Monday, April 1, 2013

Ramblings ...

I keep telling my self that I'm going to get better about blogging, then my life overwhelms me again and well 3 weeks go by before I find time to blog.  It kind of makes me sad because this is supposed to be my place to get my thoughts out and chronicle my kids lives and my life but the one thing I want to be sure to have memories of is the one thing that keeps me from doing it.  It's a vicious cycle really.

I found a new blog several months ago that speaks to my heart, Momastry.  Glennon, the writer, has a way with words that brings tears to my eyes and shaking my head in complete agreement with everything she says.  She hasn't had an easy life and she's completely upfront about that but she also knows that God, her faith in something bigger than us, is what guides her and leads her and allows her continue to try.  Like I said she speaks to my heart.

The Bean is in full blown terrible twos and most days I just don't handle it well.  There's too much yelling, by us both, and not enough laughing and just being.  I'm trying to get a handle on it and just when I think I do, I realize I don't.  I'm trying to remember that this stage is normal, I even read an article that said so, but oh how it trys my already frazzled nerves.  Luckily I know everyday is another day to do better, for both of us.

Sweet baby girl is still sweet and cute and I'm cherishing every minute.  As crazy as it sounds I'm sad that we won't be ready for #3 as soon as I would like but that just means she gets to be my baby a little longer.  She recently started flipping from her tummy to her back.  At first she was not happy about it but now she's all smiles and coos after she does it, she's so proud of herself.  She's on the verge of starting to laugh as well, I can't wait to see what things really get her going.  I can't believe she'll be 5 months in a couple of weeks. 

In June Hubz and I will be together for 10 years!  It's crazy that it seems like forever and not forever all at the same time.  I was hoping to pull something special together for us but with an impending furlough, a car that it appears it may need a new transmission, summer camp for the step-son and bills that's highly unlikely to happen. Why is that to the two most inconvenient, money sucking things always wind up to happen at the same time?  We're hoping the warranty we got with the car will cover most if not all of the transmission problem but to be honest I'm not hopeful just because that's our life and when it rains it pours.

So there's my ramblings and goings on for the last three weeks.  I really am going to try and be better, although I'm not sure why I'm worried about it since I don't really have any followers.  Of course with the broken transmission comes me being the one that gets to do Daycare drop off and pick-up...HOORAY! Not really since that also means not rest for the weary, or the Momma, since the Hubz basically won't have to do anything on weekdays except sleep in and get home late, which is what he does now anyway.  It only sucks a little.

Happy Monday!  Don't let anyone fool ya, it is after all April Fools.

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