Friday, April 25, 2014


You know what I'm learning as I get better at this Parenting thing?  Time is fleeting and goes faster than we'd like. Every day my kids are changing & growing and I feel like I'm not taking enough time to enjoy this current season because I'm always overwhelmed by EVERYTHING there is to do. I don't ever want to look back and think I wish I'd done better, and really right now that's how I feel.  I wish I'd done better at not yelling because I was so tired and felt like my life was spiraling out of control.  I wish I'd handle that situation better and not overreacted.  It feels like my life is a constant series of I wish statements...even though every nite I go to bed thinking I'll do better tomorrow, one day there won't be a tomorrow?

This blog was meant to be a way for me to keep track of my life as a Momma and Wife but for almost 3 months I've neglected it because I just can't get enough time.  I guess the fact that I choose to make face time with my kids more important is good so I shouldn't be too disappointed.

Ugh...well here's hoping I can find the time to be more attentive of this chronicle.  If not, guess I'll see ya in another 3 months.