Monday, March 23, 2009

The Fever

The fever's stronger than ever. It baffles me that when we're younger we do everything we can to NOT get pregnant. Then when we're older and married, assuming you take the normal order of the things, and are ready to be pregnant it's not as easy as our parents led us to believe. So that's where I stand trying to figure out how to move this process along. I want a baby NOW!!! It was my decision to wait until I was a least half way through my master's program and I will be in June, but if we're not pregnant by Julyish then we have to take a three month break so I'm not SUPER pregnant for my sister's wedding next May and it's just come to my attention that my other sister is apparently getting married, but once again she decided not to share anything with I'm starting to take it personal, but first I'm going to talk to her about it before I put her on blast on this blog.

EDIT: it's not that she wasn't telling anyway she's trying to be sisterly and not take the other sister's spotlight. looks like i'll have another wedding to plan this time next year and this ones a destination wedding...ST.THOMAS watch out the dawson girls are coming to town.

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