend.
The step-son has kept us especially busy with band performances and Boy Scout duties. He'll finish up middle school in the next couple of weeks and then be starting high school in the fall so I know this is only the beginning of the crazy schedule he'll be keeping. While it's sometimes equal parts exhausting and exhausting I wouldn't change it. I remember this time in my life and before we know it he'll be headed off to college and we'll miss the pace of our lives with constantly running him around. Of course the slow pace will be short lived before our wee ones are requiring the Momma/Daddy taxi service.
My niece, and Hubz's, Goddaughter, celebrated her 1st Communion last weekend. It made me smile with nostalgia and look forward to when I'm celebrating the same milestone with my wee ones. It's funny how as a parent we start to look forward to things that we barely remember as kids but becoming a parent makes it all so much clearer.
It's a big weekend for Baby Girl. Tomorrow she'll be getting Baptized. It's a little later than I would have liked but still earlier than her brother. Maybe with the next baby I'll get it within that 3 month window. Of course as is the case with big gatherings I'm not even close to ready. Baby Girl has a chest cold or allergies or something so she's been a little clingy this week making it very difficult to get anything done. Luckily today's my early day so I'll be running errands after work before picking up the kids and then doing tons of prep and cleaning tonite. Tomorrow my day will start at 6 since I have to pick-up bagels and donuts and then get back to the house in time to get everyone up and dressed and out the door by 930. I'll be ready for a nap with the lady of the hour by the time everyone leaves.
Next weekend should be a nice slow weekend with nothing but yard work, my husband is a slave driver. It'll all be worth it when our yard finally looks nice but just thinking about it makes me groan. I wish we could just pay someone to do it, not that that would ever happen since Hubz has a love/hate relationship with yard work. He hates it but doesn't want anyone else to do it because they won't do it right...I don't understand this.
Make it a great weekend.
Monday, April 15, 2013
Boston, oh Boston
Once again our country has been hit with a senseless act of violence with no explanation about why but plenty of questions. Today as runners were finishing the Boston Marathon, a run that many train a year for, a bomb went off, followed closely by a second. Police would later find at least two more that had not been detonated. As I'm writing this post 3 people have already died and countless others have been injured, some in critical condition.
As with the events of Sandy Hook I'm having problems processing how anyone could plan and carry out something so horrendous!? What brings someone to a point In their own lives where they think nothing about taking the lives of innocent people? I wonder if they thought about the countless lives their actions would affect and if they even hesitated for a moment.
My heart hurts thinking of his world I'm leaving to my kids, my nieces and nephews and future generations. I shed tears for the innocence that is lost every time something so senseless happens but the. I read something on face book that reminds that we are nation of survivors. That we as a nation don't take things lying down, we fight back and we lean on each other and these reminders they give me hope. Hope that just maybe it's all going to be okay not perfect but okay.
So to tonite as I'm nursing my baby girl to sleep I'll probably rock her a little longer and hold her a little closer but simply because before I know it she'll off into a world that isn't always kind but that always gets back up when it's pushed down. As I I'm reading a story to my little terror I'll hug and snuggle him a little longer but only because I know what's waiting for him.
Rest easy Bostonians you have an entire nation behind you. We weep for you, we pray for, we mourn for you and we fight for you. We are after all, "One Nation Under God."
As with the events of Sandy Hook I'm having problems processing how anyone could plan and carry out something so horrendous!? What brings someone to a point In their own lives where they think nothing about taking the lives of innocent people? I wonder if they thought about the countless lives their actions would affect and if they even hesitated for a moment.
My heart hurts thinking of his world I'm leaving to my kids, my nieces and nephews and future generations. I shed tears for the innocence that is lost every time something so senseless happens but the. I read something on face book that reminds that we are nation of survivors. That we as a nation don't take things lying down, we fight back and we lean on each other and these reminders they give me hope. Hope that just maybe it's all going to be okay not perfect but okay.
So to tonite as I'm nursing my baby girl to sleep I'll probably rock her a little longer and hold her a little closer but simply because before I know it she'll off into a world that isn't always kind but that always gets back up when it's pushed down. As I I'm reading a story to my little terror I'll hug and snuggle him a little longer but only because I know what's waiting for him.
Rest easy Bostonians you have an entire nation behind you. We weep for you, we pray for, we mourn for you and we fight for you. We are after all, "One Nation Under God."
Sunday, April 14, 2013
5 Months - Baby Girl
Sweet Baby Girl
The time is just speeding by. Here we are another month gone and you always changing and growing. You're flipping, I don't really call in rolling since you can only go from your tummy to your back but I imagine any day now you'll be rolling all over the place. Your brother, my first born and the bestest big brother, finally got you to laugh this week and he's the only one that's been able to get a laugh out of you. It made my cry at first and now I laugh right along with you to crazy kiddos. I've packed up your 0-3 month clothes, it seems like you were just wearing them and they were too big but it really has been 5 months. You're quite the vocalizer these days cooing and babbling, Momma loves it! You're still not the greatest sleeper but like your brother I know it'll happen, eventually ... I hope and if you don't figure it out on your own, in the next 7 months, I'll help you figure out after that.
At the end of the month you'll be Baptized and while I know you don't know what it means right now you'll understand the importance when you're older. For me it reminds me of the incredible responsibility I have to not only raise you to be a caring, compassionate, accepting person but also to teach you to believe in something bigger than you or me. It's a daunting task really but one I'm confident that God will lead me through, he did after all give me the blessing of making me your Momma so he must have faith that I can do it.
My sweet, sweet girl in the next month you will celebrate your half-birthday. And we'll be on the down hill slide to your first birthday. I can't believe how fast it's flying by. I know you won't remember these 12 months but for me they'll be some of my best memories because I spent them watching you grow and change. In the grand scheme of things these 5 months have been but a blip in the movie of your life but oh how amazing those little blips have been.
I love you my sweet girl.
Forever & Always,
The time is just speeding by. Here we are another month gone and you always changing and growing. You're flipping, I don't really call in rolling since you can only go from your tummy to your back but I imagine any day now you'll be rolling all over the place. Your brother, my first born and the bestest big brother, finally got you to laugh this week and he's the only one that's been able to get a laugh out of you. It made my cry at first and now I laugh right along with you to crazy kiddos. I've packed up your 0-3 month clothes, it seems like you were just wearing them and they were too big but it really has been 5 months. You're quite the vocalizer these days cooing and babbling, Momma loves it! You're still not the greatest sleeper but like your brother I know it'll happen, eventually ... I hope and if you don't figure it out on your own, in the next 7 months, I'll help you figure out after that.
At the end of the month you'll be Baptized and while I know you don't know what it means right now you'll understand the importance when you're older. For me it reminds me of the incredible responsibility I have to not only raise you to be a caring, compassionate, accepting person but also to teach you to believe in something bigger than you or me. It's a daunting task really but one I'm confident that God will lead me through, he did after all give me the blessing of making me your Momma so he must have faith that I can do it.
My sweet, sweet girl in the next month you will celebrate your half-birthday. And we'll be on the down hill slide to your first birthday. I can't believe how fast it's flying by. I know you won't remember these 12 months but for me they'll be some of my best memories because I spent them watching you grow and change. In the grand scheme of things these 5 months have been but a blip in the movie of your life but oh how amazing those little blips have been.
I love you my sweet girl.
Forever & Always,
Monday, April 1, 2013
Ramblings ...
I keep telling my self that I'm going to get better about blogging, then my life overwhelms me again and well 3 weeks go by before I find time to blog. It kind of makes me sad because this is supposed to be my place to get my thoughts out and chronicle my kids lives and my life but the one thing I want to be sure to have memories of is the one thing that keeps me from doing it. It's a vicious cycle really.
I found a new blog several months ago that speaks to my heart, Momastry. Glennon, the writer, has a way with words that brings tears to my eyes and shaking my head in complete agreement with everything she says. She hasn't had an easy life and she's completely upfront about that but she also knows that God, her faith in something bigger than us, is what guides her and leads her and allows her continue to try. Like I said she speaks to my heart.
The Bean is in full blown terrible twos and most days I just don't handle it well. There's too much yelling, by us both, and not enough laughing and just being. I'm trying to get a handle on it and just when I think I do, I realize I don't. I'm trying to remember that this stage is normal, I even read an article that said so, but oh how it trys my already frazzled nerves. Luckily I know everyday is another day to do better, for both of us.
Sweet baby girl is still sweet and cute and I'm cherishing every minute. As crazy as it sounds I'm sad that we won't be ready for #3 as soon as I would like but that just means she gets to be my baby a little longer. She recently started flipping from her tummy to her back. At first she was not happy about it but now she's all smiles and coos after she does it, she's so proud of herself. She's on the verge of starting to laugh as well, I can't wait to see what things really get her going. I can't believe she'll be 5 months in a couple of weeks.
In June Hubz and I will be together for 10 years! It's crazy that it seems like forever and not forever all at the same time. I was hoping to pull something special together for us but with an impending furlough, a car that it appears it may need a new transmission, summer camp for the step-son and bills that's highly unlikely to happen. Why is that to the two most inconvenient, money sucking things always wind up to happen at the same time? We're hoping the warranty we got with the car will cover most if not all of the transmission problem but to be honest I'm not hopeful just because that's our life and when it rains it pours.
So there's my ramblings and goings on for the last three weeks. I really am going to try and be better, although I'm not sure why I'm worried about it since I don't really have any followers. Of course with the broken transmission comes me being the one that gets to do Daycare drop off and pick-up...HOORAY! Not really since that also means not rest for the weary, or the Momma, since the Hubz basically won't have to do anything on weekdays except sleep in and get home late, which is what he does now anyway. It only sucks a little.
Happy Monday! Don't let anyone fool ya, it is after all April Fools.
I found a new blog several months ago that speaks to my heart, Momastry. Glennon, the writer, has a way with words that brings tears to my eyes and shaking my head in complete agreement with everything she says. She hasn't had an easy life and she's completely upfront about that but she also knows that God, her faith in something bigger than us, is what guides her and leads her and allows her continue to try. Like I said she speaks to my heart.
The Bean is in full blown terrible twos and most days I just don't handle it well. There's too much yelling, by us both, and not enough laughing and just being. I'm trying to get a handle on it and just when I think I do, I realize I don't. I'm trying to remember that this stage is normal, I even read an article that said so, but oh how it trys my already frazzled nerves. Luckily I know everyday is another day to do better, for both of us.
Sweet baby girl is still sweet and cute and I'm cherishing every minute. As crazy as it sounds I'm sad that we won't be ready for #3 as soon as I would like but that just means she gets to be my baby a little longer. She recently started flipping from her tummy to her back. At first she was not happy about it but now she's all smiles and coos after she does it, she's so proud of herself. She's on the verge of starting to laugh as well, I can't wait to see what things really get her going. I can't believe she'll be 5 months in a couple of weeks.
In June Hubz and I will be together for 10 years! It's crazy that it seems like forever and not forever all at the same time. I was hoping to pull something special together for us but with an impending furlough, a car that it appears it may need a new transmission, summer camp for the step-son and bills that's highly unlikely to happen. Why is that to the two most inconvenient, money sucking things always wind up to happen at the same time? We're hoping the warranty we got with the car will cover most if not all of the transmission problem but to be honest I'm not hopeful just because that's our life and when it rains it pours.
So there's my ramblings and goings on for the last three weeks. I really am going to try and be better, although I'm not sure why I'm worried about it since I don't really have any followers. Of course with the broken transmission comes me being the one that gets to do Daycare drop off and pick-up...HOORAY! Not really since that also means not rest for the weary, or the Momma, since the Hubz basically won't have to do anything on weekdays except sleep in and get home late, which is what he does now anyway. It only sucks a little.
Happy Monday! Don't let anyone fool ya, it is after all April Fools.
Saturday, March 16, 2013
Give Me Back My Hour
Daylight savings robbed me of an hour this week and it completely showed in my Mommaness. This week I was a bad Momma. I was short tempered, cranky and yelled more than I'd like to admit. It's a good thing I don't strive to be perfect otherwise I'd probably be in a corner somewhere.
My kids, eh, they were barely affected by the time change but between waking every 3-4 hours with Miss Lady and that loss of an hour it took me until Friday to get my bearings, even with coffee. It makes me angry and sad with myself that I let something like the loss of an hour affect me like that but what's done is done and I just have to move on with it.
Now it's the weekend and we've got great things planned. Like dinner with my sisters and their families, poker for the hubz with his brother and friends and some QT time with my sisters-in-laws. I refuse to let the bad week put me in a bad place so I'm focusing on the good that did happen and that's that my kids now I love them and they're still a live.
Happy weekend.
My kids, eh, they were barely affected by the time change but between waking every 3-4 hours with Miss Lady and that loss of an hour it took me until Friday to get my bearings, even with coffee. It makes me angry and sad with myself that I let something like the loss of an hour affect me like that but what's done is done and I just have to move on with it.
Now it's the weekend and we've got great things planned. Like dinner with my sisters and their families, poker for the hubz with his brother and friends and some QT time with my sisters-in-laws. I refuse to let the bad week put me in a bad place so I'm focusing on the good that did happen and that's that my kids now I love them and they're still a live.
Happy weekend.
Thursday, March 14, 2013
4 Months - Baby Girl
I wish I could understand how you're already 4 months! Everyday is a new adventure. You're so very different from your brother at this age which I guess is to be expected since you are two totally different little people. You're growing and changing every day and just like with your brother I stand in awe.
You absolutely love tummy time and have been sleeping on your belly since you were about 2 months old. You hat to be on your back, even when you're getting your diaper changed, unless someone is talking to you. Oh my word how you love o be talks to. You're guaranteed to smile if someone is talking to you.
You just recently discovered your tongue and your always sticking it out. It's so cute because it's so little. I suspect part of the reason for the sudden tongue sticking out is because you may be starting teeth, although if you're anything like your brother it'll be a while before teeth finally make an appearance.
You have your 4 month appointment tomorrow and I can't wait to see how much you've grown from two months ago, I know I'd a lot! It'll be interesting to see how you compare to your brother at this age. I can already tell you're not as long as he was but it's hard to say with the weight. The way you eat I wouldn't be surprised if you're bigger than he was but I'm hopeful it'll all even out in the end, I'd rather you have Daddy's family height than mine it makes it much easier buying clothes.
Baby girl these last four months have just flown by and while I would never wish any of this time away I can't wait to see what the next months hold for you, I do hope one of your developments is going to bed easier!
Momma loves you sweet girl!
You absolutely love tummy time and have been sleeping on your belly since you were about 2 months old. You hat to be on your back, even when you're getting your diaper changed, unless someone is talking to you. Oh my word how you love o be talks to. You're guaranteed to smile if someone is talking to you.
You just recently discovered your tongue and your always sticking it out. It's so cute because it's so little. I suspect part of the reason for the sudden tongue sticking out is because you may be starting teeth, although if you're anything like your brother it'll be a while before teeth finally make an appearance.
You have your 4 month appointment tomorrow and I can't wait to see how much you've grown from two months ago, I know I'd a lot! It'll be interesting to see how you compare to your brother at this age. I can already tell you're not as long as he was but it's hard to say with the weight. The way you eat I wouldn't be surprised if you're bigger than he was but I'm hopeful it'll all even out in the end, I'd rather you have Daddy's family height than mine it makes it much easier buying clothes.
Baby girl these last four months have just flown by and while I would never wish any of this time away I can't wait to see what the next months hold for you, I do hope one of your developments is going to bed easier!
Momma loves you sweet girl!
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Two and half
I think I blinked! That's what I think every time I look at the Bean. I mean that's really the only explanation I can come up with for why he's already 2.5 years old. To me it defy's reason that this little person that we wished and prayed for and then who grew inside of me for 8.5 months is now this walking, talking, riot of a little boy. Always moving, always talking never still except for when he's sleeping.
He knows all his letters, can count to 12 and is starting to recognize sight words. Of course I can't take all the credit, heck I can barely take half of the credit. He's super smart and has a GREAT daycare provider, so glad she's part of our village, who works with him during the week. The things he knows changes every day and sometimes it makes me stop, I'm just in such awe of this little man that came from me.
I worried when when we found out we were expecting baby girl about how he would adjust but there really wasn't any reason to. He's such a laid back kid that he kind of just went with the flow, like welcoming this new little person was no big deal. Not to mention how much he loves her. He asks for her first thing in the morning and always wants to know if she's okay when she's crying. However, he also thinks she's his own personal pillow and loves to share her baby seats, you can probably imagine how well that works out.
At 2.5 we've started tackling the headache that is potty training, and really headache is an understatement. I know that it will come in time but since Momma is not the most patient I wish it would come faster than it is. Some days all I want to do is sit in a corner and drink wine I'm so frustrated by the slowness of this whole process but I know that just like everything else he'll catch on, everyday is better than the last so I'm confident we'll be done with diapers before he turns 3.
I can't help but wonder what the next 6 months bring and we slowly inch closer to him starting school, which just the though brings tears to my eyes. It's all part of being a Momma though, isn't it? Watching your babies grow and changing, helping to shape the person they'll become but knowing that in the end their story is theirs to tell and we're simply just the narrator. I love narrating his story and can't wait to see what the rest of his story will be!
Happy Half-Birthday sweet boy! I love you forever & always.
He knows all his letters, can count to 12 and is starting to recognize sight words. Of course I can't take all the credit, heck I can barely take half of the credit. He's super smart and has a GREAT daycare provider, so glad she's part of our village, who works with him during the week. The things he knows changes every day and sometimes it makes me stop, I'm just in such awe of this little man that came from me.
I worried when when we found out we were expecting baby girl about how he would adjust but there really wasn't any reason to. He's such a laid back kid that he kind of just went with the flow, like welcoming this new little person was no big deal. Not to mention how much he loves her. He asks for her first thing in the morning and always wants to know if she's okay when she's crying. However, he also thinks she's his own personal pillow and loves to share her baby seats, you can probably imagine how well that works out.
At 2.5 we've started tackling the headache that is potty training, and really headache is an understatement. I know that it will come in time but since Momma is not the most patient I wish it would come faster than it is. Some days all I want to do is sit in a corner and drink wine I'm so frustrated by the slowness of this whole process but I know that just like everything else he'll catch on, everyday is better than the last so I'm confident we'll be done with diapers before he turns 3.
I can't help but wonder what the next 6 months bring and we slowly inch closer to him starting school, which just the though brings tears to my eyes. It's all part of being a Momma though, isn't it? Watching your babies grow and changing, helping to shape the person they'll become but knowing that in the end their story is theirs to tell and we're simply just the narrator. I love narrating his story and can't wait to see what the rest of his story will be!
Happy Half-Birthday sweet boy! I love you forever & always.
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Treading Water
I've been back to work for 3 weeks, really almost 4 at this point, and I feel like I'm barely treading water. This mothering of two wee ones and a teenager ain't no joke. And if we're really being honest, which I am, I feel like I'm barely making it work. I'm up between 345 and 430, Monday thru Friday and lucky to be in bed by 930, assuming little miss is cooperating. From the time I wake up until the time I lay down it's pretty much go, go, go and someone's always needing something..ALWAYS! I barely have time to use the bathroom let alone take a breath.
Oh so now let's add into this madness the fact that I may or may not be losing 4 days a month from my paycheck, thanks for that Congress, and the stress factor up in here is just about to boil over. Which is why when I woke up with a migraine on Tuesday I wasn't all that suprised, I actually had been expecting it. So now I do what I do best, adjust and get on with it. I'm not sure what I thought mothering two wee ones was going to be like, easy not so much but maybe not quite so overwhelming but hey with barely a minute to breathe I don't have much time to wallow in it.
On the days when it becomes to much I'm going to remember something I just read from one of my favorite blogs, Enjoying the Small Things. The Momma, Kelle Hampton, was talking about her tranistion from two to three kids, she just had the cutest little boy to add to her beautiful family, and she said "Life does not lend itself to smooth transitions." It's like God knew I need something to remind me that we do the best we can and that's what I'm doing, even if some days I don't feel like it.
And just to keep it all in prespective these two just need me to love them. Everything else will fall into place, won't it?
I love them.
Oh so now let's add into this madness the fact that I may or may not be losing 4 days a month from my paycheck, thanks for that Congress, and the stress factor up in here is just about to boil over. Which is why when I woke up with a migraine on Tuesday I wasn't all that suprised, I actually had been expecting it. So now I do what I do best, adjust and get on with it. I'm not sure what I thought mothering two wee ones was going to be like, easy not so much but maybe not quite so overwhelming but hey with barely a minute to breathe I don't have much time to wallow in it.
On the days when it becomes to much I'm going to remember something I just read from one of my favorite blogs, Enjoying the Small Things. The Momma, Kelle Hampton, was talking about her tranistion from two to three kids, she just had the cutest little boy to add to her beautiful family, and she said "Life does not lend itself to smooth transitions." It's like God knew I need something to remind me that we do the best we can and that's what I'm doing, even if some days I don't feel like it.
And just to keep it all in prespective these two just need me to love them. Everything else will fall into place, won't it?
I love them.
Thursday, February 14, 2013
3 Months - Baby Girl
Sweet Dumpling,
Oh sweet baby girl, where is the time getting so fast. You're already 3 months old. It seems fitting that today, Valentine's Day, is your 3 month birthday because it's a day we celebrate those we love and baby girl I love you more than words. You're growing and changing so quickly that some days I'm afraid I'll blink and miss this first year because I know how fast it goes. While I would never say that I long to be a stay at home Momma I do sometimes wish that there was a way for me to have more time with you than just the few hours in the evening and on weekends but I'm trying to remember that the time we do get is about quality and not quantity. You'll understand when you're a Momma one day.
This last month has been a month of new things for you. You started daycare and are still adjusting. You're not napping which means you're so tired when we get home. You're taking a bottle better than you were before starting daycare and I think that's because you realize that if you want to eat you have no choice. You're putting on weight like it's your job and really it kind of is. I can't wait to see how much you weigh when we go for your 4 month appointment next month. When I weighed you last, at about 2 1/2 months, you were already 14.7 pounds. You're my little chunky monkey and I love it! Your brother still adores you but I imagine it's only a matter of time before that changes, although I hope it never does.
Another month in the book that is your life sweet girl. I can't believe it. You keep growing and I'll keep loving you!
Forever & Always,
Oh sweet baby girl, where is the time getting so fast. You're already 3 months old. It seems fitting that today, Valentine's Day, is your 3 month birthday because it's a day we celebrate those we love and baby girl I love you more than words. You're growing and changing so quickly that some days I'm afraid I'll blink and miss this first year because I know how fast it goes. While I would never say that I long to be a stay at home Momma I do sometimes wish that there was a way for me to have more time with you than just the few hours in the evening and on weekends but I'm trying to remember that the time we do get is about quality and not quantity. You'll understand when you're a Momma one day.
This last month has been a month of new things for you. You started daycare and are still adjusting. You're not napping which means you're so tired when we get home. You're taking a bottle better than you were before starting daycare and I think that's because you realize that if you want to eat you have no choice. You're putting on weight like it's your job and really it kind of is. I can't wait to see how much you weigh when we go for your 4 month appointment next month. When I weighed you last, at about 2 1/2 months, you were already 14.7 pounds. You're my little chunky monkey and I love it! Your brother still adores you but I imagine it's only a matter of time before that changes, although I hope it never does.
Another month in the book that is your life sweet girl. I can't believe it. You keep growing and I'll keep loving you!
Forever & Always,
birthday letter,
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Wordless Wednesday - Sibling Love
Haven't participated in wordless Wednesday in a while but I'm back at work now and I have this gem to share so how could I not?
He loves her! And I love that he loves her! This parenting two littles ain't too bad
He loves her! And I love that he loves her! This parenting two littles ain't too bad
my babes,
Wordless Wednesday
Thursday, January 24, 2013
2 1/2 Months - Baby Girl
Oh sweet, sweet girl. How are you already 2 1/2 months? I just don't understand where the time has gone. I see how much you've changed just in the last month. You've more than doubled your birth weight and you're trying so hard to coo. Nana came and put your crib together for Momma, since daddy's been out of town, and now we're trying to get you transitioned over. You can't sleep in our room forever.
Next week is our last week together, just the two of us, before I go back to work. I'm sad and happy at the same time. Sad because I've cherished this time we've had but happy because quite honestly Momma isn't stay at home material. I love and cherish you and your brother but spending every waking moment with you just isn't for me. I like to think about our time as quality over quantity. The first couple of weeks will be difficult as we find our stride but before we know we'll be old hats at it.
You've already changed so much in the last two and half months I can't imagine how much more you could change in the next couple of weeks but I know you will. I love you sweet girl more than words can explain and I can't wait to see the person you become.
Forever & Always
Next week is our last week together, just the two of us, before I go back to work. I'm sad and happy at the same time. Sad because I've cherished this time we've had but happy because quite honestly Momma isn't stay at home material. I love and cherish you and your brother but spending every waking moment with you just isn't for me. I like to think about our time as quality over quantity. The first couple of weeks will be difficult as we find our stride but before we know we'll be old hats at it.
You've already changed so much in the last two and half months I can't imagine how much more you could change in the next couple of weeks but I know you will. I love you sweet girl more than words can explain and I can't wait to see the person you become.
Forever & Always
birthday letter,
Birth Announcement
My baby girl is 2 1/2 months, ALREADY! This parenting two little ones is hard work but I have to believe that once I get back to work and I'm forced to really get a schedule going things will get easier. Goodness at least that's what I'm hoping.
With only a week left on my maternity leave I FINALLY got baby girl's birth announcement done. Once again I went with Shutterfly, just like with the Bean's, and I'm sure I won't be disappointed. I'm sharing them because I love them and because Shutterfly will give me $10 off my next order, which should be in the next week when I order Baptism invites, so much to do and not enough hours in the day.
What do you think?
With only a week left on my maternity leave I FINALLY got baby girl's birth announcement done. Once again I went with Shutterfly, just like with the Bean's, and I'm sure I won't be disappointed. I'm sharing them because I love them and because Shutterfly will give me $10 off my next order, which should be in the next week when I order Baptism invites, so much to do and not enough hours in the day.
What do you think?
Friday, January 4, 2013
1 month - Baby Girl
This was supposed to be Dumpling's 1 month birthday letter but really she's 7.5 weeks now. This two kids thing is exhausting but I'm slowly getting it together.
It'd hard to believe that you've been in our life for over month already. You came into this world a little earlier than expected and had an unexpected extended hospital stay but on your two week birthday we finally got to bring you home. The Bean fell in love with you instantly and I think that two of you will be best friends growing up. Your oldest brother isn't a fan of tiny babies but he loves you, he'll just like you more when you're a little bigger. And Daddy, oh your daddy is wrapped around your finger already. There's something so special about a girl and her Dad.
These first few weeks have been blissful, with the holidays and family, and I know that there are challenging times to come because that's what being a parent is about ups and downs with their kids but I hope no matter what that you always remember I love you. You're the little girl I wished for and prayed for and not only me but Granddad and Nana too.
Forever & Always
It'd hard to believe that you've been in our life for over month already. You came into this world a little earlier than expected and had an unexpected extended hospital stay but on your two week birthday we finally got to bring you home. The Bean fell in love with you instantly and I think that two of you will be best friends growing up. Your oldest brother isn't a fan of tiny babies but he loves you, he'll just like you more when you're a little bigger. And Daddy, oh your daddy is wrapped around your finger already. There's something so special about a girl and her Dad.
These first few weeks have been blissful, with the holidays and family, and I know that there are challenging times to come because that's what being a parent is about ups and downs with their kids but I hope no matter what that you always remember I love you. You're the little girl I wished for and prayed for and not only me but Granddad and Nana too.
Forever & Always
birthday letter,
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
35 Weeks, 3 Days
I started this post when Dumpling was 4 weeks and today she's 7 weeks. To say things have gotten hectic with a new little would be an understatement, throw in the holidays and there just haven't been enough hours in the day. However, without further delay, Dumpling's birth story.
35 weeks, 3 days is how far along I was 2 days after my last post and the nite my water broke. More than 2 weeks earlier than I had expected and definitely sooner than I would have liked. I spent the entire day at work with out a single BH or contraction, of course the nite before I had tons of both but didn't think anything of it. I got home from work and took care of some things around the house and right after I'd switched out the Beans 18 months clothes for 24/2T clothes I stood up and felt a trickle. At first I thought nothing of it what with being 8.5 months pregnant and having a bladder the size of a pea then I got to the bathroom and sure enough my water broke, at 35 weeks & 3 days, I called Hubz then my Momma. I feel like I should have been a little scared, I mean 35 weeks that's pre-term, but the thought never crossed my mind. Dumpling was coming and there was nothing I could do about it but embrace it and get myself and the boys together because bag packing wasn't supposed to take place until the following weekend. Within about half an hour of talking to Hubz both our Moms were at the house, which was good because my contractions were making it hard for me to get things done, I was also a little overwhelmed since this was so unexpected. By the time Hubz showed up everyone was packed and the Moms each took a boy and we headed to the hospital, after a stop at the gas station since neither the car or truck had gas ... sitting while having contractions is NO BUENO! Luckily we missed rush hour and made it to the hospital in no time.
I'll never understand the point of pre-registering since I had to stand and answer questions and "check-in" once at the hospital. I also had to deal with a very well meaning volunteer constantly asking me if I was sure I didn't want a wheelchair, it was much easier for me to handle the contractions if I was standing. After what seemed like an hour we headed to triage, where they had to make sure I was in labor ...REALLY! We finally got to a L&D room and I finally got my epi, by that point I was 5 cm dilated, which had been my goal to reach before getting the epi. Once I had the epi it was pretty much smooth sailing from there. I progressed pretty steadily until I got to 8 cm at which point they gave me a little pitocin to help get things moving more steadily again. Finally, at about 530a on 14 November I was almost to 10 so the doctor had me start some practice pushes and apparently I was pretty good at it because when she returned to do some practice pushes with her in the room she said I was ready for the real thing. I started pushing for really, really at 630 and my precious baby girl was born at 644a. Weighing in at 5.5 and 18.5 in long she was smaller than her brother weight wise but they measured the same length. Of course as I expected she had some complications breathing and she would up in the NICU for what would become a 2 week stay.
She finally came home on 28 November and other than some reflux has had no issues. We had a rough time establishing breastfeeding, since she'd been on the bottle for the two weeks while she was in the NICU but it was breast milk but now we're smooth sailing. She's perfect, but I'm biased and the Bean is totally and completely in love with her. My parents are besides themselves because this is the first girl in 28 years, since my sisters were born. I'm still on maternity leave until February and now with the holidays over I'm going to enjoy these last few weeks just me and my girl.
35 weeks, 3 days is how far along I was 2 days after my last post and the nite my water broke. More than 2 weeks earlier than I had expected and definitely sooner than I would have liked. I spent the entire day at work with out a single BH or contraction, of course the nite before I had tons of both but didn't think anything of it. I got home from work and took care of some things around the house and right after I'd switched out the Beans 18 months clothes for 24/2T clothes I stood up and felt a trickle. At first I thought nothing of it what with being 8.5 months pregnant and having a bladder the size of a pea then I got to the bathroom and sure enough my water broke, at 35 weeks & 3 days, I called Hubz then my Momma. I feel like I should have been a little scared, I mean 35 weeks that's pre-term, but the thought never crossed my mind. Dumpling was coming and there was nothing I could do about it but embrace it and get myself and the boys together because bag packing wasn't supposed to take place until the following weekend. Within about half an hour of talking to Hubz both our Moms were at the house, which was good because my contractions were making it hard for me to get things done, I was also a little overwhelmed since this was so unexpected. By the time Hubz showed up everyone was packed and the Moms each took a boy and we headed to the hospital, after a stop at the gas station since neither the car or truck had gas ... sitting while having contractions is NO BUENO! Luckily we missed rush hour and made it to the hospital in no time.
I'll never understand the point of pre-registering since I had to stand and answer questions and "check-in" once at the hospital. I also had to deal with a very well meaning volunteer constantly asking me if I was sure I didn't want a wheelchair, it was much easier for me to handle the contractions if I was standing. After what seemed like an hour we headed to triage, where they had to make sure I was in labor ...REALLY! We finally got to a L&D room and I finally got my epi, by that point I was 5 cm dilated, which had been my goal to reach before getting the epi. Once I had the epi it was pretty much smooth sailing from there. I progressed pretty steadily until I got to 8 cm at which point they gave me a little pitocin to help get things moving more steadily again. Finally, at about 530a on 14 November I was almost to 10 so the doctor had me start some practice pushes and apparently I was pretty good at it because when she returned to do some practice pushes with her in the room she said I was ready for the real thing. I started pushing for really, really at 630 and my precious baby girl was born at 644a. Weighing in at 5.5 and 18.5 in long she was smaller than her brother weight wise but they measured the same length. Of course as I expected she had some complications breathing and she would up in the NICU for what would become a 2 week stay.
She finally came home on 28 November and other than some reflux has had no issues. We had a rough time establishing breastfeeding, since she'd been on the bottle for the two weeks while she was in the NICU but it was breast milk but now we're smooth sailing. She's perfect, but I'm biased and the Bean is totally and completely in love with her. My parents are besides themselves because this is the first girl in 28 years, since my sisters were born. I'm still on maternity leave until February and now with the holidays over I'm going to enjoy these last few weeks just me and my girl.
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