Thursday, October 9, 2008

Crazy Fever...

That's baby fever. Hubz and I plan to have kids and definatly sooner rather than later. However, I also have plans to get my Master's which I'm working on. While I know plenty of people go to school and have babies I just don't think I want the me selfish but I think it's responsible. I could never give a newborn or school the full attention either would deserve. So we're waiting but only another year because while I couldn't give school and a baby my full attention I could still be pregnant and going to school.

So for now I fawn over all the cute baby pictures on the nest. Not to mention those of my newest adopted nephew, Mason and my niece Elizabeth. Soon to be added to my baby madness is my newest niece or nephew from my baby sister. With all these babies hopfully my fever will subside until next fall. Here's hoping....

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