Friday, December 31, 2010

2010 in Reveiw

2010 was definately a year to remember.  We welcomed 2 babies to the family and an additional to the extended family (this includes our closest friends that we consider family).  That easy transition I had hoped for with the step-son entering middle school didn't happen and hubz didn't get into the PWCPD and has since changed his school aspirations to be computer related.  I'm STILL waiting on my much promised promotion at work and if it's not here soon I will be looking for a new job all this and more is what made up my 2010.

So without further ado I give you my 2010 in Reveiw:

January:  We found out we were expecting a wee babe, FINALLY, and I took my yearly trip to SC to visit Ms. Sarah for her birthday.  It was tough keeping such a big secret from a friend but I did and she wasn't even the wiser, I don't think. 

February: The dreaded morning, really all day, sickness kicked in and I would spend the next four months vomitting more than anyone should ever vomit.  The sickness made it difficult getting through my second to last quarter of school but I pushed through and some how managed to get an 'A' in both my classes.

March: Mr. Magoo turned 1!!!!  And little did we know his momma and daddy were expecting another wee babe of their own who'd be making an appearance by year's end, giving my baby sister a grand total of three boys and giving my impending little bundle a playmate!

April: My sisters, dad and youngest niece all celebrated birthdays.  And the impending nuptials of my middle sister drew closer.  We showered her and partook in some debauchary, well I was the sober mom, for her bachelorette party in DC.

May: My sister got married.  The wedding was definately an event to remember.  My momma celebrated her 50th birthday and my sister-in-law turned 30.  I grew even bigger with the impending arrival of my little burrito and reflected on the fact that this time next year I'll be a momma celebrating Mother's Day.

June:  Hubz entered his last year of his 20s and celebrated his last father's day as a father of 1.Goodies for Burrito slowly started to trickle in as the Momma and sisters began plans for my baby shower in July. I graduated with my MBA in Finance.

July:  The bestie and her fam came home for 2 weeks.  Sadly they were so busy with their families we didn't get much time together, but she'd be back with the babies in September and we'd have a little more time together.  Burrito's baby shower was more than I could have imagined and I was overwhelmed by the love and generousity of everyone.  The momma suprised me with an old high school girlfriend also making an appearance and it was by far one of the best moments of my shower. 

August: The mother-in-law became a PA and we were all so proud.  Hubz made the drive to Philly to see her get pinned, but I couldn't travel so I stayed home with the dogs.  It was a slow month as I entered my last month of pregnancy and didn't have the motivation to do much but lay around in the AC or the pool.

September:  The Bean made his arrival, 2 1/2 weeks early, with no warning for his Momma.  He came into this world via unplanned c-section and shares a birthday with his daddy's oldest brother.  We brought him home after 36 hours in the hospital and 24 hours later he was admitted to the PICU with super low blood sugar and various other issues.  For 10 days we were in the hospital praying that everything would work itself out, it eventually would but not until the end of the year.

October:  I entered the last year of my 20s suprisingly optomistic, it must be because of my little Bean.  The Bean had his first Halloween, or slept through it anyway and I started to notice the changes is myself and him. The step-son was accepted to the People to People program and will hopefully be traveling abroad this summer, assuming we raise the money and he starts doing his school work.

November:  Back to work I went and while I wasn't sad to leave the Bean, I knew he was in capable hands, I was sad to lose all the time that we'd had together for the last 8 weeks.  But now he's so happy to see me every afternoon that it makes up for the lost time we don't have during the day.  The Bean had his first Thanksgiving, although if you can't eat solid food does it really count?  The Bean started smiling and cooing

December: We recieved great news from the doctor at Children's hospital, the Bean was completely removed from the special formula and became a only breastfed baby!  He was smiling and cooing even more than before and started to hate tummy time less.  In preparing for his first Christmas I reflected on the fact that my life was exactly where I wanted it, even if I did get here unexpectedly.

So now we start 2011.  I don't really have any resolutions because I never stick to them, but I do have some hopes for the coming year.  I hope that:
  • The Bean's final test at Children's is normal and we never have to go back
  • My baby sister's wedding is everything she wants it to be
  • The step-son gets his act together so he can take this amazing trip that is sure to change his life
  • Hubz and I figure out this parenting thing while keeping our relationship solid at the same time
  • By the time the Bean's 1st birthday extravaganza rolls around that he is off all the meds he's currently taking
What are your hopes for 2011?

Thursday, December 30, 2010

New Year's Eve, Eve

Ah the day before we celebrate the closing of yet another year.  This year it's definately different because we have Trip, who as I type this is happily cooing away in his crib even though he's suppose to be napping.  I'll spend the next 24 hours or so preparing for our annual New Year's Eve bash.  While hubz will spend it doing a whole lot of nothing until I start to get frantic and then he'll decide to pitch in, I love that man but sometimes he's a little oblivious to the world around him.

Today Trip will meet his great-grandmother, Meme, for the first time.  She's the matriarch of hubz' family and I hope he cherish's the time he'll have with her.  At the same time I'm sad because I wish that my Nana, his great-Nana, were here for this moment as well.  I know she's smiling down on us and will be as big a part of his life as I make her but I wish she were here in person to meet this little person that I made and that is so precious and special to me.

So as we all prepare to gather with friends and love ones to say goodbye to  2010 and hello to 2011. I wish everyone a happy, safe and prosperous new year.  And may 2011 make all your dreams come true.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Thankful on Thursday

It's hard to believe that Christmas is a mere two days away.  Where did the last year go?  For me it was spent growing my little Bean. During that 9 months I had the most understanding and caring husband and he's what I'm most thankful for.  We're kind of having a moment right now where our communication isn't so great and so we're constantly in a state of unease.  It was to be expected though we just had a baby and that precious little babe wound up in the hospital for 10 days at 3 days old.  Then upon leaving the hospital the babe was on a special diet and feeding schedule which would stress out even the most veteran of parents.  But through it all hubz has been there to hold me up when we got bad news and celebrate with me when we got good news.  I have several friends that remind me often that I never wanted kids or to get married and now look at me.  Married 3 years and with a beautiful baby boy.  I hate to sound cliche but hubz completes me.  He balances me out and reminds me that I can still have fun while being a grown-up.  And while there are many things about him that drive me insane I wouldn't pick anyone else to be on this journey of life with.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

A Brother's Love
                                                              A.V. Smith Photography

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Christmas Card

Monogram Snowman Christmas
Create beautiful photo Christmas cards at
View the entire collection of cards.
I finally finished our Christmas cards.  They'll  be later than normal, but as has been the case since the Bean was born I'm behind on everything, but I figure it's the thought that counts.  Shutterfly just maybe my go to website for cards from now on.  Normally I use Snapfish but I've had nothing but problems with them all week.  I'm trying to make calendars for our moms for Christmas and I can't even get those done and if it weren't for the fact that I bought a special from living social I would totally just use Shutterfly.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Baby it's cold ... inside

Our heat is broken and has been for almost two weeks now.  We had been waiting for a friend of Hubz' to come and fix it for us like he does when ever we have issues but apparently he's busy or rude but either way it's not fixed.  So Friday I called a local heating and air conditioning place to have someone come out on Saturday, which costs us an extra $20 because it was a weekend but no biggy, to hopefully fix the damn heat!  No such luck because apparently the thermostat on the actual unit shot, kaput, broken!  The nice kid said we'd probably be able to have get it fixed by Monday or Tuesday, but wait just kidding when he called yesterday to tell me how much it would cost, $432 ... what the 'F', he also informed me that it would take 7-10 days for the damn part to come in ...SAY WHAT!?  Of course the temperatures have been getting colder and colder, why wouldn't they we have not heat, and I don't think I can take it much longer.  The momma has offered to let us come stay at her house and at least we could bring the dogs.

Why is it that things always go to the shitter during the holidays?  I mean really!  So now we're just waiting, in our very cold house ... except for the bedrooms which have space heaters and is the only place you'll find me.  I refuse to cook because it's so damn cold on the middle level of our house and doing laundry is a chore, more than normal, because I have to bundle up to go to the basement. Oi vey! Oh and did I mention the 10 day mark, which is surely how long it'll take because that's just our luck, is on Christmas Eve?!  Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 13, 2010

3 Months - 1/4 of a year

Sweet Bean
You've already been on this Earth for a quarter of a year.  I can't help but wonder where the time has gone to.  It seems every day you're doing something new and your personality is becoming even more apparent.  You smile whenever you see me and it melts my heart.  You and daddy are starting to bond too and I'm so thankful for that because it was kind of rough for while.  You're starting to hate tummy time a little less and I just know any day you're going to roll over.  I wouldn't wish these days away for anything because I know that soon you'll be on the move and exploring everything!

The doctors at Children's have just about given you the stamp of approval and as long as all goes well the end of  next month you'll never have to go back there, God willing.  Daddy knew all along that you were fine but Momma's a hard facts kind of girl and needed all the proof to line up and prove it.  That first week and half of your life is forever ingrained in my brain but I look at you now and it's like you were never sick!  While we'll never know what happened we're happy to know that it seems to have been a series of unfortunate events that led to your hospital stay and not anything that was seriously and forever wrong with you.

It's hard for me to remember what my life was like without you in it sweet baby boy and honestly I don't care because though my life may have been full it was never complete until the day you were born.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Thanksgiving Weekend in Reveiw

This was probably the most relaxed Thanksgiving weekend we've had in a while.  We did dinner with my family this year, which we haven't done since we've been together I don't think, and it was nice.  I wish my little sister had been there but she had just had a baby a week ago so I understood her need to stay home. Hubby and I started of the day laying in bed with the Bean watching the Macy's Day Parade, I use to watch the parade every year and hadn't since hubby and I had been together since we were normally at his mom's and it wasn't something everyone else did.  We didn't have to be at my mom's until 4 so after the parade we just lounged around.  We got to Mom's about 415 and laughed and had a good time with her roommate and my little brother while she was finishing up cooking and we waited on my middle sister and her family.  Dinner was great and the company was fantastic and I'm so glad we got to enjoy so a low key meal with my family.

Friday my sister-in-law and I hit the stores at 7am ready to shop till we dropped.  Suprisingly the stores were "dead" for a Black Friday and the deals weren't that great.  None the less I got all the nieces and nephews done as well as my step-son and the Bean.  So now all I have left to shop for are the parents and Hubz.   My bedroom is now full of presents so I better get started wrapping because it never fails Christmas always sneaks up on me.

Saturday was spent doing nothing but staying in PJs until 5pm when we headed to my little sister's house to celebrater her fiance's birthday and visit with my dad.

Sunday I went to see my beloved Redskins play and they didn't let me down, the lost AGAIN!  I'm a fan through thick and thin but I wish they could get their act together.  I doesn't really help that we have one of the oldest teams in the league!  But some how we still might have a shot at the wild card playoff spot if we can pull it together for these last few games, we shall see.

So now that Thanksgiving has come and gone it's time to get ready for Christmas and our Annual New Year's Party!  This year we have plenty to celebrate.  We welcomed 3 new babies into the crazyness that is our family/friends, all little boys.  We had a marriage and started planning for another.  My little brother became a teenager and a niece and nephew both started school.  This time of year is my most favorite, after Halloween for obvious reasons, and I love celebrating and being surrounded by the people I love the most in the world!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thankful on Thursday

Happy Thanksgiving! I always look forward to Thanksgiving because there's nothing I love more then a reason to eat an abundance of food and then vegging out on the couch watching football, I really am every man's dream wife. Also, it marks the beginning of the holiday season. Today we should all take a minute to think about those things we are most thankful for in our life, although I think we should take a minute to do this everyday.

I'm most thankful for a family that loves me and that I love. Sure they're loud and crazy but I couldn't imagine life without any of them, this includes the in-laws too. We are all a product of our families they shape who we are and while there are days when I'd love to get them all in a room and say WTF ... that's family.

I'm thankful for the blessing that is my little Bean. That little guy has changed my life, for the good. While his first days on this earth were a little rough, I knew that God wouldn't have given me something I couldn't handle and that he gave me a husband that would be beside me every step of the way.

I'm so thankful for my husband. He's endured my lack of sex drive during 9 months of pregnancy and now me trying to find my way back afterwards. It's bumpy right now but I know we'll find our way.

I'm thankful for the chance to wake-up everyday and look for the good in my life. I may not be quite where I expected to be at this point but I've got quite a few things I never expected to have at this point as well. I know God has a plan and I'm just going to let him guide me down the right path.

On this day when we're most thankful what are you thankful for?

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

Thought I'd try something I see on other blogs.

"Resting on Santa's Chair"

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Thankful on Thursday

With only 7 days till Thanksgiving I find myself reflecting on the past year. This time last year I was once again in a funk because another month had passed that I wasn't pregnant. Little did I know that we'd be celebrating this holiday season with a little Bean or that following right behind the entrance of the Bean would be another of God's little gifts joining our crazy family.

-I'm thankful that my little sister had a healthy pregnancy and that she'll be meeting her third and final little boy this afternoon.
-I'm also thankful that this little gift and my little Bean will be so close in age and get to grow-up together, something my sisters and I didn't have.
-I'm thankful that my sister has found a man that loves her unconditionally and is a good father and step-father to my nephews.
-I'm thankful that after a rough few years my dad and I have a relationship again.
-I'm especially thankful for a husband that loves me unconditionally.
-I'm thankful that though the Bean had a rough start to life it appears things are turning around and he's going to be okay!
-I'm thankful that I wake-up everyday, by the Grace of God, and get to live my life the way I see fit.

Mostly I'm thankful for the way my life has ended up. It may not have been what I planned but it was all part of His plan and that's the only person with any control.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Bean

It occurs to me that I never posted about the Bean's first 2 weeks of life. I've got the post all typed up so I'll have to post it tonite when I get home from work. Those first two weeks were probably the longest, most draining days of my life and yet we survived, thank God, and came out on the other side. The Bean is 10 weeks today and I can't believe how different he looks and acts. He's smiling and cooing and, as my SIL said last nite, changing from the new infant look to the baby look. We're getting professional pictures of him taken Saturday and I can't wait to see what Angela from A.V. Smith Photography does. She's a friend of a friend and from what I've seen on her website and blog she's great!

The Bean got his two month shots last Friday and did great. We both cried but once I could pick him up he settled down and didn't have any reactions. He slept tons over the weekend but if it means I get to sleep in too then I'll take it.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Thankful on Thursday

One of my favorite bloggers, Blair at The Heir to Blair, sometimes does a post on Thursday where she talks about some of the things she's thankful for that week. I thought I'd start doing this, on the weeks I can remember, especially since lately all I can think about is things I don't have. When I know that focusing on the negative does nothing but bring you down. So:

1. THE BEAN!!! I'm most thankful for this handsome little boy that God blessed me with. We had a rough start together. First with the unplanned c-section then with his 10 day unplanned hospital stay, but now I think we're hitting our stride and I can't wait to see what God brings us next.

2. I'm thankful for my friends. They're the family I got to pick, not that there's anything wrong with the family God gave me. They give me perspective when I've lost the big picture and they pick me up when I'm hard on myself.
3. My family, as dysfunctional as we maybe, have shaped - good or bad - into the person I am.They've taught me patience and that we all take different paths to get to the things we want and while we might not always agree we're always family.
4. At a time when I'm not getting much sleep I'm also thankful for COFFEE! Having a newborn and working 9-hour days is hard but as long as I get my cup of coffee I some how make it through. Thank goodness this newborn phase doesn't last forever.

What are you thankful for?

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Who Knew

Who knew that having a baby was so hard on a marriage. I mean people don't hesitate to give you all kinds of advice and "words of wisdom" about pregnancy, labor and raising a baby. However, they never bother to tell you the toll that having a baby can take on your marriage.

I just finished reading Babyproofing your Marriage. It gave me a lot insight on what's going on in my marriage right now and helped me to see that we're not alone. I took away a lot from reading it but mostly that the only way to ensure your marriage survives having kids is by communication and ensuring that you and your husband are a partnership. To bad this seems to be where we're falling short. I feel like I'm doing everything. Hubz has been working late a lot lately and it wouldn't be so bad if it was also bringing in tons of extra money but it's not. So he's working late, I'm stuck doing all baby duties on 5 hours of sleep after a 9-hour day, and he shows no appreciation. I wish he could find a job with set hours. Unfortunately, he doesn't have much job experience, outside of what he's currently doing, so finding a different job has proved difficult. My hope is that once he's finished his second year of school he'll be able to find something, but only time will tell.

Who knew that I would adjust to motherhood so easily. I was expecting to be overwhelmed but I'm not and haven't been. Well okay I was when he was admitted to the hospital but that's to be expected when your three day old is in the PICU, hooked up to machines and nobody can seem to figure out what's wrong. Actually to this day they still don't know what happened but he's doing 100% better and that's all I care about.

There's a lot of things I didn't know when I got pregnant. But these two are the biggest things I was surprised about. Hubz and I will get through this rough patch, which I'm sure he doesn't even realize we're having, and be stronger for it I'm sure.

Sunday, November 7, 2010



I can't believe you're already two months. Where has the time gone? I feel like just yesterday we were bringing you home from the hospital, for the second time, and now your smiling at us and almost double your birth weight. Your health has done a complete 180 and hopefully by the time you celebrate your first Christmas you'll be in the clear and off of one of your three meds as well as off of the yucky formula.

After only 2-months you've given my life new meaning. I use to consider graduating from college and then getting my Master's my greatest accomplishment, but after 7 September 2010 that all changed and I now count you as my greatest accomplishment. I never expected to adapt to motherhood so well, especially considering I never wanted kids, but you my handsome little man make it easy. Sure we had a little hiccup in the beginning and that reflux is no fun but these all things we're dealing with and surviving.

There are no words to explain how much Momma loves you. I thank God for you every day and hope that I'm able to be the Momma you deserve. I can't wait to see what the next month and years bring.

Momma loves you Bean!

Monday, November 1, 2010

It's Been a While's been a while since I touched base. Let's see since the last time I posted, with the arrival of Burrito, we've been settling in. After eight glorious weeks with my little man I started back to work today. I was happy to get back to the working world and have some adult interaction but I miss him and look forward to the end of the day more than I ever have. I've just about finished my post about his birth and subsequent health issues after his birth. These first two months have been a roller coaster but now we're getting to a good place. I didn't get to write a one month letter but I definately have one in the works for Sunday when he turns 2-month. I can't believe how quickly time has gone by and that he's already going to be two months! Time is precious these days, especially now that I'm back at work but I'm going to try and update at least 3 times a week and hopefully on Sundays. Hopefully I can figure out how to add pictures to so everyone can see my handsome little man. Of course there's always facebook.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Baby Burrito made his appearance last Tuesday, 7 September 2010 at 135 am, by c-section. He weighed 6 lbs, 1 oz and 20 inches long and had a cone head from being stuck in the birth canal. We were in the hospital 36 hours befoore going home. Once home things took a turn for the not so good and now I'm working on a post about the entire ordeal we've gone through from irth to now.

My little is truely the light of of my life. I never knew a love like this existed! I can imagine nothing more than being this little boy's momma.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

37 Weeks = FULL TERM

Yup I'm full term that means little burrito could decide to make an appearance and the doctors wouldn't do anything to stop him/her! I feel like I was just spending my days vomitting over the toilet for hours at a time and now here I am about to become a momma. I had a work shower on Tuesday where we got the car seat which really means we could have this baby whenever and we'd be good to go! And yet I'm still not anxious or paniced or nervous...okay well I am but more about the pain meds then the actual deliver.

I was talking to hubz and I don't know if it's because of the whole zen approach I've taken to this baby growing process or if it's because I'm in denial but labor and delivery doesn't scare me. Sure I realize it's not all fun and games but hubz will be there and as we've learned in the seven years we've been together/married we're a forced to be reckoned with! He's my rock and as long as he's there beside me keeping me calm I can do this without question or hesitation.

So now we wait. I have more baby stuff to wash and we have some returns to take care of and perhaps some last minute stuff for me for after Burrito gets here, but other than that we're ready. Of course I would like Burrito to remain baking until s/he is ready be that now, on 23 Sept (my due date) or a little after but I have no fears that I'm gonna rock this mom thing...I'm a super star in case you didn't know. Of course come talk to me after Burrito's here when I'm sure I'll be singing a different tune.

How far along: 37 weeks, FULL TERM!!!
Total weight gain: according to the scale on Monday I've just about gotten back to my pre-pregnancy weight so zero. Of course the dr says it's all baby.
Maternity clothes: Heck yes!
Stretch marks: Just the oldies but goodies
Sleep: I sleep but not good sleep so I'm always tired, eh whatev
Best moment this week: Work shower
Food Cravings: Nothing really some days I'm starving and other days I could care less about food.
Gender: Still no clue and my mother's intuition is broken :(
Labor signs: Some contractions here and there but nothing to write home about
Belly button: Shallow
What I miss: Decent sleep and sushi.
What I'm looking forward to: Sleeping on my stomach again
Weekly wisdom: This too shall pass
Milestone: did I mention I'm FULL TERM!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

4 Weeks to go ... or so

I'm 36 weeks today! Next week I'm full term and Burrito could very well decide s/he is ready to make an appearance, although my "intuition" tells me this baby's going to be a lot like most of the family and make a late appearance, but we shall see. The nursery is done. All the neutral clothes are washed and put away and Gozer has decided that underneath the crib is his favorite new spot to hang out, I think he and Burrito are going to best friends! Nesting has set in and my house and freezer meals will be done in the next two weeks, God willing. I'm "ready" or as ready as one can be for the big change that's about to take place. I have no anxiety about labor or becoming a Momma. Maybe it's because I know hubz will be right there with me through it all or because I've had 9 months of growing this kid to prepare but either way I'm as "ready" as I can be.

The ladies over on my chat boards have all started talking about inductions and internals. Me I'm happy to let this kid come when s/he is damn good and ready. So unless something happens there will be no forcing Burrito before it's time and Momma does care about her "progress" or lack there of. It'll all happen when it's meant to happen. When did I become so zen? Who knows, but I'll take it. I've remained pretty stress free through this preganancy, minus the constant vomiting the first 5 1/2 months, and my hope is to maintain that until the end. Now when Burrito is here chances are that all bets are off. As hubz teases me I'm somewhat high strung and easily excited and worked up but hey that's just me.

With 4 weeks to go I've just started swelling and more on my right side then my left. The doc says it's probably because that's where Burrito is hanging out. Who knows but I have a club foot and it's a little freaky! But hey if I made it almost all the way through without any swelling I'll take it.

Okay well on to the survey:
How far along: 36 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: As of my 34 week appt I was still down about 6 lbs, I'll find out where I am on Monday.
Maternity clothes: Heck yes they're comfy
Stretch marks: Nope, not any new ones that weren't there before anyway
Sleep: It's as good as can be expected at 36 weeks I guess. I get up 1-2 times to pee and I never get really good sleep so I'm always tired, but it's totally worth it.
Best moment this week: Finishing the nursery
Food cravings:Red Robin steak fries and freckled lemonade and I got both yesterday!
Gender: It's a baby!
Labor signs: Just the braxton hicks. I might have had one or two contractions a couple weeks ago but who knows
Belly button in or out? Neither it's just flat :(
What I miss: Wine and sushi and sleeping on my stomach
What I'm looking forward to:My work shower on Tuesday!
Weekly wisdom: I'm to tired to be wise this week
Milestones: swollen feet?

Monday, August 23, 2010

30 Days to go

Today is 23 August that means that Burrito is due to make an appearance in exactly 30 days!!!! While I'm not nervous about labor & delivery I'm anxious about everything after. I love our family but I don't want to be swarmed by all of them. I want to breastfeed but what if it doesn't work out? Hubz can't take time off so I'm by myself straight out of the starting gate and to say I'm already feeling overwhelmed is an understatment. But I'm taking it all in stride and remembering my belief that God doesn't give us what we cannot handle. So I'll handle becoming a momma just like everything else, one step at a time, and as everyone reminds me all I have to do is ask for help and I got it...the problem is first asking.

With 30 days to go will still have a lot to get done. The nursery is baby ready but I still need to vacum and hang some stuff on the walls. The master bedroom and bathroom got a good cleaning this past weekend and the kitchen and entire middle level are getting done this week and coming weekend. That'll just leave the basement and garage. It's a bit daunting but if Hubz helps out we'll get it all done before Burrito gets here and if not, well the kid just won't be allowed on the floors. I'm also doing a few freezer meals this weekend as well. Just a few things for while we're still trying to adjust to baby at first and then to me going back to work in Novemberish.

So 30 days! Let the madness begin!

Friday, August 6, 2010

7 weeks to go!!!

Holy guacamole! In 7 weeks, give or take, I could be a momma! I went to a breastfeeding class last Sunday, but didn't get much out of it. However, a friend delievered at the same hospital that I'm delivering at and she assures me that there will be plenty of people there ready and will to help me so here's hoping. The nursery is just about done..the crib is up, all we need is the mattress, and the dresser should be here next week. Then I can get the wall hangings and decals up and we'll be all set, at least in the nursery.

My work is throwing me a shower the end of this month so while there's still things we need I don't want to wind up with tons of extras so we're holding off until after that shower before we buy any last minute stuff. By the time that shower rolls around I'll be full term, 37 weeks, and really Burrito could make an apperance anytime. We're not missing too much...still need the ever important car seat and then the pack-n-play and swing. My mom and hubz' step-mom already have a plan to get this stuff taken care of for us so we'll just have to worry about any little stuff like diapers, wipes and probably some newborn clothes.

Everyone keeps asking me if I'm "ready". The truth is yeah I am I look at having this baby just like anything else new I take on. I'm only going to do the best I can and count on God to guide me. Hubz and I we make a good team and I have no doubt that we'll be great parents, well he already is, but I'm going to AWESOME! I know most women are scared and I'm not saying I'm not but I've said it before...God doesn't give us what we can't handle. If He didn't think I was ready for this then it wouldn't be happening. So as this pregnancy slowly but surely starts to wind up I feel myself getting excited for this next page in mine and hubz' lives.

With that I leave with the Survey:
How far along: 33 weeks, 1 day
Total weigh gain/loss: -9.6, I've gained back about 4 from original 14 I lost but really it's not me it's the baby so...but the doc's not worried so neither am I.
Maternity clothes: oh heck yeah and lots of dresses they're loose and flowy and comfy
Stretch marks? no new ones
Sleep: More bad than good, but no insomnia that I've heard happens in 3rd tri so I'll take it
Best moment this week: The little goodies that step mother-in-law suprised us with just
Food Cravings: Nothing really, most days I have to force myself to eat because food just doesn't intrest me.
Gender: no clue for a few weeks there I thought maybe boy, but now I'm thinking maybe girl...well I have a 50/50 chance of getting it right, we'll see in September.
Labor signs: not unless you count BH
Belly button in or out: neither it's just flat but hubz things it may pop before all is said and done which would be weird since it's a very deep innie normally
What I miss: Coffee, wine & Sushi in that order...oh and sleeping on my stomach
What I'm looking forward to: Seeing my bestie again in a couple of weeks
Weekly wisdom: something I said in the beginning of this adventure, "take it all in". I especially feel this way now that the end is gettting closer.
Milestones: does have a foot or something in my ribs count? Oh hubz heard Burrito's heartbeat just by laying his head on my belly and sometimes he scares the baby when he does rasberries on my belly and thinks it's the funniest thing! I love that man!

Until next time, which I'm sure means 2 weeks. I really have to get my shower pics up!

Friday, July 23, 2010

31 weeks!

Yesterday was the 31 week mark! I can't believe I'll have an outside baby in about 9 weeks that almost 2 months or 60 days! I'm anxious and a little overwhelmed with how ready my house isn't but hubz keeps assuring me it will all get done and I have to trust that.

My shower was last weekend and it FANTASTIC! My best friend along with some special visitors. A great friend from college came, I visit her in South Carolina at least once a year and I'm so glad she was able to be a part of such a wonderful day. The biggest suprise was that a friend I've known since elementary school was there! She happened to be up from North Carolina visiting with her parents and made the hour trip to my mom's for my shower! It was awesome to be surrounded by friends from my past and present and my family. Everyone was so generous. There's tons of pictures and I promise to post them soon.

And now my 31 week pregnancy survey...I've been such a slacker about keeping up with this. Hope I'm better at updating Burrito's baby book.

How far along: 31 weeks, 1 day
Total weight gain/loss: Still down about 7 lbs, but that's better than the 14 I lost in the beginning of course the 7 I've gained back has apparently all gone to Burrito
Maternity clothes: Heck yes! I'd be super uncomfortable otherwise
Stretch Marks: Nothing that wasn't there before.
Sleep: Eh, it's okay. I get up at least once a nite to pee, more if I don't stop drinking at least an hour to bed, and I can't really ever get 100% comfortable.
Best Moment this Week: When burrito had hiccups and was having a party all at the same time. It help to put the craptastic day I was having into persepective.
Food Cravings: As usual anything that doesn't make me sick, but I've really wanted Sweet Tea this week and have yet to get one! That and Flavor Ice.
Gender: Still no clue, but my sisters are pretty sure they know and my mom thinks she knows.
Labor Signs: None, unless you count the braxton hicks I've been having for about a week now.
Belly Button: It's still in but it's very shallow. With only 9ish weeks I wonder if it'll disappear.
What I miss: Sushi, mimosas, and a nice glass of wine on the deck after work and coffee.
What I'm looking forward to: Getting the nursery finished!
Weekly wisdom: It'll all come together
Milestones: I guess the braxton hicks.

Sunday, June 27, 2010


I did it. I graduated! Yesterday was a long day. Up at 630am and didn't go to bed until midnite, but it was worth to be able to achieve such an accomplishment and then celebrate with family afterwards. The ceremony was hella long but actually finished earlier than expected to so I can't complain too much. My mother-in-law treated us to mexican aftewards which was much appreciated by myself and Burrito seeing as hadn't eaten since earlier that morning and we were starving!

So now that I'm done with school, FOREVER, it's time to focus on Burrito's impending less than 90 days! Hubz is suppose to finish up with prepping the nursery this week so I can get in next weekend during my 4-day weekend painting. My shower's in 2 1/2 weeks and I really would like to have the nursery done before then so that I any gifts we get can go straight to their home. We'll see how my plan works out though.

Today I'm relaxing. No plans to do anything but bum around and maybe buy a new ceiling fan for our room. I imagine with such a long day yesterday there'll also be tons of naps on my part, but hey that's what you do on a day of relaxation.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

27 Weeks - 3rd Tri - 3 Months Left..oh my

What the hell?! How did I get so far into this pregnancy and not realize it? I'm sure being so sick the first 5 1/2 months contributed to it. However, here I sit at 27 weeks, the start of the 3rd and final trimester and I'm still somewhat relaxed about the whole thing. I'm sure that's going to leave as we get closer. And don't get it wrong that I don't have anxiety and tons of nervous energy at the same time. It's just that I realize that women have been doing this for eons so it can't be all that bad. And sure we don't have the nursery anywhere near ready, but my baby shower's still 3 weeks away so I'm sure after that we'll be a little bit more ready.

I graduate on Saturday and then I can focus on getting the house ready for Burrito. Hubz has a job, we think, and while it's not the best schedule (tues - sat) it's a job and with his unemployment exhausted, whatever the hell that means, we don't have much of a choice but to adapt to the craptastic schedule, for now. So things are coming together, slowly, and starting to work out, kinda. We'll adapt and move forward as always.

And now my survey:

How far along? 27 weeks!
Total weight gain/loss: still no gain down about 14 lbs
Maternity clothes: Hell yes and I wouldn't have it any other way
Stretch Marks: not other than the ones that were already there
Sleep: eh...some nites are better than others
Best Moment this week: actually seeing my stomach move as Burrito did gymnastics
Food Cravings: Good Humor Strawberry Shortcake Ice Cream
Gender: that's a good question..I still don't have a feeling one way or another
Labor Signs: some braxton hicks but that better be it for at least another 10 weeks
Belly Button in or out: it's still in but very shallow
What I miss: Wine and sushi
What I'm looking forward to: totally unbaby related...graduation on Saturday
Weekly wisdom: ignore any advice you get, some people are just flakes.
Milestones: HELLO 3rd Tri!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

6 Months..WTH!

Holy hell I'm six month pregnant today, 24 weeks to be exact. That means only 16ish weeks or 3 months until burrito will be making his/her appearance! Nothing has still been done but we're slowly beginning to make some progress. The nursery is just about emptied out, just gotta get to the closet which contains office stuff and the office currently has no space so before we can do anything the office has to be rearranged. So I'm gonna work on that the next couple of weeks. My in-laws have offered to buy the crib and dresser which they're ordering the end of this month! My baby shower's in 6 weeks and school's done in 2!

Work has been really busy lately, which I can't really complain about since it makes the day go faster but it also leaves me no time to make to-do list and think about the millions of things we still have to do before baby gets here. However, hubz assures me that everything will be done and ready by the time September rolls around. Ideally I'd like everything to be done and ready by August but if he can gurantee me the beginning of September I'm good with that. What would really help is if he could fine a job. After 8 months of being unemployed it's really starting to take a toll on our bank account. He's had a couple of prospects but unfortunately none of them have panned out. I'm still optomistic because really what choice do I have.

And lastly without further ado my pregnancy survey:

How far along? 24 weeks...v-day (the baby could possibly live it he/she was born today)

Total weight gain/loss: appt tomorrow, but if the scales at home are right I'm down another 5 so that brings the total loss to 17!

Maternity clothes: definately. I'm carrying low so I need high panels.

Stretch Marks: no new ones

Sleep: pretty good, I sleep through the nites most nites and don't really require a mid-day nap anymore

Best moment this week: hiccups!

Food Cravings: Strawberries and waffles, but not together

Gender: we'll find out in September

Labor Signs: ABSOLUTELY NOT and I'd like to keep it that way for a least 13 more weeks

Belly button, in or out? still in but starting to get very shallow

What I miss: A nice glass of wine on the deck after work.

What I'm looking forward to: Getting started on the nursery

Weekly wisdom: everyone's got an opinion on something. Use what you want and disregard the rest

Milstones: V-day!!!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Memorial Day...a tad late

I completely got side tracked this weekend and didn't get to write the Memorial Day post I had planned, but I still wanted to make sure I acknowledged it. We had a relaxing weekend spend with family and I wouldn't have had it any other way.

On any holiday meant to honor those soliders that protect our freedom and give the ulitmate sacrafice I'm always happy to spend them doing nothing. I feel in a way that that's why these men and woman do what they do so that we can enjoy our holidays and the rights we have as Americans. As the child of an retired solider I'm aware of the sacrafices that not only the soliders make but also their families.

So I give this late Thank You to those men and women who've lost thier lives to keep us free and I Thank their families for the price they've paid as well.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

22 weeks = 5 1/2 months!!!

In the world of pregnancy keeping the weeks and months straight is a little difficult because it doesn't really work out the way my math inclined mind wants it to. Lucky for me a found a website that does it for me and yesterday this handy little website told me that today, the start of my 22nd week, I'd be starting my 5 1/2months!!! WHAT?! That means I only have 3 1/2 months, 126 days (which is even scarier because I'm close to single digits) until this kid gets here, how can that be? I've gotten nothing done. I still have 4 weeks of school left, which means when I'm done with school I'll be close to month 7!

Once my panic attack over how much time has already passed and how little is ahead of me was over I got down to doing what I do best, making To-Do Lists! I mean really it's the only way for me to keep my life from becoming too much for me, somedays, and ensuring everything gets done that needs to. Sure getting the kitchen/family room painted and kitchen cabinets painted is a priority but it'd be nice since hubz had promised me it'd be done before graduation and NOTHING's been done. My main focus right now is getting the nursery entered out and vacumed at least since my little brother is coming to stay with us for the first week in June. After that it's full steam ahead with everything else.

Even before we told people I've been doing this little pregnancy survey, just as a way for me to remember what I was feeling and what not throughout this pregnancey. While I haven't been so good at doing it every week I'm gonna try and change that. So hopefully every Thursday, that's when I enter a new week, I'm going to start putting it here. Enjoy!

How far along: 22 weeks!!

Total weight gain/loss: down 12 lbs (as of two weeks ago at my last appt)

Maternity clothes: Heck yes!

Stretch marks: no news ones, thank goodness

Sleep: lately it's been pretty good, no nightly bathroom visits

Best moment this week: constant movement

Food cravings: fruit and waffles

Gender: no idea and it's staying that way until birth

Labor Signs: None and it needs to stay that way for at least 15 more weeks

Belly button in or out? still in but it's starting to get shallow

What I miss: SEX!

What I'm looking forward to: hubz being able to feel burrito move

Weekly Wisdom: I'm either going to gain weight or not, but as long as baby's healthy that's all that matters.

Milestones: Increased movement

Thursday, May 13, 2010


My current state of mind is overwhelmed. I have five weeks of school left, a job that's driving me nuts, a baby on the way, a husband that feels more like a child than the partner that he's suppose to be and a step-son that gets rewarded for doing his chores partially and does what he wants regardless of what I say. Most days I manage to keep everything a bay but some days I feel like I can't breath.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Half Baked

That's what the girls on the bump call it when we've hit 20 weeks of pregnancy. 20 weeks! How the hell did that happen? I guess since I spent most of 1st tri and all of 2nd tri vomiting it just snuck up on me. So with half my pregnancy behind me and half of it (give or take) in front of me I can't wait to see what's to come. Hopefully not more vomiting is part of it but I'm resigned to the fact that the sickness is just here to stay and so I'll deal with it.

Tomorrow we have our sonogram. While normally this is exciting for people because they get to find out the sex it's exciting for us because we get to see little burrito looking like an actual baby. We're taking the step-son with us so he can see his little bro/sis for the first time too. I'm anxious and excited all at the same time but mostly excited. Hubz has the philosphy that he's not going to worry until there's a reason to worry so I'm following his lead because otherwise I'll just work my self into a frenzy.

Unitl tomorrow when I'll follow up with details....

Monday, April 26, 2010

It's Been A while

It's been a while since I last posted and there's a lot going on. First, hubz recently read my blog and noticed that I had blogged about how I expected that nothing would get done around the house once he became unemployed. However, I never updated on that I was somewhat wrong. While he's been out of work for 6 months now, yes SIX MONTHS, with only a glimmer of prospect here and there he's still managed to get somethings done and while it's not as much as I would like it's something. He got the entire front room and all the hallways painted for our family christmas dinner. As well as getting our dead tree cut down in our front yard. He's also started plans for the front and backyard. It's definately more than I had hoped for, thanks hubz I love you.

On the pregnancy front I have now lost a total of 10 pounds and that is no bueno. I'm going back in 2 weeks, I'll be 20 weeks - or as the ladies on the bump call it half baked, and depending on the weight then we'll decide how to proceed. I must admit while I'm attempting not to get to worked up about it I am a little upset. I mean why can't my body get a handle on this whole being pregnant thing!? I'm still sick, although not as much thank goodness, and still have terrible food aversions. I can't eat much meat or most things and my lactose intolerance is still around, although I had that prior to pregnancy so that's in no way burrito's fault. Perhaps burrito is giving me such a hard time in utero because he/she is going to be a perfect babe upon birth...hey a girl can wish. So until May 7th, which is also the date of our sonogram where will get to see burrito for the first time since our dating ultrasound, it's a waiting (no pun intended) game.

In life news there's big things going on. My middle sister is getting married in 5 days! I told hubz while I realize she's a grown up all I see when I look at her is the little girl sitting on her training potty or the little girl with the big glasses and poofy hair, not that I have much room to talk on that. Sure I realize that she's a mom and now soon to be wife but to me she'll always be my little sister. As matron of honor and oldest sister I have the honor of giving a toast at her wedding and I'm having the hardest time even getting started. How do I put into words how happy and proud I am of and for her on what is surely to be one of the best days of her life. Typing this I'm crying so I can only imagine what Saturday will be like.

As I marry off one sister I have in the back of my head that in just 12 more months I'll be marrying off my baby sister which is even crazier to me. I firmly believe that there is no bond like that of sisters. Sure my littles are twins and so by nature closer to each other, but regardless I know that no matter what that the three of us share a bond like no other. Especially when you consider that we grew up as Army brats. We were the only sure friends we had everytime we moved.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Almost 4 months

Well, it's been a while since I last wrote. School had me quite busy the last week and half, it was really my own fault since I like to procrastinate, but I'm happy to say that I finished the quarter with a 4.0! I was worried as my Investment class was giving me a heck of a time but I some how managed to pull my mid-'B' up to a low 'A' and I'll take it!

In baby related news I'm almost 4months! How the heck did that happen!? I feel like time's just flying right by and I'm still not 100% enjoying in it because I'm STILL sick! Ugh! But I take the good days as they come and reap everything I can from them. I'm the first to admit that sometimes life isn't easy and this pregnancy is part of life so I'll push through, it's what I do, and I'll remember every second for what it has been a growning period for not only this wee babe I'm growing but myself as well. I'm aware of my own strength, though sometimes I forget, and believe that God doesn't give us what we can handle.

Speaking of God. This week is Holy Week and while my Lenten season hasn't been what it normally is, what with the extreme morning sickness, I still made sure that for the last 40 days I reflected on what God gave us, His son, to do for, Die for us. If that's not the true sacrafice of a parent I don't know what is. This year was especially symbolic for me as I prepare to become a parent myself. So as I celebrate this Easter holiday with the hubz and step-son, our last one as a threesome, I'll be reflecting on what is to come and the sacrafices I will surely make for my own children. Remembering all the while that all the struggles and triumphs are all part of God's plan.


Friday, March 19, 2010

13 weeks 1 day

Well, here I am into the 2nd trimester and I'm still sick. I'm not so much a complainer when I'm sick, I normally just suck it up and go on until I can't take it anymore. I think I'm just about ready to call Uncle! This is suppose to be a happy experience and really most of the day all I am is miserable. I'm sick of being sick and I feel bad for being miserable when they're are so many woman that would do anything to be in my place, so does that make me ungreatful? Everyone assures me it'll get better and that I should start to feel better any day now, oh yeah well any idea when that day might be?! I don't want to spend my entire first pregnancy wishing it would just hurry up and be done. It's for this reason that I try and make the most of the good days, even though they seem so far and few between.

Hubz and I, along with the step-son, are going to look at baby stuff this weeknd. Sure it seems early but the baby shower date has already been set and with the final quarter of school thrown in there not to mention marrying off one sister and working on planning the wedding of the other it'll be summer before I know it. Plus, there's not to much control I can have over this whole process, hence the unending morning sickness, so what little control I do have I cherish. Not to mention with hubz still unemployeed it's going to take some good budgeting and shopping to get me the things I WANT, and not have to settle on something because it's cheaper.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Secret's Out

Well, the secret's out. Hubz and I are having a baby! After the longest 11 months of my life we finally have a little bundle coming to join the craziness that is our life, and we couldn't be happier. It's been a long 12 weeks keeping the secret from everyone but we just wanted to get past the 1st Trimester before we shared it with the world. It's been a rough 2 months though. I've thrown up more in the last two months then I have in my entire life, even with 4-years of college, but it's all worth it (I think, no it is). Everyone assures me I should be turning a corner any day now, what with entering the 2nd Trimester, and I sure hope they're right because I'm hungry!

We're not finding out the gender. And while some of the family find it extremely inconvient I'm excited to prepare for this little bundle regardless of the sex. Plus, like hubz said there aren't many suprises, especially good ones, any more so this is well worth the wait. So now we start preparing the nursery and the house for a new little baby. I'm so EXCITED and anxious and unsure but more than anything blessed that God has finally answered our prayers.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


IRATE!!! that has just become my word for the day, and for once it's not about work. Most days I could care less about politics...politicians do what they want without much regard for how it affects us, BUT when one man stands in the way of my ability to perhaps pay my mortgage and other bills then I have a serious problem!!!! I'm writing my Senator and anyone else that will listen, halting unemployment benefits when it's keeping things from worse than they already are is not the answer to the budget deficit problem!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Lately, I've been in the worst mood. Everything and everyone grates on my nerves and I couldn't even tell you why. It's worse at work than at home which is bad since I deal with people on a pretty frequent basis while at work. I think it's because I haven't really had a vacation from this place in a very, very long time. Sure we just got a week off for snow, but I was in bed sick the entire time so it's not like I really got to enjoy it. I need some type of tropical location where I can get away from Virginia and all the annoyances of this place!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Somtimes you just wanna chuck the lemons...

Normally I'm all about making lemonade, ya know when life hands me lemons, but today I just want to say to hell with it and chuck the lemons. Hubz took his police academy test today and passed with flying colors only to be told that because of bad choices he made years ago he doesn't qualify. He's never been arrested but because of behavior that he chose to be truthful about in his interview just like that his dream to do this thing that he has a yearning for is no longer possible.

I've kept my head up for the past, almost, 5 months as we put everything on hold for him to persue a dream and just like that we find it was all for nothing. He's upset, I know, but I'm pissed it would have been nice to know that this behavior was going to keep him out. Then we could have pursued other options. Now instead we've wasted the last 5 months!

So once I again I find myself praying:
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change
Courage to change the things I can
And the wisdom to know the difference.

I know that what does not kill us makes us stronger, but sometimes I wish God didn't believe me to be so strong.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Southward Bound

I'm heading to South Carolina this weekend to visit a dear friend for her birthday! It's just me by myself, no hubz or step-son, and I'm so excited. I don't do this nearly enough, I use to but then we got married and have debt and hubz lost his job soooo :( . But I try to get away just me and some of my girls at least every 6 months. While I'm gone I expect nothing to get done at my house, that's just the way it tends to work, although I'm hoping hubz will suprise me and finish my coat closet and do laundry...a girl can wish.

I'll return on Sunday, hopefully with pictures and stories about the fantastic time. Don't worry that change is still coming but still isn't finalize. We should have everything all set two weeks from tomorrow and then I'll explain's gonna be BIG!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Same Day Different....

Well you get the idea. So I arrived at work this morning, at 6am, to an email that basically called me a slacker. Now I'm the first to admit that I surf the web a ton and like to be on FB and TheNEST frequently but if and only if I have nothing else going on, I'm quite the multitasker so I'm even able to do these things while working and still get things done. So when someone emails me and cc's my supervisor saying that I'm frequently behind on a responsiblity I take offense. I've been working on a big project for my branch for about the last year and since October we've been hot and heavy getting ready to deploy this new project. Needless to say since this project is pretty much my baby it's my #1 priority and everything takes second place to it. That doesn't mean things don't get done, they do, it just means they don't get done as quickly as they normally would if I didn't have this project to focus on. I hate how people thing that they're "thing" is always more important. Sorry but it's my time and I'll decide what's more important.

I woke up this morning vowing to have a good day and this didn't not help to start off my day right. However, with only a three day work week and a min-vacay to South Carolina planned this weekend I don't care. I took care of what needed taken care for this Jackass and now I'm moving on.

That change I talked about last week is slowly coming together and I can't wait to write all about it! Until then just suffice it to say that it's a BIG change and it's gonna be AMAZING and FUN!

Monday, January 11, 2010

More Change

Well, once again change is coming to the Curtsgrl household, nothing I can talk about just yet as we're finalizing some details, but suffice it to say we're super excited! I'm super exciteable though so....

In other news I'm almost done with book 3/50. Classes start back today so I don't know that I'll have much time for reading for fun, especially since both classes are online which means much better time managment on my part. Time will tell though maybe it won't be as bad as I'm thinking. Even if it is my eye's on the prize. I have two classes after this and I can apply for graduation on Friday! The end is most definately in site!

Friday, January 8, 2010

2010 Books

In an effort to direct my mind away from my baby making failure I've decided I'm going to read 50 books this year. Last year I read, but not was much as I normally do and I think it's because of school so I have a valid excuse. But I'm done with school in June and reading has always been away for me to escape from my problems and go off to another place. So I've set this 50 book goal.

The books will be a little bit of everything, because I don't want to limit myself or make it feel like chore. So 7 days into 2010 I've already read 2 books, the second one I read I finished in a week it was that good. So now I'm starting the Soosie Stackhouse series, the books that the True Blood TV series is based on. I'm super excited, haven't read a good vampire series since Twilight. The series is 8 books long but I'm sure they'll take me a bit since I'll also be fitting in 2 online classes for school.

Here's hoping I hit my mark by the end of the year.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Phantom Baby

So since I decided to not stress over my inablitiy to get PG I'm now shopping for my phantom baby that I may or may not ever get to have. I've found the stroller, it's orange and beautiful and with it being orange will definately work for either sex and therefore mulitple kids. Also, found some crib ideas. The room for the nursery is the smallest bedroom in the house, but perfect for a nursery b/c it's right next to the MBR. I found a couple of options that are called mini-cribs my DaVinci which is a well known crib maker.

Now I just need that baby!

Monday, January 4, 2010

2009 in Review

2009 as a whole was a good year. However, I spent most of the year hoping, wishing, praying, dreaming for a baby to have nothing. At the beginning it was hard and as one friend after another go KTFU and I didn't I thought my heart would break with the unfairness of it all. But then I took a deep breath, had a few drinks, and took a few steps back and rembered that with God all things are possible and I put my dream to be a mother in the hands of my savior. I trust that when the Lord sees fit I will be come a mother and there's not really much I can do about, for a control freak such as myself that's a little hard to say and belive but I have to and I do. So now without further ado I give my year in reveiw:

January - The first African-American President was elected (Barack Obama)

March - Newest nephew, Mr. Josiah Marelle, was welcomed
Visited Sarah in SC

April - Youngest niece, Ms. Elizabeth Melissa, celebrated her 1st birthday

June - Suprise shower up in Mass for SIL
Visited Cheronda in Cali

July - Oldest nephew, Anutan Tyrese, turned 10

August - VA shower and Bachelorette Party for SIL
Family vacay to OC with the lil bro

September - The month of birthdays and weddings. Most notabley SIL and hubz best friend both got married Labor Day weekend (not to each other)
Step-son turned 10
Hubz' godson turned 1

October - 2 year wedding anniversary, with many more years to come

November - SIL and her new husband hosted their first Thanksgiving dinner as husband and wife

December - Hubz and I hosted our first family Christmas at our house, it was loud and crazy and I loved it.

Now with 2010 getting started we're hoping for big things. I'll graduate in June with my MBA and hopefully hubz will get in the PWCPD, while it wouldn't be my first choice of a job for him it's what he really wants so I support him 100%. The step-son will start middle school in September and God willing it'll be a smooth transition. I'll continue to pray for those closest and far away, for our soliders and the safety of country, for our leaders to make the right choices that will benefit the masses and not just themselves and especially for the wee babe I long to call my own.

Welcome 2010...we've been waiting for you.

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