With only three days until Christmas I think I'm the most stress free I've been in years! It feels great. I finished up all our shopping, except for a few stragglers, last Friday and hubz and I have just about gotten everything wrapped except for our gifts to each other. I'd love to be like my Momma and have wrapped gifts as we got them but they just kept coming and before I knew it we were at the week before Christmas.
Now if only I didn't have to work this entire week ... BOO! It's brain numbingly boring at work this week. Most people are on vacation so it's very quite and since it's our slow time of year I don't have much to do. I just sit staring at my computer screen wishing for someone to send me an email requesting information that will take me longer than five minutes to get, but no such luck.
We bought our tree last weekend and it's ready to be decorated by Santa on Saturday. Then we'll just get to sit back and relax, I'm really looking forward to it.
With only three days left, what do you still have to do?
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Wordless Wednesday - A late Turkey Day Photo
I took this on Thanksgiving and was looking back on pictures in my phone when I came across it. I'm so in love with this little boy and find it hard to remember my life without him.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Wordless Wedndesday - New Trick
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Christmas Photo Card
Wintry Wonderland Holiday
Shutterfly always has unique designs for our holiday cards.
View the entire collection of cards.
Wordless(ish)Wednesday - 15 Months
My sweet boy is 15 months today! Where has the time gone? It seems like we were just celebrating your birthday and now you're a quarter of the way to your 2nd. My oh my what a difference 3 months can make.
You're doing so many things you weren't doing just 3 short months ago. Things like:
- Walking (you just started this in the last week or so)
- "Talking" -- although I use that term loosely because it's really just babbling but sometims I swear you're really trying to have conversation with us.
- Tantrums -- not fun and I'm hoping these stop as quick as they started
- NOT sleeping STILL -- Momma's exhausted sweet boy
- Your words are ever changing and growing you now say -- Momma, ball, night-night, Aidan, nom-nom, mmmmm, Daddy, car and I think dog but you don't say it often enough for me to be sure
- You LOVE to close things -- doors, cabinets, drawers whatever. If it's open you're closing it, or using an open door to eat dog food (I can still see you silly boy!)
- You're getting so tall you can reach things on the table and counters now so Momma has to be extra careful to push things back, although I doubt that's going to stop you for long.
- Speaking of how tall you are you can also reach door handles now, although you don't know how the work just yet.
- You've also started climbing on to the stair landings. I imagine it won't be long before you're climbing the stairs.
Monday, December 5, 2011
Heavy Heart
My heart is heavy today with news from my Dad that my Grandma is in the hospital and it doesn't look good. I thought we'd have a little more time, I had plans to go visit in the spring with the Bean and hopfully and new little bundle growing in my belly. She hasn't even met her newest great grandchild.
Growing up an Army brat we didn't really spend a lot of time with our extended family, but we always knew they were there. I don't have many memories of my Grandma, the one I remember the most is the time we lived with here while my dad got things set-up in Italy and there was a tornando. It was scary and an adventure all at the same time, I imagine that's just a skill grandparents have. Now as I sit here wondering if I'll be traveling south to Tennessee sometime this week I'm sad that my kids will never get to know her, or any of their great grandparents on my side personally but only through my memories.
I wish that I'd made the trip this summer like I'd originally planned and then life got in the way. Life always gets in the way. But I'm making a note to stop letting it be the reason for not getting important things, like time with family and friends, done. It's true ... tomorrow is not guranteed, we only have today. If you can spare a prayer or two I'd greatly appreciate it.
Growing up an Army brat we didn't really spend a lot of time with our extended family, but we always knew they were there. I don't have many memories of my Grandma, the one I remember the most is the time we lived with here while my dad got things set-up in Italy and there was a tornando. It was scary and an adventure all at the same time, I imagine that's just a skill grandparents have. Now as I sit here wondering if I'll be traveling south to Tennessee sometime this week I'm sad that my kids will never get to know her, or any of their great grandparents on my side personally but only through my memories.
I wish that I'd made the trip this summer like I'd originally planned and then life got in the way. Life always gets in the way. But I'm making a note to stop letting it be the reason for not getting important things, like time with family and friends, done. It's true ... tomorrow is not guranteed, we only have today. If you can spare a prayer or two I'd greatly appreciate it.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Another Year of Thanks(giving)
This time last year I was thankful for the fact that the Bean had just been taken off of the special formula he'd been on since his extended hospital visit, what a difference a year makes!
I'm thankful for a healthy little brown eyed boy that melts my heart and has changed me in the last year more than anything ever has.
I'm thankful for a husband whose been so understanding as I figure out the whole mothering thing while still being a wife.
I'm thankful for a job that pays the bills and allows me the flexibility to telework when necessary and work a compressed schedule so I get quality time with my family.
I'm thankful for my family/friends who make this crazy game of life well worth the ride.
I'm especially thankful for the men and women in the military who make it possible for me to have so many things to be thankful. I'm thankful for thier sacrafice of holidays with their own families so that we can all have dinner with ours.
Mostly I'm thankful to God for giving me yet another year on this earth to be surrounded by loved ones and try to become a better person.
Happy Thanksgiving!
I'm thankful for a healthy little brown eyed boy that melts my heart and has changed me in the last year more than anything ever has.
I'm thankful for a husband whose been so understanding as I figure out the whole mothering thing while still being a wife.
I'm thankful for a job that pays the bills and allows me the flexibility to telework when necessary and work a compressed schedule so I get quality time with my family.
I'm thankful for my family/friends who make this crazy game of life well worth the ride.
I'm especially thankful for the men and women in the military who make it possible for me to have so many things to be thankful. I'm thankful for thier sacrafice of holidays with their own families so that we can all have dinner with ours.
Mostly I'm thankful to God for giving me yet another year on this earth to be surrounded by loved ones and try to become a better person.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Thankful on Thursday
Thursday, November 17, 2011
I've got thoughts swirling in my head due to somethings going on at home but I can't find the words to put them down on paper so until I can all I have are some randomness that is my life. Like the fact that I was paying some bills today, it's payday and being a grown-up sucks on payday, when I saw that we only have 27 years and 8 months left on our mortgage ... YES! Or that I hate my neighbor, and I don't use the word hate lightly, the woman is a busy body and cannot mind her own damn business. Did I mention I'm going to see Breaking Dawn Saturday morning? SO EXCITED!
Speaking of Saturday I have a jam packed day with a pee wee football championship game for one nephew and a first birthday party for my youngest nephew, it's going to be a weekend full of family and I can't wait.
Here's hoping I can work out the words swirling into my head for tomorrow.
Speaking of Saturday I have a jam packed day with a pee wee football championship game for one nephew and a first birthday party for my youngest nephew, it's going to be a weekend full of family and I can't wait.
Here's hoping I can work out the words swirling into my head for tomorrow.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Wordless(ish) Wednesday
I go away for the weekend and this is what happens.
I think daddy wore him out, poor baby. At least I know he got a nap.
Yesterday morning little man had a rough start to the morning and daddy had to throw him in the bath tub and sent me this to brighten up my morning.
Sigh ... this kid melts my heart!
Happy Hump Day!
I think daddy wore him out, poor baby. At least I know he got a nap.
Yesterday morning little man had a rough start to the morning and daddy had to throw him in the bath tub and sent me this to brighten up my morning.
Sigh ... this kid melts my heart!
Happy Hump Day!
Wordless Wednesday
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
I got my ticket last nite and I have a morning date on Saturday with two of my favorite ladies to see part one of the final book in the Twilight Saga! I'm so excited!!!
Monday, November 14, 2011
No Bueno
That lovely right there is my blackberry that have I had for about 6 months. The picture on my wall paper is much better though, since it's a happy, scrunchy faced picture of the Bean the first time we put him on a swing!
MMMMMM....Hot chocolate, only my most favorite winter drink EVER. It must contain enough marshmallows to cover the top and a splash of Bailey's.
And now you're asking yourself what do these two things have in common? Excellent question and the answer is NOTHING! Which is why when my squishy little Bean threw my beautiful phone into my beloved drink I almost cried. We stuck it in rice and thought that would do the trick. But now my phone has a mind of it's own, which I guess is only fitting since it is my phone and a follower I am not but it's a little annoying so now I'm scouring eBay for a replacement because I'm not due for an upgrade with my cell provider until this time next year. So what did we learn from this little mishap? Well, that's simple .... electronics should not be used to mix hot chocolate.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Back to Life ....
Back to reality ... all good things must come to an end. After a great weekend at the beach spent scrapbooking, sleeping in and enjoying great company I'm back home to my boys. I missed them like crazy but it was a much needed, much enjoyed break away.
I came home to the laundry done and really that's all I can ask for, oh well that and my baby was alive and happy ...I'll take that! Now it's business as usual with work, daycare and ya know life in general. The good news is only a week and half until Thanksgiving and Black Friday and in that week and half time period I don't have to work more than four days each week.
I came home to the laundry done and really that's all I can ask for, oh well that and my baby was alive and happy ...I'll take that! Now it's business as usual with work, daycare and ya know life in general. The good news is only a week and half until Thanksgiving and Black Friday and in that week and half time period I don't have to work more than four days each week.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Scrapbooking at the Beach
I'm spending the weekend scrapbooking at the beach with my cropping group. The house is gorgeous and the company's fantastic. Until I can tell you all about it here's a picture of our veiw first thing this morning.
Yup it's just as relaxing and perfect as it sounds.
Yup it's just as relaxing and perfect as it sounds.
Friday, November 11, 2011
Veterans Day
I've spent my entire life, in one way or another, surrounded by the miliatry. Both my parents were Soliders and are Vets. Now, as an adult, I work as a civilian for the governement.
Growing up I didn't understand the importance of the job my parents had as Soliders, I really don't remember my mom as a solider since I was so young when she got out but I remember my Dad's career. As I gotolder and become more aware of the world around me it all began to make since. Their jobs as Soliders made it possible for me to have the freedom I did/do and it also allowed me to see parts of the country I may never have gotten to otherwise.
I've heard, and I believe, that we surround our selves with people that inspire us to be better and do better. It's probably for this reason that most of the important people in my life have been or are currently Soliders and if they don't fall into either of those catagories then they support Soliders in one way or another. Who better to inspire me than people who have freely choosen to put their lives on the line so that I can live freely.
Today is a celebration to honor America's veterans for their patriotism, love of country, and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good. So today take a moment to say a word of thanks to the people that make it possible for us to live our lives.
Happy Veteran's Day!
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Thankful on Thursday
It saw this on facebook today.

If that doesn't sum up the month November I don't know what does.

If that doesn't sum up the month November I don't know what does.
Thankful on Thursday
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Wordless(ish) Wednesday
Home sick with the Bean again today and will be again tomorrow. He's got strep so Momma doesn't have a lot of free time. Good thing it's wordless wednesday!
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My 30th birthday celebration! |
Wordless Wednesday
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Sick Day
My little Bean was home sick today which means Momma got lots of snuggles, which was nice but I'm exhausted. I picked him up from daycare yesterday and he was running a fever. Hubz called me at work at 715 this morning to let me know that little man wasn't feeling any better and was still running a fever so I hurried home to spend the day at home. I'm hoping tomorrow's a better day since I have a meeting I need to be at. However, if he's not we have a plan in place for me to go in for my meeting and then leave work after so that hubz can get to work. I'll probably also make him and appointment since by tomorrow we'll be on day three with a low grade fever and I'd rather be safe than sorry.
Keep us in your thoughts and prayers that little man is much better tomorrow and all he needed was a little Momma/Bean time.
Keep us in your thoughts and prayers that little man is much better tomorrow and all he needed was a little Momma/Bean time.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Daylight Savings
I missed my post yesterday thanks to daylight savings. What a horrible, horrible invention!!! The Bean was uber cranky all day which made for an uber cranky Momma. He fought sleep, crying for 15 minutes after I put him down for bed but then he slept through the nite so I suppose I can't complain too much. I was in bed by 730 and sleep by 9 but with eight hours of sleep in me I feel refreshed and ready for the week! Which is different because normally I dread Mondays.
November is looking like a fantastic month. This weekend I'm joining my scrapbooking ladies for a weekend at the beach, away from the husbands, for scrapbooking and relaxing. The last one I went to we had just announced we were expecting the Bean and my all day sickness from hell had kicked in, I'm think this time will be a little more fun. Next weekend my youngest nephew turns 1 and we know how I love a birthday so that's really all the explanation required. Then before I know it we're at Thanksgiving and Black Friday ... I'm so excited to get my shop on with my favorite sister-in-law. With such a busy month I think I better start scheduling posts so I don't miss another one this month.
Happy Monday!
November is looking like a fantastic month. This weekend I'm joining my scrapbooking ladies for a weekend at the beach, away from the husbands, for scrapbooking and relaxing. The last one I went to we had just announced we were expecting the Bean and my all day sickness from hell had kicked in, I'm think this time will be a little more fun. Next weekend my youngest nephew turns 1 and we know how I love a birthday so that's really all the explanation required. Then before I know it we're at Thanksgiving and Black Friday ... I'm so excited to get my shop on with my favorite sister-in-law. With such a busy month I think I better start scheduling posts so I don't miss another one this month.
Happy Monday!
Saturday, November 5, 2011
My Rock
That handsome fella in the blue, he's my rock. We fight and disagree but at the end of the day, even on the days when I want to strangle him, I wouldn't want to be in bed with anyone else.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Y3W -- Finally a Boy
If you pay attention my blog at all, or even look at the pictures I post then you know this post has nothing to do with me. Instead it's about my brother and sister-in-law. She's pregnant with their third and final baby and after three tries they're finally getting their much awaited boy and tomorrow we're going to shower my SIL and her much anticiapted little boy with tons of love and presents.
I love a party and there's something about a baby shower that makes me almost as happy as a birthday party. A baby owner gives us a chance to show our love and excitement for this new little life that is about to grace us with his perfection. All the hopes and dreams that his parents and we as his family have for him.
I'm excited that we'll have another little boy to add to the growing brood of boys that have been born into the family in the last three years, and I'm sure they're bond to cause a lot of trouble in the years to come. I'm excited for the bond that my sister-in-law is about to experience as a mom of a little boy. She's already a mom twice over but there's just something about a boy and his mom.
I love a party and there's something about a baby shower that makes me almost as happy as a birthday party. A baby owner gives us a chance to show our love and excitement for this new little life that is about to grace us with his perfection. All the hopes and dreams that his parents and we as his family have for him.
I'm excited that we'll have another little boy to add to the growing brood of boys that have been born into the family in the last three years, and I'm sure they're bond to cause a lot of trouble in the years to come. I'm excited for the bond that my sister-in-law is about to experience as a mom of a little boy. She's already a mom twice over but there's just something about a boy and his mom.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
A Gnome and that Scream Guy
Halloween is my absolute FAVORITE holiday, yes it's a holiday, and I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that it's my birthday. Now that I have a kid that I can dress up it's even more fun!!
We originally weren't going to get the Bean a costume, I couldn't see spending the money for a costume that he was going to wear for all of 10 minutes so I could take pictures then my Mother-In-Law asked and I figured if she wanted to spend the money all the power to her and that's how he wound up being a Garden Gnome, well that and because the Hubz has an obsession with garden gnomes (which is a post for itself). He HATED it and since I'm going for "Mother of theYear" I found his hatred highly entertaining, yup got that award all tied up.
The step-son also dressed up because if he wants to trick-or-treat he has to dress up, that's the house rule.
So that was a our Halloween. I stayed home with the Bean where we only got maybe 15 kids and 8 of those came from next door -- the neighbors have 10 kids but 2 are high school age so I'm sure they were off doing there on thing. The Bean was in bed by 730 and I called it quits an hour later. My how things have changed, but hey after 3 days in I'd say 30 isn't looking so bad.
We originally weren't going to get the Bean a costume, I couldn't see spending the money for a costume that he was going to wear for all of 10 minutes so I could take pictures then my Mother-In-Law asked and I figured if she wanted to spend the money all the power to her and that's how he wound up being a Garden Gnome, well that and because the Hubz has an obsession with garden gnomes (which is a post for itself). He HATED it and since I'm going for "Mother of theYear" I found his hatred highly entertaining, yup got that award all tied up.
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The picture on the left is very misleading, he's not happy. (Sorry for the crappy pictures, still learning my camera) |
So that was a our Halloween. I stayed home with the Bean where we only got maybe 15 kids and 8 of those came from next door -- the neighbors have 10 kids but 2 are high school age so I'm sure they were off doing there on thing. The Bean was in bed by 730 and I called it quits an hour later. My how things have changed, but hey after 3 days in I'd say 30 isn't looking so bad.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Wordless Wednesday
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He was too little to carve a pumpkin. So instead he ate the pieces I cut out of my pumpkin while I was carving. |
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He insists on sleeping horizontally. Regardless of the fact that he's too long. |
Wordless Wednesday
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Say what! No I didn't not just type a bunch of letters! Today starts National Blog Posting Month. For the next 30 days, 1-30 November, I'm going to do my best to post something every day. Some days it might just be a picture and other days it may be a rambling of my thoughts but every day until 1 December I'll be posting something, wish me luck.
Oh and I can't wait to tell you all about my 30th Birthday Masquerade Ball and all the fantastic presents I got, like my long coveted Nikon D5000!!!!!
Oh and I can't wait to tell you all about my 30th Birthday Masquerade Ball and all the fantastic presents I got, like my long coveted Nikon D5000!!!!!
Monday, October 31, 2011
Happy Birthday ... to ME!!!
Today's my birthday. This day has been 30 years in the making. When I was little I would dream about being a grown-up and for some reason I didn't think you were really a grown-up until you were 30. However, there was also something about 30 that scared me, I mean once I turned 30 what happened? Was life over as I knew it? Ahhhh...the wonderings of a child.
No to long ago, like 6 months probably, I was dreading the big 3-0. I haven't done any of the the things I thought I would by now. I was suppose to be a big corporate lawyer living in New York, probably still single and "looking to mingle". Alas, what is it they say about God laughing when we make plans? Well the Big Man has a great time at my expensive, and ya know what? I'm not upset about it.
A few times a year I like to reflect on my life, my birthday is one those occasions. My life is not without mistakes and errors in judgements but they all make up the person I've become. There are times I can clearly look back and remember as shaping points in my life: my parents seperation, my little brother's birth, my college acceptance, my Nana's passing, high school graduation, college (although some of it's hazy), meeting hubz and realizing he was it, my wedding, getting my Master's and most recently the birth of the Bean. All these moments have led me here, to today, the celebration of 30 years.
Tim McGraw sums up what I'll do with the next 30 years.
I think I’ll take a moment, celebrate my age
The ending of an era and the turning of a page
Now it’s time to focus in on where I go from here
Lord have mercy on my next thirty years
Hey my next thirty years I’m gonna have some fun
Try to forget about all the crazy things I’ve done
Maybe now I’ve conquered all my adolescent fears
And I’ll do it better in my next thirty years
My next thirty years I’m gonna settle all the scores
Cry a little less, laugh a little more
Find a world of happiness without the hate and fear
Figure out just what I’m doing here
In my next thirty years
Oh my next thirty years, I’m gonna watch my weight
Eat a few more salads and not stay up so late
Drink a little lemonade and not so many beers
Maybe I’ll remember my next thirty years
My next thirty years will be the best years of my life
Raise a little family and hang out with my wife
Spend precious moments with the ones that I hold dear
Make up for lost time here ,In my next thirty years
I wonder if I'll still have this blog 30 years from now? Where instead of blogging about the Bean and his siblings I'll be blogging about my grandkids! Will we have something even more advanced then computers by then? Who knows but I do know that in my next 30 years I'll continued to be surrounded by a group of family and friends that grounds me and drives me crazy all at the same time but that regardless of what we may go through I know will always have my back!
Happy Halloween!
No to long ago, like 6 months probably, I was dreading the big 3-0. I haven't done any of the the things I thought I would by now. I was suppose to be a big corporate lawyer living in New York, probably still single and "looking to mingle". Alas, what is it they say about God laughing when we make plans? Well the Big Man has a great time at my expensive, and ya know what? I'm not upset about it.
A few times a year I like to reflect on my life, my birthday is one those occasions. My life is not without mistakes and errors in judgements but they all make up the person I've become. There are times I can clearly look back and remember as shaping points in my life: my parents seperation, my little brother's birth, my college acceptance, my Nana's passing, high school graduation, college (although some of it's hazy), meeting hubz and realizing he was it, my wedding, getting my Master's and most recently the birth of the Bean. All these moments have led me here, to today, the celebration of 30 years.
Tim McGraw sums up what I'll do with the next 30 years.
Artist: | Tim McGraw | ||
Song: | My Next 30 Years | ||
Album: | |||
Average Rating: | 8.92 (212 votes) |
More songs from this artist Comments for this song | Listen / Buy |
I think I’ll take a moment, celebrate my age
The ending of an era and the turning of a page
Now it’s time to focus in on where I go from here
Lord have mercy on my next thirty years
Hey my next thirty years I’m gonna have some fun
Try to forget about all the crazy things I’ve done
Maybe now I’ve conquered all my adolescent fears
And I’ll do it better in my next thirty years
My next thirty years I’m gonna settle all the scores
Cry a little less, laugh a little more
Find a world of happiness without the hate and fear
Figure out just what I’m doing here
In my next thirty years
Oh my next thirty years, I’m gonna watch my weight
Eat a few more salads and not stay up so late
Drink a little lemonade and not so many beers
Maybe I’ll remember my next thirty years
My next thirty years will be the best years of my life
Raise a little family and hang out with my wife
Spend precious moments with the ones that I hold dear
Make up for lost time here ,In my next thirty years
I wonder if I'll still have this blog 30 years from now? Where instead of blogging about the Bean and his siblings I'll be blogging about my grandkids! Will we have something even more advanced then computers by then? Who knows but I do know that in my next 30 years I'll continued to be surrounded by a group of family and friends that grounds me and drives me crazy all at the same time but that regardless of what we may go through I know will always have my back!
Happy Halloween!
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Wordless Wednesday
It still amazes me that I'm a Momma to this little person that looks like me! Happy Wednesday.
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Just a Momma and her boy! |
Wordless Wednesday
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
I've mentioned before that ever since having the Bean I cry more frequently. Lately, I feel like I'm in a heightened state of emotions. I'm not really even sure why, well I partially am the hubz and I are in a weird place right now, and since I'm not 100% sure why it's hard for me to go about fixing it. It's like I'm being tested. Tested as a mother and wife mostly and I'm not passing the test.
After 13 months of motherhood I'm more overwhelmed now then I was when the Bean finally came home and was on special formula and a feeding schedule. The Hubz and I are in a rut and feel like we just keeping getting further and further in with no sign of ever it getting better. That last one is the biggy and what hurts my heart the most. It's like I can physically feel us moving apart.
I went into parenthood knowing that my life and marriage would change but this is not what I was expecting, AT ALL.
After 13 months of motherhood I'm more overwhelmed now then I was when the Bean finally came home and was on special formula and a feeding schedule. The Hubz and I are in a rut and feel like we just keeping getting further and further in with no sign of ever it getting better. That last one is the biggy and what hurts my heart the most. It's like I can physically feel us moving apart.
I went into parenthood knowing that my life and marriage would change but this is not what I was expecting, AT ALL.
Monday, October 17, 2011
The Bean turned 13 months two weeks ago, I still need to do his 13-month post, and he's growing by leaps and bounds. When he was first born, especially after he was so sick I use to compare him to friends babies that were a few weeks older and younger then him. Then I realized I was going to drive myself crazy doing that because he was going to do what he wanted, when he wanted and there was nothing I could really do about it short of being his cheerleader when he mastered a new skill.
In the last month all our kids have turned one and the Bean is still on his own schedule of doing things. He's still not walking and really isn't showing any signs of wanting to. He only has 4.5 teeth, that .5 is taking it's sweet time coming in. He was FINALLY sleeping through the nite until 2 weeks ago when he got his first ear infection and started cutting 4 teeth at once ...FUN!!! And still I don't worry that he's behind until I see that one of the little people is already in a toddler bed and the other's parents have bought a training potty and are getting ready to start potty training! So now I'm asking myself, am I holding him back? The thought of him in a toddler bed stresses me out because the kid gets into EVERYTHING and putting him in a room, by himself at nite where he is free to roam around just seems like a bad idea. And potty training, really, he can't even really talk yet!
Yesterday my mother-in-law said she was in awe of the fact that I hadn't become a helicopter parent after his illness (I'm paraphrasing). And while I was a little OMG about everything at first, I eventually realized that he's a kid. He's going to get sick and eat dirt and there's nothing I can do about it except love him and console him and hope he doesn't swallow too much of it -- the dirt. So I guess I'll just take everything in stride, just like I have since he was born, he'll tell us with his behavior when he's ready for a toddler bed and too potty train. Sure at this point we have a plan for both but the plan is just that and not set in stone. If come 18 months he's not ready for either then we'll reevaluate.
This parenting thing is tricky and comparing our kids makes it even harder. So I'm taking a step back and really realizing that everyone parents differently. I hate diapers and would love to be done with them, but since we're having more kids ... I hope ... diapers are in my for see able future so rushing The Bean out of them doesn't really mean much. And sure I wish it was a little easier to put him to bed when he's fallen asleep but in to short a time he won't even need me to put him to bed so I'm cherishing this time while I can because really it's gone before we know it.
Happy Monday.
In the last month all our kids have turned one and the Bean is still on his own schedule of doing things. He's still not walking and really isn't showing any signs of wanting to. He only has 4.5 teeth, that .5 is taking it's sweet time coming in. He was FINALLY sleeping through the nite until 2 weeks ago when he got his first ear infection and started cutting 4 teeth at once ...FUN!!! And still I don't worry that he's behind until I see that one of the little people is already in a toddler bed and the other's parents have bought a training potty and are getting ready to start potty training! So now I'm asking myself, am I holding him back? The thought of him in a toddler bed stresses me out because the kid gets into EVERYTHING and putting him in a room, by himself at nite where he is free to roam around just seems like a bad idea. And potty training, really, he can't even really talk yet!
Yesterday my mother-in-law said she was in awe of the fact that I hadn't become a helicopter parent after his illness (I'm paraphrasing). And while I was a little OMG about everything at first, I eventually realized that he's a kid. He's going to get sick and eat dirt and there's nothing I can do about it except love him and console him and hope he doesn't swallow too much of it -- the dirt. So I guess I'll just take everything in stride, just like I have since he was born, he'll tell us with his behavior when he's ready for a toddler bed and too potty train. Sure at this point we have a plan for both but the plan is just that and not set in stone. If come 18 months he's not ready for either then we'll reevaluate.
This parenting thing is tricky and comparing our kids makes it even harder. So I'm taking a step back and really realizing that everyone parents differently. I hate diapers and would love to be done with them, but since we're having more kids ... I hope ... diapers are in my for see able future so rushing The Bean out of them doesn't really mean much. And sure I wish it was a little easier to put him to bed when he's fallen asleep but in to short a time he won't even need me to put him to bed so I'm cherishing this time while I can because really it's gone before we know it.
Happy Monday.
Friday, October 14, 2011
Taken for Granted
I just read a post on Facebook from the dad of a little girl that passed away in September from cancer, she was 5. He talked about not taking people and life for granted. It got me thinking about the people and things in my life I take for granted. If you always assume that someone or something is always going to be there will you ever take the time to appreciate what they bring into your life?
Lately, I've been very frustrated (although I'm not sure that's the right word) with the state of my life. It's not so much work, but my personal life. I feel like I'm living my life alone and not in the partnership that I though I was suppose to have. Then it gets me thinking, am I expecting too much? I grew up in a family where my mom was the one doing it all and my dad was just kind of there, at least that's how it seemed to me, and now I feel like I'm living that same life. This isn't the life I thought I was getting but I guess I've allowed it to be that way. Then I read the words of this grieving father and think while I am surely being taken for granted I am also doing the taking for granted. So my thought is maybe if I appreciate the things that are getting done, even if they're small and not the way I'd do them, then maybe the appreciation will be payed forward.
I once read some where that you can't control the behaviors and actions of others, you can only control your own behaviors and actions. This is so true! I can only change the way I've been acting and hope that my behavior leads to changes in others. I don't expect perfect I just want content. I want to feel like I'm not carrying this extremely heavy, awkward load by myself. I want to know that I can count on someone to be there when I stumble and lately that's not what it feels like. Lately, it feels like it's just me, all alone left to battle life on my own with all the responsibilities that being a grown-up brings with it.
Lately, I've been very frustrated (although I'm not sure that's the right word) with the state of my life. It's not so much work, but my personal life. I feel like I'm living my life alone and not in the partnership that I though I was suppose to have. Then it gets me thinking, am I expecting too much? I grew up in a family where my mom was the one doing it all and my dad was just kind of there, at least that's how it seemed to me, and now I feel like I'm living that same life. This isn't the life I thought I was getting but I guess I've allowed it to be that way. Then I read the words of this grieving father and think while I am surely being taken for granted I am also doing the taking for granted. So my thought is maybe if I appreciate the things that are getting done, even if they're small and not the way I'd do them, then maybe the appreciation will be payed forward.
I once read some where that you can't control the behaviors and actions of others, you can only control your own behaviors and actions. This is so true! I can only change the way I've been acting and hope that my behavior leads to changes in others. I don't expect perfect I just want content. I want to feel like I'm not carrying this extremely heavy, awkward load by myself. I want to know that I can count on someone to be there when I stumble and lately that's not what it feels like. Lately, it feels like it's just me, all alone left to battle life on my own with all the responsibilities that being a grown-up brings with it.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
4 Years
4-years ago I married the man that I'm convinced was made for me. Eight years ago, when we met, I'd never guessed we'd be here, celebrating four years of marriage. He's more than my best friend, he's my husband. Our life may not always be the easiest but I know no matter what that we'll come out on the other side together. This time last year he was holding me up as I adjusted to being a new momma with a sick baby. And a year later we're cheering on that same little baby, who turned out to no be sick, as he tries to take is first steps. He tries keep me from being worried all the time and reminds me that life is for living and doesn't need a continuous schedule.
As I think about the next year, 5 years, 10 years and more I'm excited to see where life takes us. As we grow our family and work towards our dreams I'm happy to know that I'll be sharing it with this man that I truely feel blessed to have in my life.
Husband you make my life full and fun. While we might not always see eye to eye and we have our difficult and trying times know that no matter what we're a team and in 50 years we'll look back on all our road blocks fondly and realize it's how we got to where we are. I'm blessed to call you my husband, friend and partner.
Love you lovey! Happy Anniversary!
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Wordless Wednesday
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Friends ...
Sometimes I wish I was a kid again, it was so easy to make friends. However, then I remember how I was picked on for a time in elementary school and I rethink that wish. But seriously being a grown-up, momma and wife makes it hard to find people to hang out with because I'm always busy, tired or with my little cutie. And don't get me wrong I love it but sometimes I wish I had people in my life that were in the same place in their life that I could do things with ... of course if I did they'd never have any time because they'd be busy being a grown-up, Momma and wife. It's quite the quandary.
I sound like I'm some pathetic person who does nothing but sit in her house all alone moping and while most days I feel like that I do have some friends. My bestest friend in the whole world (she's pictured here) and I have been friends for close to 20 years! I love her like she's my sister because really after 20 years she might as well be but she's currently living in Cali and some days my heart hurts to have her so far away. She's moving back to VA in December and will be in Norfolk and I'm so excited and see many a road trip in my future! I also have hubz' sister whose one of my dearest friends and handful of other ladies that I love dearly so I'm not really sure of the point of this post because I do have friends. It's just sometimes I wish that I knew someone close by that was a working, kick-ass, weekday single Momma like myself that I could just call up and be like .. "Hey get thee and thy brood to my house for some grub." But alas I don't and so most days I feel like I'm all alone. Yes, I'm married but as I've mentioned ad nauseum hubz' job is shitastic and not family friendly AT ALL, so I spend a lot of nites taking care of things on my own and I'd just like a buddy to hang out with and drink wine with while our kids tear my house apart. But since that's not in the cards I guess it's just me, my glass ofwhine wine and, at least for this week, a fussy baby (he's got an ear infection). The good news is my baby's cute and the wine is readily available and delicious.
I sound like I'm some pathetic person who does nothing but sit in her house all alone moping and while most days I feel like that I do have some friends. My bestest friend in the whole world (she's pictured here) and I have been friends for close to 20 years! I love her like she's my sister because really after 20 years she might as well be but she's currently living in Cali and some days my heart hurts to have her so far away. She's moving back to VA in December and will be in Norfolk and I'm so excited and see many a road trip in my future! I also have hubz' sister whose one of my dearest friends and handful of other ladies that I love dearly so I'm not really sure of the point of this post because I do have friends. It's just sometimes I wish that I knew someone close by that was a working, kick-ass, weekday single Momma like myself that I could just call up and be like .. "Hey get thee and thy brood to my house for some grub." But alas I don't and so most days I feel like I'm all alone. Yes, I'm married but as I've mentioned ad nauseum hubz' job is shitastic and not family friendly AT ALL, so I spend a lot of nites taking care of things on my own and I'd just like a buddy to hang out with and drink wine with while our kids tear my house apart. But since that's not in the cards I guess it's just me, my glass of
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Wordless Wednesday
Monday, September 19, 2011
September ...
The month of September exhausts me, and it's looking like this year October will be just about the same, from the moment the month starts until it ends we're going, going, going! There's a birthday just about every day, including both or our boys, and with birthdays come parties. I've mentioned my love of birthdays so it's not like I mind but come 30 September I need a nice long weekend just to get over all the birthday fun from September.
Normally that break would come during our Anniversary weekend, Columbus Day weekend -- it's the only holiday I get where the kids are still in school, but this year we're doing family day at the Pumpkin Patch on Saturday which means nothing exciting going on for our anniversary. We'll go to dinner on the actual day and we're doing a lunch cruise with my college alumni group on Sunday but it's not quite as exciting as our Anniversary's were before the Bean came along. Last year we were just happy to have made it through the Bean's hospital stay. I guess this year we're just happy to have survived the Bean's first year.
Of course October also brings my birthday and this year's a big one ... 3-0! I was trying to plan my own party, since every year it's like everyone is surprised that I have a birthday, but have now been yelled at twice by my sister-in-law, who assures me that she's working on something -- guess time will tell. Since my birthday's Halloween I don't get all the fun stuff that hubby gets, like dinner out, but I do take the day off from work to have some me time. I already have plans to get a massage and I'm trying to decide if I want to get highlights in my hair. I'm a little nervous since my hair is finally healthy after 15+ years of chemically relaxing it but I still have a little time to decide.
Normally that break would come during our Anniversary weekend, Columbus Day weekend -- it's the only holiday I get where the kids are still in school, but this year we're doing family day at the Pumpkin Patch on Saturday which means nothing exciting going on for our anniversary. We'll go to dinner on the actual day and we're doing a lunch cruise with my college alumni group on Sunday but it's not quite as exciting as our Anniversary's were before the Bean came along. Last year we were just happy to have made it through the Bean's hospital stay. I guess this year we're just happy to have survived the Bean's first year.
Of course October also brings my birthday and this year's a big one ... 3-0! I was trying to plan my own party, since every year it's like everyone is surprised that I have a birthday, but have now been yelled at twice by my sister-in-law, who assures me that she's working on something -- guess time will tell. Since my birthday's Halloween I don't get all the fun stuff that hubby gets, like dinner out, but I do take the day off from work to have some me time. I already have plans to get a massage and I'm trying to decide if I want to get highlights in my hair. I'm a little nervous since my hair is finally healthy after 15+ years of chemically relaxing it but I still have a little time to decide.
Friday, September 16, 2011
3-years after being told I was going to get a promotion if finally happened! And at a perfect time, what with both boys having birthdays this month and our Anniversary, 4-years, next month. The extra money is definitely being put to good use as we pay off one car next month and the other by the beginning of next summer, ya know before we have to buy a bigger family car.
Speaking of bigger family car. I keep waffling on when we should start trying for our newest little bundle. We said February and really we can't afford it much before then, remember the two cars I just mentioned, but I'm ready! Actually I've been ready since the Bean was 9 months. It probably helps that he's finally sleeping through the nite. Of course it's only been a week and now that I've said that I'm sure I've jinxed it.
I still need to do a post about the Bean's birthday party but since I didn't get a lot of pictures I'm waiting on everyone to get theirs uploaded so I can steal them. On the topic of pictures I'm having the hardest time deciding which ones I want to buy from his Cake Smash session there's SO many. I'm giving myself a deadline to make a decision by the beginning of next month so we can get some hung up around the house, I still have to pick ones from the boys spring session too. I'm such a slacker.
I'm so glad it's Friday. We have a busy weekend, which is par for the course during September, but it's going to be spend with some of my favorite people so I'm not too upset. We don't really have a break until November, crazy I know.
Speaking of bigger family car. I keep waffling on when we should start trying for our newest little bundle. We said February and really we can't afford it much before then, remember the two cars I just mentioned, but I'm ready! Actually I've been ready since the Bean was 9 months. It probably helps that he's finally sleeping through the nite. Of course it's only been a week and now that I've said that I'm sure I've jinxed it.
I still need to do a post about the Bean's birthday party but since I didn't get a lot of pictures I'm waiting on everyone to get theirs uploaded so I can steal them. On the topic of pictures I'm having the hardest time deciding which ones I want to buy from his Cake Smash session there's SO many. I'm giving myself a deadline to make a decision by the beginning of next month so we can get some hung up around the house, I still have to pick ones from the boys spring session too. I'm such a slacker.
I'm so glad it's Friday. We have a busy weekend, which is par for the course during September, but it's going to be spend with some of my favorite people so I'm not too upset. We don't really have a break until November, crazy I know.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Let's Remember
I'm working about a post all about the Bean's first birthday party but first I think I should take a minute to remember how 10-years ago the world changed forever.
I was in the second year of college and on my way to accouting when someone mentioned in the elevator that someone had just flown into the Twin Towers and the Pentagon. At hearing that the Penatgon was hit I kind of went numb, I mean my Aunt worked there, I walked to my class dropped off my homework, explained what was going on and went back to my room where my roommates and friends from the same area were huddled around the tv. We'd stay in glued to the tv for the next 12 hours. One group, one family, united as we watched in horror as our homes and our lives changed forever.
Schools in Florida tend to be made up of a lot of northerners and The University of Tampa was no different. So while no one in my immediate group was personally touched by this horrible act there were members of campus that were touched and I grieve for them now like I did then. I grieve for the soliders and their families that have lost their lives fighting for our freedom. My faith tells me that it's not my place to judge those that were responsible but most days I find that difficult. How do I not judge people that could do such things! And so I pray that they recieved the judgement they deserved.
After that fateful day we as Americans came together as one. We were united and yet 10 years later I wonder where that unity has gone. We're more divided than kI can remember being in my time of understanding. Why does it take a tragedy to unite people? The beauty of America, and why some many want to be here, is because of our freedom to be who and what we are without fear. We take care of our own, or it's what we tout, and yet our politicians, the people we elect into office, can't seem to take care of us. I ask why are we no longer united.
On this the 10-year Anniversary of a tragedy that I will never forget I pray that we as Americans can get back to that unity that we felt and showed.
I was in the second year of college and on my way to accouting when someone mentioned in the elevator that someone had just flown into the Twin Towers and the Pentagon. At hearing that the Penatgon was hit I kind of went numb, I mean my Aunt worked there, I walked to my class dropped off my homework, explained what was going on and went back to my room where my roommates and friends from the same area were huddled around the tv. We'd stay in glued to the tv for the next 12 hours. One group, one family, united as we watched in horror as our homes and our lives changed forever.
Schools in Florida tend to be made up of a lot of northerners and The University of Tampa was no different. So while no one in my immediate group was personally touched by this horrible act there were members of campus that were touched and I grieve for them now like I did then. I grieve for the soliders and their families that have lost their lives fighting for our freedom. My faith tells me that it's not my place to judge those that were responsible but most days I find that difficult. How do I not judge people that could do such things! And so I pray that they recieved the judgement they deserved.
After that fateful day we as Americans came together as one. We were united and yet 10 years later I wonder where that unity has gone. We're more divided than kI can remember being in my time of understanding. Why does it take a tragedy to unite people? The beauty of America, and why some many want to be here, is because of our freedom to be who and what we are without fear. We take care of our own, or it's what we tout, and yet our politicians, the people we elect into office, can't seem to take care of us. I ask why are we no longer united.
On this the 10-year Anniversary of a tragedy that I will never forget I pray that we as Americans can get back to that unity that we felt and showed.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Then and Now
Because today is a day of celebrating and remembering:
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About 2 weeks old, at home with daddy. |
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His one year pictures. Courstey of A.V. Smith Photography |
birthday letter,
12 Months - 1 Year
How is that you're already 1 year old today? I feel like I just bought you home and here we are today celebrating your birth. We had a bumpy start there in the beginning but here we are a little older and a little wiser but no worse for wear. The last year has been one of the best of my life, even with all the sleepless nites, and I wouldn't trade it for anything.
This last month you've grown so much. Just last week you took your first 3-steps unassisted, I'm sure you'll be walking any day now. You don't eat baby food anymore, and really haven't for a while. We're still having some issues getting you to adjust to drinking milk but like everything else it will come with time. You're vocabulary is growing with leaps and bounds and imagine when you finally start talking you'll be like your brother in that we'll never be able to get you stop. We're still working on trying to get you to sleep through the nite but it'll happen soon enough.
You, my sweet boy, have forever changed my life. Not only by making me your Momma but by showing me what unconditional love is. Over the years I'm sure you'll do things that disappointment me, make me angry or sad but one thing will forever remain and that is my unconditional love for you. It's true what they (whoever "they"are) say ... becoming a Mother changes your life. It is most definitely a change I'll gladly take.
I love you sweet boy! Happy First Birthday!
How is that you're already 1 year old today? I feel like I just bought you home and here we are today celebrating your birth. We had a bumpy start there in the beginning but here we are a little older and a little wiser but no worse for wear. The last year has been one of the best of my life, even with all the sleepless nites, and I wouldn't trade it for anything.
This last month you've grown so much. Just last week you took your first 3-steps unassisted, I'm sure you'll be walking any day now. You don't eat baby food anymore, and really haven't for a while. We're still having some issues getting you to adjust to drinking milk but like everything else it will come with time. You're vocabulary is growing with leaps and bounds and imagine when you finally start talking you'll be like your brother in that we'll never be able to get you stop. We're still working on trying to get you to sleep through the nite but it'll happen soon enough.
You, my sweet boy, have forever changed my life. Not only by making me your Momma but by showing me what unconditional love is. Over the years I'm sure you'll do things that disappointment me, make me angry or sad but one thing will forever remain and that is my unconditional love for you. It's true what they (whoever "they"are) say ... becoming a Mother changes your life. It is most definitely a change I'll gladly take.
I love you sweet boy! Happy First Birthday!
One Year Ago Today....
It’s about 930 pm on September 12, 2010 and I’m sitting in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, for the third day, with Little Curt (A.K.A: The Bean / Trip). He’s 5 days old today and this is not at all how I imagined we’d be spending the day. We’re supposed to be at home enjoying his first Redskins/ Cowboys game on the big screen in the basement. Instead he’s got tubes in his nose and wires and what not attached everywhere else and he’s in a metal baby crib while I sit on a pullout chair with a breast pump attached to my boob watching the game. The Hubz is at home with the step-son because he needs a good nite’s sleep before he goes back to work tomorrow. I could have had my mother-in-law stay with me, but for what so we can both get hardly any sleep? Besides there nothing she could do for me that I can’t do for myself. So how did we get here?
My water broke the morning of Labor Day, September 6, 2010, as I was trying to get my breakfast. I’d just woken up starving just like every morning since I’d been pregnant. Once I realized what was going on I called Hubz, who’d just left for work maybe 30 minutes prior, and he headed back home. Next I called my mom, because she was going to be taking care of the step-son while we were at the hospital. I had the step-son pack a bag along with his school stuff because oh by the way the first day of school was the next day. Finally I was ready to call the Kaiser Advice Nurse. She asked me a million questions and told me to back a bag, which I’d already started doing, because chances were I was going to go to the hospital but we had to wait to hear back from the doctor on call. While I waited for a return call I packed my bag and got things together. I should mention that during this entire time, about and hour and half by now, I still hadn’t really had any major contractions. Maybe two or three but they were very tolerable and about ten minutes apart. The nurse finally called back about 11am and told me to head to the hospital but since I knew that chances were good they’d want to start Pitocin as soon as I got there, since my water had broke, I waited another hour or so spending the time walking around hoping to get my contractions moving. At about noon I decided we could go ahead and head to Fairfax INOVA Hospital, now I wish I’d either spent more time walking and not gone so soon to the hospital or that I’d been more of an advocate for myself and asked to hold off on the Pit so that I could try to get my labor started naturally without the drugs which is what I’d planned all along, not to have a natural birth but to let my labor be as natural as possible without the enhancement of drugs. I wound up getting the epidural after I’d dilated 3 cm, which was way longer, then I’d expected to make it before needing the drug, and then at hour 13 they started talking c-section because my labor wasn’t progressing. But Hubz was my rock and held them. At hour 15, midnight, the new doctor came in and started talking c-section again, I wasn’t happy that this doctor that I’d just met had barely taken the time to introduce himself and check me before he started talking about cutting me open and removing my baby. The Hubz and I talked with our nurse and decided we’d wait another hour and half, until 130a, and if I still hadn’t progressed we’d do the section, but things kind of took a turn for the not so good and at 100a the original doctor and the new doctor both came in and said that the baby wasn’t doing well and they really thought it was time to get him out, of course we didn’t know he was a he at this point. Well that’s all it took because the agreement had always been that if it became medically necessary we’d have the c-section no questions asked. They rolled me in at 115 and got me all set up, the Hubz came in at around 125 and about 10 minutes later the Bean was born at 135a, weighing 6 pounds 1 ounce, 20 inches long with a head full of almost black hair. In other words, he was PERFECT! The Hubz and the Bean were taken to recovery and waited for Momma while I got put back together and almost exactly one hour from start to finish I was with my two favorite guys. We were in recovery for about two hours and I was able to breast feed after the first hour. Trip latched on without any problems and all was golden for the rest of our stay at the hospital. I was doing so well that we were discharged after only 36 hours, instead of the standard 48, and I couldn’t have been happier because I was ready to get my little Bean home and get used to my new normal.
At home everything was going well until 3am on Thursday at which time Trip had been home for about 5 hours and he quit eating. We kept trying to put him to breast and he kept refusing or if he did take it, it wasn’t for anywhere near as long as hit had been. He slept most of the day Thursday and I also noticed that his color was a little off but just chalked it up to the little bit of jaundice all babies have. He was making weird grunting sounds that we thought were cute but would later find out were him having seizures. At the 2424 hour mark Hubz made the decision that we should go to the ER but I thought we should just call the Advice Nurse and see what they thought. The Advice Nurse put in a call to the Pediatrician on call who said that since he was still having wet and poopie diapers and since we had an appointment the next morning to continue to try and feed him and talk to our doctor that morning. So that’s what we did.
To be continued ... with the Bean's hospital stay and everything else that went along with it.
My water broke the morning of Labor Day, September 6, 2010, as I was trying to get my breakfast. I’d just woken up starving just like every morning since I’d been pregnant. Once I realized what was going on I called Hubz, who’d just left for work maybe 30 minutes prior, and he headed back home. Next I called my mom, because she was going to be taking care of the step-son while we were at the hospital. I had the step-son pack a bag along with his school stuff because oh by the way the first day of school was the next day. Finally I was ready to call the Kaiser Advice Nurse. She asked me a million questions and told me to back a bag, which I’d already started doing, because chances were I was going to go to the hospital but we had to wait to hear back from the doctor on call. While I waited for a return call I packed my bag and got things together. I should mention that during this entire time, about and hour and half by now, I still hadn’t really had any major contractions. Maybe two or three but they were very tolerable and about ten minutes apart. The nurse finally called back about 11am and told me to head to the hospital but since I knew that chances were good they’d want to start Pitocin as soon as I got there, since my water had broke, I waited another hour or so spending the time walking around hoping to get my contractions moving. At about noon I decided we could go ahead and head to Fairfax INOVA Hospital, now I wish I’d either spent more time walking and not gone so soon to the hospital or that I’d been more of an advocate for myself and asked to hold off on the Pit so that I could try to get my labor started naturally without the drugs which is what I’d planned all along, not to have a natural birth but to let my labor be as natural as possible without the enhancement of drugs. I wound up getting the epidural after I’d dilated 3 cm, which was way longer, then I’d expected to make it before needing the drug, and then at hour 13 they started talking c-section because my labor wasn’t progressing. But Hubz was my rock and held them. At hour 15, midnight, the new doctor came in and started talking c-section again, I wasn’t happy that this doctor that I’d just met had barely taken the time to introduce himself and check me before he started talking about cutting me open and removing my baby. The Hubz and I talked with our nurse and decided we’d wait another hour and half, until 130a, and if I still hadn’t progressed we’d do the section, but things kind of took a turn for the not so good and at 100a the original doctor and the new doctor both came in and said that the baby wasn’t doing well and they really thought it was time to get him out, of course we didn’t know he was a he at this point. Well that’s all it took because the agreement had always been that if it became medically necessary we’d have the c-section no questions asked. They rolled me in at 115 and got me all set up, the Hubz came in at around 125 and about 10 minutes later the Bean was born at 135a, weighing 6 pounds 1 ounce, 20 inches long with a head full of almost black hair. In other words, he was PERFECT! The Hubz and the Bean were taken to recovery and waited for Momma while I got put back together and almost exactly one hour from start to finish I was with my two favorite guys. We were in recovery for about two hours and I was able to breast feed after the first hour. Trip latched on without any problems and all was golden for the rest of our stay at the hospital. I was doing so well that we were discharged after only 36 hours, instead of the standard 48, and I couldn’t have been happier because I was ready to get my little Bean home and get used to my new normal.
At home everything was going well until 3am on Thursday at which time Trip had been home for about 5 hours and he quit eating. We kept trying to put him to breast and he kept refusing or if he did take it, it wasn’t for anywhere near as long as hit had been. He slept most of the day Thursday and I also noticed that his color was a little off but just chalked it up to the little bit of jaundice all babies have. He was making weird grunting sounds that we thought were cute but would later find out were him having seizures. At the 2424 hour mark Hubz made the decision that we should go to the ER but I thought we should just call the Advice Nurse and see what they thought. The Advice Nurse put in a call to the Pediatrician on call who said that since he was still having wet and poopie diapers and since we had an appointment the next morning to continue to try and feed him and talk to our doctor that morning. So that’s what we did.
To be continued ... with the Bean's hospital stay and everything else that went along with it.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
First Day of School
While today doesn't mean anything to me really, although this day last year I was in labor with the Bean, it's still signifies the end of the summer. I don't hate summer, but I'm much more a fall girl. My birthday is in fall, the weather's not to cold and not to hot and it leads up to the start of the holidays. My step-son starts 7th grade today, hard to believe in one more year he'll be in high school.
Tomorrow's the day. My little Bean turns One! I'm so sad, but in a good way, to see this day come. This last year has been amazing. I never thought I wanted to be a Momma and then to realize it's the thing I love most about my life now. Being that little boy's Momma is the single most gratifying thing in my life right now and while sometime I feel like I've lost the person I use to be I know that in time he won't need me as much and I'll get back to being that person, and maybe even better because of the person I want to be for him. This week is very low key and super short at work. Which is good since I have a few last minute party details to take care of.
Happy Tuesday!
Tomorrow's the day. My little Bean turns One! I'm so sad, but in a good way, to see this day come. This last year has been amazing. I never thought I wanted to be a Momma and then to realize it's the thing I love most about my life now. Being that little boy's Momma is the single most gratifying thing in my life right now and while sometime I feel like I've lost the person I use to be I know that in time he won't need me as much and I'll get back to being that person, and maybe even better because of the person I want to be for him. This week is very low key and super short at work. Which is good since I have a few last minute party details to take care of.
Happy Tuesday!
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
1 Week
This time next week I'll have a 1 year old. For 12 months I've watched in awe and amazement as this little person that grew inside me now grows everyday before my eyes. I've said before that I tend to be hyper-emotional, even more now that I'm a Momma, but this week even more so and I imagine it will get worse as September 7th approaches.
Yesterday our photog sent the pictures from his 1st birthday/cake smash shoot and I'm glad I got them at the end of the day because I cried. I cried because next Wednesday I'll no longer have a baby but at toddler. I cried because my little boy is about to surpass yet another milestone. Mostly though I cried because I remember just how close we were to not meeting this milestone after only 3 days of life.
I always believed in the power of prayer but after those first two weeks of the Bean's life I will proclaim to anyone that will listen that God is good and prayer is the MOST powerful tool we have in making miracles happen.
Yesterday our photog sent the pictures from his 1st birthday/cake smash shoot and I'm glad I got them at the end of the day because I cried. I cried because next Wednesday I'll no longer have a baby but at toddler. I cried because my little boy is about to surpass yet another milestone. Mostly though I cried because I remember just how close we were to not meeting this milestone after only 3 days of life.
I always believed in the power of prayer but after those first two weeks of the Bean's life I will proclaim to anyone that will listen that God is good and prayer is the MOST powerful tool we have in making miracles happen.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
As I was putting my nap resistant almost one year old down this afternoon I had a little flash back of this time last year. I would have never guessed that two weeks later I would be a Momma, although Hubz knew all along, and I would experience the most all encompassing love I have ever known. I also didn't realize that merely three days later that same sweet little bundle would spend 10 days in the hospital and for the entire 10 days and for months after I would be holding my breath waiting.
My life has definitely not taken the path I thought it would. After my parents separated when I was a teenager I swore to never get married or have children. I mean why would I when there was no guarantee that marriage would/could last and then when/if it didn't the kids were the ones that suffered. Then God proved He had a sense of humor and reminded me that He has a plan better than my own, and brought Hubz into my life. I won't say I was a goner right away, I fought my feelings for him with every fiber of my being, but to no avail since the Man Upstairs had a plan. While Hubz and I both come from divorced parents, his more than mine, that's about where our similarities end. We're different in so many ways and most days it makes being married to each other exhausting but hey nothing worth having is ever easy. We both went into this marriage with the agreement and understanding that divorce is not an option and that throwing the 'D' word around is unacceptable. We fight, we're both very stubborn and strong willed, and sometimes we even go to bed angry but we both know when it comes down to it that it's us against the world.
Also, not on my path, but apparently in the Big Man's plans, was kids. They cry, are needy and require way more of my personal time then I want to give or so I thought. Then something happened about 2 years after we were married, actually probably sooner than that I was just finally ready after 2 years, I wanted ... no NEEDED a baby. However, apparently I was quite as ready as I thought because it took us almost 12 months to get KTFU and when I finally did I was SOOOOOOOOOOOOO sick but I wouldn't have changed it for anything because 8.5 months later I had this little man who even on his whiniest, neediest of days is still the light of my life.
Lately, when I find myself reflecting, normally it happens when I'm nursing Bean to sleep, I smile at the unexpected path my life has taken. Because while it may not have been my plan it was always God's plan.
My life has definitely not taken the path I thought it would. After my parents separated when I was a teenager I swore to never get married or have children. I mean why would I when there was no guarantee that marriage would/could last and then when/if it didn't the kids were the ones that suffered. Then God proved He had a sense of humor and reminded me that He has a plan better than my own, and brought Hubz into my life. I won't say I was a goner right away, I fought my feelings for him with every fiber of my being, but to no avail since the Man Upstairs had a plan. While Hubz and I both come from divorced parents, his more than mine, that's about where our similarities end. We're different in so many ways and most days it makes being married to each other exhausting but hey nothing worth having is ever easy. We both went into this marriage with the agreement and understanding that divorce is not an option and that throwing the 'D' word around is unacceptable. We fight, we're both very stubborn and strong willed, and sometimes we even go to bed angry but we both know when it comes down to it that it's us against the world.
Also, not on my path, but apparently in the Big Man's plans, was kids. They cry, are needy and require way more of my personal time then I want to give or so I thought. Then something happened about 2 years after we were married, actually probably sooner than that I was just finally ready after 2 years, I wanted ... no NEEDED a baby. However, apparently I was quite as ready as I thought because it took us almost 12 months to get KTFU and when I finally did I was SOOOOOOOOOOOOO sick but I wouldn't have changed it for anything because 8.5 months later I had this little man who even on his whiniest, neediest of days is still the light of my life.
Lately, when I find myself reflecting, normally it happens when I'm nursing Bean to sleep, I smile at the unexpected path my life has taken. Because while it may not have been my plan it was always God's plan.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
I'm sorry I'm pretty sure I live on the East coast so why is that this afternoon my house began rattling and shaking, making me think it was about to explode, and causing me to run outside after grabbing the Bean from his crib. Oh because we had an Earthquake, a 5.9 Earthquake, in Northern Virginia. It was crazy! It was scary! It was NOT fun! And it resulted in the Bean going yet another day without a real nap ... someone shoot me now! This week is a good reminder of why I'm not nor could I ever be a stay-at-home mom. I love my little guy but it's too much when I can get him to nap and all he does is whine. Of course I'm not sure why I have these issues during the week but on the weekends I have no problem. Regardless I'm still enjoying this week with him, but I will most definitely be ready to go back to work on Thursday.
Speaking of Thursday we're headed to the Beach for the weekend on Thursday! Can't wait! Hubz' oldest brother's wife's family has a beach house in Corolla, NC and we're headed down Thursday nite after and unplanned dinner with Hubz' Aunt from Massachusetts. She was suppose to be here next weekend but apparently there was a change a plan and is normally the case with Hubz' family we didn't find out until after everything was already finalize. Ces la vie.
So one more day working from home and then to the office on Thursday.
Speaking of Thursday we're headed to the Beach for the weekend on Thursday! Can't wait! Hubz' oldest brother's wife's family has a beach house in Corolla, NC and we're headed down Thursday nite after and unplanned dinner with Hubz' Aunt from Massachusetts. She was suppose to be here next weekend but apparently there was a change a plan and is normally the case with Hubz' family we didn't find out until after everything was already finalize. Ces la vie.
So one more day working from home and then to the office on Thursday.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
On The Edge...
I'm on the edge, the edge of jumping back into the baby making game! Quite honestly I've been ready since the Bean was 9 months but that was just crazy talk. Hell it's crazy talk now since the kid still isn't sleeping through the nite, but I'm a glutton for punishment. However, I'm not taking the leap, not yet anyway. We said next Spring and by the grace of God I'll make it until then. I WILL make it until then, what with the Step-Son getting ready to head back to school and hubz deciding that one class on-line and class live isn't working out for him that means my life is about to become a little more hectic. Now let's add to all the school madness that I'm about to have a toddling 1 year old and I think it may be just enough stress to remind me that we need this next season to really get our shite together, not to mention my house is a MESS, I swear it hasn't had a good cleaning since the Bean was born. So the plan is in the next 6-months to start/finish some projects we've been putting off, get both vehicles paid off and consolidate our 3 joint accounts into 2 maybe 1.
While I'm waiting for the baby making to commence I'll be adding to our cloth diaper stash, getting the Bean started on cloth diapers and working on getting his Big Boy room ready for next summerish. Speaking of Big Boys ... he's going to be 1 in 3 short weeks! (TEAR) Birthday plans are coming along swimmingly. Invites are going out tomorrow, although I was sad that the quality of the picture wasn't as good in print as I thought it was on the screen but nothing I can do now. The girl that made them was super great to work with the picture quality had everything to do with me and I should have looked at it better when she sent me the file, but it's still super cute. His little onsie should be here this weekend, in time for his pictures!
Speaking of pictures! His one year pictures with Angela from A.V. Smith Photography are Sunday! Can't wait. We're doing them at a park near her house. I'm making one of those Giant Cupcakes for him to smash and get into as well as a little tie for him to wear with his diaper. Her work is great I can't wait to see what she does.
Okay well it's off to continue my teetering on the edge ...wish me luck!
While I'm waiting for the baby making to commence I'll be adding to our cloth diaper stash, getting the Bean started on cloth diapers and working on getting his Big Boy room ready for next summerish. Speaking of Big Boys ... he's going to be 1 in 3 short weeks! (TEAR) Birthday plans are coming along swimmingly. Invites are going out tomorrow, although I was sad that the quality of the picture wasn't as good in print as I thought it was on the screen but nothing I can do now. The girl that made them was super great to work with the picture quality had everything to do with me and I should have looked at it better when she sent me the file, but it's still super cute. His little onsie should be here this weekend, in time for his pictures!
Speaking of pictures! His one year pictures with Angela from A.V. Smith Photography are Sunday! Can't wait. We're doing them at a park near her house. I'm making one of those Giant Cupcakes for him to smash and get into as well as a little tie for him to wear with his diaper. Her work is great I can't wait to see what she does.
Okay well it's off to continue my teetering on the edge ...wish me luck!
Sunday, August 7, 2011
11 Months
My Little Bean
What is happening?! Time is going by faster than I can keep up and all I want to do is wrap you in a bubble and make it stop! But since that's not realistic, at least that's what daddy says, I continue to watch change and grow every day.
You're 11 months today! While I know you're not aware of the way you've changed my life in the last 11 months I'm so very aware. I know that before I was your Momma and I was different, good or bad I could say, but now that past is but a blur.
You've done tons of new things in the last month, most important being your saying Momma!!!! I'm sure you don't realize what it means but it's a step in the right direction. You now have 3 1/2 teeth, the second top one isn't quite through yet, and are getting back to sleeping through the nite. You weigh about 20# and you're probably about 29in by now. However, since we don't know your measurements for sure you're still riding around in the bucket seat, which daddy loves but Momma hates. You eat anything I give you, although you're not a fan of steak or broccoli but neither is Momma so who could blame you. You're all smiles when I pick you up from Ms. Diane's which melts my heart everyday and puts me in a great mood regardless of how bad work was that day. You're finally getting past your sepeartion anxiety, which wasn't as bad as it could have been but still not fun regardless. With the addition of Momma to your vocabulary you're up to 4 words (dadda, momma, uh-oh and hi <~you're first word). You're not keen on walking and that's okay because I'm sure you'll be doing it before I know it.
Next month you'll have a day that's all about you and I'm sure I'll cry, they'll be happy tears though. I can't believe how fast this year has gone. But I'm forever thankful that God blessed me with you. You're my reason for being Bean and that will always be.
Momma loves you!
What is happening?! Time is going by faster than I can keep up and all I want to do is wrap you in a bubble and make it stop! But since that's not realistic, at least that's what daddy says, I continue to watch change and grow every day.
You're 11 months today! While I know you're not aware of the way you've changed my life in the last 11 months I'm so very aware. I know that before I was your Momma and I was different, good or bad I could say, but now that past is but a blur.
You've done tons of new things in the last month, most important being your saying Momma!!!! I'm sure you don't realize what it means but it's a step in the right direction. You now have 3 1/2 teeth, the second top one isn't quite through yet, and are getting back to sleeping through the nite. You weigh about 20# and you're probably about 29in by now. However, since we don't know your measurements for sure you're still riding around in the bucket seat, which daddy loves but Momma hates. You eat anything I give you, although you're not a fan of steak or broccoli but neither is Momma so who could blame you. You're all smiles when I pick you up from Ms. Diane's which melts my heart everyday and puts me in a great mood regardless of how bad work was that day. You're finally getting past your sepeartion anxiety, which wasn't as bad as it could have been but still not fun regardless. With the addition of Momma to your vocabulary you're up to 4 words (dadda, momma, uh-oh and hi <~you're first word). You're not keen on walking and that's okay because I'm sure you'll be doing it before I know it.
Next month you'll have a day that's all about you and I'm sure I'll cry, they'll be happy tears though. I can't believe how fast this year has gone. But I'm forever thankful that God blessed me with you. You're my reason for being Bean and that will always be.
Momma loves you!
Thursday, August 4, 2011
More Party Details
My Sweet Bean will be 11 months on Sunday so I'm in full party planning mode. The invite design is finished and I'll order invites this weekend. I just ordered his onsie for the big day:
Isn't it so cute. The shop had tons of cute stuff but I've had my eye on this for months now and it matches his invites perfectly! I'm ordering favors from Oriental Trading next week and the Momma's on task for an uber cute cake, she never disappoints so I'm not worried in the least. We're all set up for pictures with our photographer Angela with A.V.Smith Photography, she did his 2 months pictures and pictures of both the boys this summer. We love her! All that'll really be left is some DIY stuff I want to tackle like the birthday banner and the photo timeline.
I'm so excited and sad at the same time because he's on his way to being a toddler and not my little baby.
![]() |
It's from Maddie Bug Baby |
I'm so excited and sad at the same time because he's on his way to being a toddler and not my little baby.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Making a Change
I'm making a change. Not a full-time change but a change and I'm so excited about it. A few weeks ago I read a blog entry of a Working Momma who was going to start cloth diapering part-time. Then I got to thinking back before the Bean was born, and was just a little Burrito growing in my belly, I had thought about cloth diapering but I never did any research, 6 months of ALL day sickness got the better of me with that, so disposables it was. However, months before I ever read this post I started thinking about again and reading that blog was my sign, I'm big on signs, that it was time to seriously start researching and seeing if it was going to be more work than it was worth. According the Working Momma in the aforementioned post it's not, so now I'm getting set up to give it a try. I bought my first two diapers on e-bay last nite for a whopping $5 total! I'm on the search for few more just to get us started and see how we, really me because Hubz isn't so much on board, like it. We'll still have disposables around for when others are watching him and don't feel comfortable with the cloth and for overnight and long trips out, oh and daycare. I'll use them exclusively on the weekends and as much as possible during the week but since he spends most of the day at daycare I'm not sure how that will go.
I was talking to one of my sister-in-law's that cloth diapers and she says it will also help with potty training, when the time comes, because he'll be more aware of being wet. Yet another bonus! I'll report back once we get started about how it's going. If it becomes to much I'll stop because being a Working Momma I don't need anything that's going to be adding more stress to my life and we've been using disposables for almost a year with no issue so if it turns out that that's the way it's meant to be then so be it.
I was talking to one of my sister-in-law's that cloth diapers and she says it will also help with potty training, when the time comes, because he'll be more aware of being wet. Yet another bonus! I'll report back once we get started about how it's going. If it becomes to much I'll stop because being a Working Momma I don't need anything that's going to be adding more stress to my life and we've been using disposables for almost a year with no issue so if it turns out that that's the way it's meant to be then so be it.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Wordless Wednesday - New Bean
Monday, July 25, 2011
Last Week
There was plenty to update about last week. Like mine and the Bean's road trip to South Carolina, which was fantastic -- if I don't count the last hour coming home, or the fact that we now have a wide open summer with nothing we HAVE to do and plenty of things we WANT to do. But I couldn't focus on any of that or do Wordless Wednesday with a cute picture of the Bean because I felt like I was drowning. Drowning in an ocean of resentment, anger and pure emotional exhaustion.
I tried to step back from it and not let it take me over but it did and I felt like I just could not get the control back. Anyone that knows me knows that control is something I have to have, especially of my life, in order to maintain my sanity and keep my Bitch under contrl but last week I just couldn't regain it. I'd let it get to far out of my reach and stood outside of myself and watch as I slowly went under. But after what was surely the roughest weekend I've had in a while I think, hope that things are going to turn around. I figure after the slow downward spiral I'd been on, things can only go up.
And so that's all I'm saying on my short, unplanned hiatus. This week it's back to 1st birthday plans, we're 44 days away. Some Wordless Wednesay and a lot of other nonsensical prattle that I'm sure no one cares about but I put out into the interwebs because it's good for my brain and sanity to let it out.
Happy Monday!
I tried to step back from it and not let it take me over but it did and I felt like I just could not get the control back. Anyone that knows me knows that control is something I have to have, especially of my life, in order to maintain my sanity and keep my Bitch under contrl but last week I just couldn't regain it. I'd let it get to far out of my reach and stood outside of myself and watch as I slowly went under. But after what was surely the roughest weekend I've had in a while I think, hope that things are going to turn around. I figure after the slow downward spiral I'd been on, things can only go up.
And so that's all I'm saying on my short, unplanned hiatus. This week it's back to 1st birthday plans, we're 44 days away. Some Wordless Wednesay and a lot of other nonsensical prattle that I'm sure no one cares about but I put out into the interwebs because it's good for my brain and sanity to let it out.
Happy Monday!
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Monday, July 11, 2011
Weekend Recap
Remember that concert we were suppose to go to on Friday, to see the handsome Darius Rucker? Well it was a no go. It stormed just as we got int to town and though the concert was rain or shine the Bean was not down with rain. He screamed and was crying hysterically even though he was in the stroller and covered, guess the pool is okay but acid rain not so much. Of course if we had just gotten in the car and waited 20 minutes, which was still plenty of time before the concert started, we would have had clear skies and great weather for the actual concert. Oh well, we'll try again when he's a little older. I spent the rest of the evening lounging around watching Season 3 of the Tudors while Hubz was playing softball.
Saturday, I spent the morning doing more yard work and the early afternoon napping with the Bean. Later in the day we went to watch Hubz play softball then joined some friends over at the in-laws for a little swimming, it was H-O-T. I left swimming early because the Bean was tired, as he should be getting up at 330 and then 7 in the morning, so we went home for dinner and bed. Saturday nite was the same as Friday I laid in bed watching more Season 3 of the Tudors, hubz was still swimming.
Sunday I was exhausted and cranky because this time the Bean was up from 1130 - 115 and refused to sleep and finally woke up for the day at 7. He was whiny and cranky most of the morning, so I knew there was most definitely a nap in both of our futures. The nite before Hubz had taken it upon himself to invite everyone over for swimming later in the day, good thing I was consulted (note the sarcasm), so we wound up with an somewhat impromptu bbq. I'm not gonna lie I was a little ticked that my last free weekend day was being taken up hosting people but that was before my nap. Once I was able to get a nap and the Bean took a good 2.5 hour nap I was in a better mood and happy to have everyone over enjoying the nice weather and each others company.
This weekend the Bean and I are headed to South Carolina, just the two of us, to visit with an old college friend. This will be the first time I've seen her since my shower exactly 1 year ago this Sunday and this will be the first time she's meeting the Bean. I'm super excited since I normally see in her in January but didn't make it down this year due to just getting a grip on breastfeeding after Bean had been so sick. I'm sure we'll have a great visit and I can't wait to meet up with another old friend from my days at UT. Thursday afternoon can't get here soon enough.
I'll leave you with this picture from this weekend at Hubz softball game.
Saturday, I spent the morning doing more yard work and the early afternoon napping with the Bean. Later in the day we went to watch Hubz play softball then joined some friends over at the in-laws for a little swimming, it was H-O-T. I left swimming early because the Bean was tired, as he should be getting up at 330 and then 7 in the morning, so we went home for dinner and bed. Saturday nite was the same as Friday I laid in bed watching more Season 3 of the Tudors, hubz was still swimming.
Sunday I was exhausted and cranky because this time the Bean was up from 1130 - 115 and refused to sleep and finally woke up for the day at 7. He was whiny and cranky most of the morning, so I knew there was most definitely a nap in both of our futures. The nite before Hubz had taken it upon himself to invite everyone over for swimming later in the day, good thing I was consulted (note the sarcasm), so we wound up with an somewhat impromptu bbq. I'm not gonna lie I was a little ticked that my last free weekend day was being taken up hosting people but that was before my nap. Once I was able to get a nap and the Bean took a good 2.5 hour nap I was in a better mood and happy to have everyone over enjoying the nice weather and each others company.
This weekend the Bean and I are headed to South Carolina, just the two of us, to visit with an old college friend. This will be the first time I've seen her since my shower exactly 1 year ago this Sunday and this will be the first time she's meeting the Bean. I'm super excited since I normally see in her in January but didn't make it down this year due to just getting a grip on breastfeeding after Bean had been so sick. I'm sure we'll have a great visit and I can't wait to meet up with another old friend from my days at UT. Thursday afternoon can't get here soon enough.
I'll leave you with this picture from this weekend at Hubz softball game.
His hat was way to big, but he didn't care. |
Friday, July 8, 2011
Y3W - Darius Rucker Concert!!!!!
Behold the good looking man that is Darius Rucker! Tonite the Bean and I will be joining the Nana, an old school friend of mine and her family for a concert in Fredericksburg. We've had our tickets for months and I'm so EXCITED!!!! This will be the Bean's first concert so there will be many pictures and a follow-up post next week for sure! Now to hope that the weather is somewhat bearable, and absolutely NO RAIN!!!
Thursday, July 7, 2011
10 Months
My Sweet Bean
Today you're 10 months and I kind of have to stop and breathe when I think about how close you are to being 1. I wonder if it'll always be like this? If I'll always feel like I've missed so much just because I blinked.
You're constantly on the move now, crawling so fast that sometimes I can't believe how quick you are. You're pulling up on everything and I can tell you want so bad to be able to walk. Nana says you're a lot like I was at the age, always wanting to be a part of everything and so afraid you're going to miss something. I often look at you and wonder how I got so lucky to be your Momma. My heart swells with pride with each new milestone you reach and there's nothing like seeing that big smile I get from you whenever you walk into a room.
You're second tooth is just about broken through. And you eat everything and anything I put in front of you, and even whatever you find on the ground. At your 9 month dr's appointment you were 18 lbs, 7 oz and 28 inches long. Not yet big enough to come out of your bucket seat but still so big compared to the tiny 6 lbs you were at birth!
My sweet, sweet boy my love for you grows by leaps and bounds and every day and I can't imagine loving you any more than I do right now, but I know I will.
Momma loves you Bean!
Today you're 10 months and I kind of have to stop and breathe when I think about how close you are to being 1. I wonder if it'll always be like this? If I'll always feel like I've missed so much just because I blinked.
You're constantly on the move now, crawling so fast that sometimes I can't believe how quick you are. You're pulling up on everything and I can tell you want so bad to be able to walk. Nana says you're a lot like I was at the age, always wanting to be a part of everything and so afraid you're going to miss something. I often look at you and wonder how I got so lucky to be your Momma. My heart swells with pride with each new milestone you reach and there's nothing like seeing that big smile I get from you whenever you walk into a room.
You're second tooth is just about broken through. And you eat everything and anything I put in front of you, and even whatever you find on the ground. At your 9 month dr's appointment you were 18 lbs, 7 oz and 28 inches long. Not yet big enough to come out of your bucket seat but still so big compared to the tiny 6 lbs you were at birth!
My sweet, sweet boy my love for you grows by leaps and bounds and every day and I can't imagine loving you any more than I do right now, but I know I will.
Momma loves you Bean!
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Trip's 1st Birthday Party Planning - Take 1
In the last month I've had my fair share of parties, sounds crazy even to me since I LOVE a good party, but in 2 months, and one week I'll be partying the day, or at least a couple of hours, away in celebration of the Bean's 1st Birthday. I'm pretty sure I've already mentioned my LOVE of birthdays. It's the one day out of the year that's all about you, I secretly feel bad for multiples because they have to share that day with other siblings, when you get to enjoy having everyone focus on you -- I of course love to have this happen everyday but that's just me. So you can best believe I've been bouncing around thoughts for Trip's birthday for quite awhile, not since he's been born but at least since he was 6 months.
Before we found out we were having a little boy, which didn't happen until they pulled him out of my stomach, I fell in love with this cute Turtle bedding and that's what is currently in his room. I also have a LOVE polka dots and well since really the 1st Birthday is more about the parents surviving the first year and the baby surviving the parents survivng the first year I used those two thinks, Turtles and polka dots, for the theme of Trip's birthday. I found the cutest invite that incorprates the two and so I'm pulling the colors from it:
I spent some time on Pintrest, my newest obsession because I need another social time suck, finding a few cute ideas like this cake:
and this little 1st year time line:

We're also going to get a bounce house, I'm hoping I can find a Turtle one, so that there's stuff for the kids to do beside swim. And I'm thinking about games but may not do any since Trip's still kind of small for them but there most definitely will be a pinata, what's a kids birthday without a pinata?
So with only two months, and a week to go, I'm in party planning mode. I can't wait and at the same time I can. I'm sad that my little guy is already going to be 1, where'd the time go? But I know we have many and adventure left! Did I mention that exactly 2 weeks after this party I'll be having another birthday party, this time for the step-son. September is just TOO busy with birthdays and that's why there will be no serious baby talk until at least February.
Before we found out we were having a little boy, which didn't happen until they pulled him out of my stomach, I fell in love with this cute Turtle bedding and that's what is currently in his room. I also have a LOVE polka dots and well since really the 1st Birthday is more about the parents surviving the first year and the baby surviving the parents survivng the first year I used those two thinks, Turtles and polka dots, for the theme of Trip's birthday. I found the cutest invite that incorprates the two and so I'm pulling the colors from it:
See SO cute! |
Nothing like a turtle with a bithday hat! |
We're also going to get a bounce house, I'm hoping I can find a Turtle one, so that there's stuff for the kids to do beside swim. And I'm thinking about games but may not do any since Trip's still kind of small for them but there most definitely will be a pinata, what's a kids birthday without a pinata?
So with only two months, and a week to go, I'm in party planning mode. I can't wait and at the same time I can. I'm sad that my little guy is already going to be 1, where'd the time go? But I know we have many and adventure left! Did I mention that exactly 2 weeks after this party I'll be having another birthday party, this time for the step-son. September is just TOO busy with birthdays and that's why there will be no serious baby talk until at least February.
party planning,
Monday, June 27, 2011
Horrible Neighbors
That's apparently what our neightbor thinks we are. Since we moved into our house almost 3 years ago, in August, we've had the county called on us about one thing or another. Everything pretty much came to a head on Friday when I found out that our neighbor, we have several but this is our only next door neighbor the others live across the street or are seperated by many trees and a creek, decided to talk to my 11 year old step-son about things she would like us to do at our house. Okay now I'm the first to admit that in my marriage hubz is the more reasonable, reserved of us but I especially lose all reasonableness when you involve my child! Had my sister-in-law and a friend been at our house I probably would have marched right over to this woman's house and let her know what I thought of her, this could have ended badly, but instead I kept my wits about me -- barely -- called hubz and ranted and raved then called the Momma and ranted some more. Saturday Hubz tried, you just can't reason with bitchiness, to talk to her about talking to our child and about her harrassment, since at this point that's what it is, and she pretty much told him that we're horrible neighbors and that it's been painful living next door to us. WTF!!! We've been in the house 3 years, we bought it as a foreclosure and hubz lost his job for 6 months so we were just happy to keep the lights on, water running and a roof over our head! But she doesn't care because as she kept telling Hubz, owning a house is a responsiblity -- YA THINK!!! -- sure our backyard doesn't look as well kept as hers but we also don't have the money to pay yard people and we have jobs and kids to take care of.
Sufice it to say -- it's now war and this woman has no idea who she's messing with! Oh and did I mention we have no HOA so anything and everything we do, or don't do, to our house is because we want to and not because we have to. She reminds me why I HATE people.
Sufice it to say -- it's now war and this woman has no idea who she's messing with! Oh and did I mention we have no HOA so anything and everything we do, or don't do, to our house is because we want to and not because we have to. She reminds me why I HATE people.
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